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Created February 22, 2012 20:11
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(ns lol
(:use clojure.test))
(def board [nil :bomb nil nil
:bomb nil nil nil
nil nil :bomb nil
:bomb nil nil :bomb])
(defn bomb?
"Returns true if cell n contains a bomb, false otherwise."
[board n]
(if (or (< n 0) (>= n (count board))) false
(= :bomb (board n))))
(is (true? (bomb? board 1)))
(is (false? (bomb? board 2)))
(is (false? (bomb? board -3)))
(is (false? (bomb? board 1337))))
(defn neighbours
"For a cell n, return a list of the cell's neighbours."
(map #(+ n %)
(remove nil?
(let [left (not (zero? (rem n 4)))
right (not (zero? (rem (inc n) 4)))
top (>= n 4)
bottom (< n 12)]
[ (when (and left top) -5)
(when top -4)
(when (and right top) -3)
(when left -1)
(when right 1)
(when (and left bottom) 3)
(when bottom 4)
(when (and right bottom) 5) ]
(is (= [2 6 7] (neighbours 3)))
(is (= [8 9 13] (neighbours 12)))
(is (= [0 1 2 4 6 8 9 10] (neighbours 5))))
(defn bombs
"For a cell n, return the number of bombs adjacent to it."
[board n]
(count (filter #(bomb? board %1) (neighbours n))))
(is (= 3 (bombs board 5)))
(is (= 0 (bombs board 3)))
(is (= 2 (bombs board 14))))
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