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Created April 17, 2017 12:39
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GHC's mergesort replaced by a better implementation, 24/12/2009.
This code originally contributed to the nhc12 compiler by Thomas Nordin
in 2002. Rumoured to have been based on code by Lennart Augustsson, e.g.
and possibly to bear similarities to a 1982 paper by Richard O'Keefe:
"A smooth applicative merge sort".
Benchmarks show it to be often 2x the speed of the previous implementation.
Fixes ticket
sort = sortBy compare
sortBy cmp = mergeAll . sequences
sequences (a:b:xs)
| a `cmp` b == GT = descending b [a] xs
| otherwise = ascending b (a:) xs
sequences xs = [xs]
descending a as (b:bs)
| a `cmp` b == GT = descending b (a:as) bs
descending a as bs = (a:as): sequences bs
ascending a as (b:bs)
| a `cmp` b /= GT = ascending b (\ys -> as (a:ys)) bs
ascending a as bs = as [a]: sequences bs
mergeAll [x] = x
mergeAll xs = mergeAll (mergePairs xs)
mergePairs (a:b:xs) = merge a b: mergePairs xs
mergePairs xs = xs
merge as@(a:as') bs@(b:bs')
| a `cmp` b == GT = b:merge as bs'
| otherwise = a:merge as' bs
merge [] bs = bs
merge as [] = as
/// Sort a list using a comparator function.
pub fn sort_by(&self, cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering) -> List<A> {
fn merge<A>(la: &List<A>, lb: &List<A>, cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering) -> List<A>
where A: Clone
match (la.uncons(), lb.uncons()) {
(Some((a, _)), Some((b, ref lb1))) if cmp(a, b) == Ordering::Greater => {
cons(b.clone(), &merge(la, &lb1, cmp))
(Some((a, la1)), Some((_, _))) => cons(a.clone(), &merge(&la1, lb, cmp)),
(None, _) => lb.clone(),
(_, None) => la.clone(),
fn merge_pairs<A>(l: &List<List<A>>, cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering) -> List<List<A>>
where A: Clone
match l.uncons2() {
Some((a, b, rest)) => cons(merge(a, b, cmp), &merge_pairs(&rest, cmp)),
_ => l.clone(),
fn merge_all<A>(l: &List<List<A>>, cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering) -> List<A>
where A: Clone
match l.uncons() {
None => list![],
Some((a, ref d)) if d.null() => a.clone(),
_ => merge_all(&merge_pairs(l, cmp), cmp),
fn ascending<A>(a: &A,
f: &Fn(List<A>) -> List<A>,
l: &List<A>,
cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering)
-> List<List<A>>
where A: Clone
match l.uncons() {
Some((b, ref lb)) if cmp(a, b) != Ordering::Greater => {
ascending(b, &|ys| f(cons(a.clone(), &ys)), &lb, cmp)
_ => cons(f(list![a.clone()]), &sequences(l, cmp)),
fn descending<A>(a: &A,
la: &List<A>,
lb: &List<A>,
cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering)
-> List<List<A>>
where A: Clone
match lb.uncons() {
Some((b, ref bs)) if cmp(a, b) == Ordering::Greater => {
descending(b, &cons(a.clone(), &la), bs, cmp)
_ => cons(cons(a.clone(), &la), &sequences(&lb, cmp)),
fn sequences<A>(l: &List<A>, cmp: &Fn(&A, &A) -> Ordering) -> List<List<A>>
where A: Clone
match l.uncons2() {
Some((a, b, ref xs)) if cmp(a, b) == Ordering::Greater => {
descending(b, &list![a.clone()], xs, cmp)
Some((a, b, ref xs)) => ascending(b, &|l| cons(a.clone(), &l), &xs, cmp),
None => list![l.clone()],
merge_all(&sequences(self, cmp), cmp)
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