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Created April 19, 2019 03:31
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package nsmain
import kotlin.random.Random
typealias PlayerMark = String
//Board is a list of marks, indexed by x,y coords from upper left 0 based
class Board(private var cells: List<PlayerMark?>) {
companion object {
const val playerX: PlayerMark = "x"
const val playerO: PlayerMark = "o"
var allCellPositions = listOf(
0 to 0, 1 to 0, 2 to 0,
0 to 1, 1 to 1, 2 to 1,
0 to 2, 1 to 2, 2 to 2
val winPositionOptions = listOf(
listOf(0 to 0, 0 to 1, 0 to 2),
listOf(0 to 1, 1 to 1, 2 to 1),
listOf(0 to 2, 1 to 2, 2 to 2),
listOf(0 to 0, 1 to 0, 2 to 0),
listOf(1 to 0, 1 to 1, 1 to 2),
listOf(2 to 0, 2 to 1, 2 to 2),
listOf(0 to 0, 1 to 1, 2 to 2),
listOf(0 to 2, 1 to 1, 2 to 0)
fun createInitialBoard(): Board {
return Board(cells = List(9) { null })
override fun toString(): String {
return cells.chunked(3).joinToString (separator = "\n")
fun getOpenCells(): List<Pair<Int, Int>> {
return Board.allCellPositions.filter { pos ->
!this.isCellOccupied(pos.first, pos.second)
fun getCellContents(x: Int, y: Int): PlayerMark? {
require(x in 0..2 && y in 0..2)
return this.cells[x + y * 3]
fun isCellOccupied(x: Int, y: Int): Boolean {
return this.getCellContents(x, y) != null
fun isCellOccupiedWith(x: Int, y: Int, mark: PlayerMark): Boolean {
require(mark == Board.playerX || mark == Board.playerO)
return this.getCellContents(x, y) == mark
fun markCellWith(x: Int, y: Int, mark: PlayerMark): Board {
require(mark == Board.playerX || mark == Board.playerO)
require(0 <= x && x < 3 && 0 <= y && y < 3)
require(!this.isCellOccupied(x, y))
// return Board(cells = this.cells.withCopy { set(x + y * 3, mark) })
return Board(cells = this.cells.asCopy(x + y * 3, mark))
private fun checkSingleWinOption(opt: List<Pair<Int, Int>>, mark: PlayerMark): Boolean {
return opt.all { entry -> this.isCellOccupiedWith(entry.first, entry.second, mark) }
private fun checkSingleWinner(mark: PlayerMark): Boolean {
return Board.winPositionOptions.any { opt -> checkSingleWinOption(opt, mark) }
fun checkForWinner(): PlayerMark? {
if (this.checkSingleWinner(Board.playerX)) {
return Board.playerX
} else if (this.checkSingleWinner(Board.playerO)) {
return Board.playerO
} else {
return null
private fun <E> List<E>.withCopy(action: MutableList<E>.() -> Unit): List<E> {
return this.toMutableList().apply { action() }
private fun <E> List<E>.asCopy(index: Int, value: E): List<E> {
return this.toMutableList().apply { set(index, value) }
class Game(
var board: Board = Board.createInitialBoard(),
private var winner: PlayerMark? = null
) {
fun hasWinner(): Boolean {
return winner != null
fun getWinner(): PlayerMark {
return this.winner as PlayerMark
fun makeAutoMove(mark: PlayerMark, rnd: Int): Game {
var nboard: Board
if (!this.board.isCellOccupied(1, 1)) {
nboard = this.board.markCellWith(1, 1, mark)
} else {
val opts = this.board.getOpenCells()
val tup = opts.random(Random(rnd))
nboard = this.board.markCellWith(tup.first, tup.second, mark)
return Game(board = nboard, winner = nboard.checkForWinner())
fun makeExplicitMove(x: Int, y: Int, mark: PlayerMark): Game {
require(!this.board.isCellOccupied(x, y))
var nboard = this.board.markCellWith(x, y, mark)
return Game(board = nboard, winner = nboard.checkForWinner())
fun main() {
var game = Game()
game = game.makeAutoMove(Board.playerX, 0)
game = game.makeAutoMove(Board.playerO, 1)
game = game.makeAutoMove(Board.playerX, 2)
game = game.makeExplicitMove(2, 0, Board.playerO)
game = game.makeExplicitMove(2, 1, Board.playerX)
game = game.makeExplicitMove(0, 0, Board.playerO)
if(game.hasWinner()) {
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