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Last active May 12, 2017 19:13
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AgoraPulse automatic interaction
* This code will automatically like or comment instagram post in agorapulse interface
* Instead of recode a fullbot, I decided to use the free version of agorapulse and try to code a little script to automate interactions
* This is just a try, the code is dirty and it's likely to fail in the future.
* How to use, after you logedin agorapulse
* go to your instagram account > tab monitoring (assuming you are monitoring some hashtag)
* then >
* 1- Copy this code in the dev console
* 2- type: ";"
* 3- filter console message "[AUTO]"
(function() {
* Very Basic Sentences generator
* - It will pick a random templates (which cover 90% of instagram comments)
* - Then pick random emoji/word
* It can generate thousand of different combinaisons without too much code
function SentenceMaker() {
var _this = this;
var templates = [
'{{word}} {{emoji}}',
'{{emoji}} {{word}}',
'{{emoji}} {{word}} {{emoji}}',
var emojis = [
'😍', ':)', '😊', '<3', '✌', '👌', ':o',
'👍', '🔥', '😚', '😲', '😏', '💪', '👏',
'🙏', '🙌', '👍', '💙', '❤'
var words = [
'wow', 'lovely', 'So niiice', 'I like it so much', 'incredible',
'wow, I need to get here', 'cool shot', 'perfect', 'amazing picture',
'Cute', 'That is dope, really great work', 'Wooow sooo pretty',
'Pretty', 'damn', 'amazing', 'So coooool', 'Great', 'I love this',
'Stunning', 'Love this one', 'Beautiful', 'brilliant pic',
'need to do the same pic', 'Sweet', 'Nice shot', 'Dope',
'Stunning', 'Wah', 'YES', 'So beautiful', 'Awesome', 'Oustanding',
'So great, keep it up', 'OMG', 'Awesome post', 'You\'r the best',
'OK wow', 'Super', 'Fabulous', 'Fantastique', 'Spectacular', 'Superbe',
_this.emoji = function() {
var em = emojis[Math.floor(Math.random() * emojis.length)];
return em.repeat(Math.round(Math.random() * 3));
_this.word = function() {
var wo = words[Math.floor(Math.random() * words.length)];
var modifier = Math.random();
console.log(modifier, wo);
if (modifier > 0.8)
wo = capitalizeFirstLetter(wo);
else if (modifier > 0.7)
wo = capitalizeAllFirstLetter(wo);
else if (modifier > 0.6)
wo = lowerAll(wo);
else if (modifier < 0.1)
wo = upperAll(wo);
var punc = (Math.random() * 10) > 9 ? '!'.repeat(Math.round(Math.random() * 3)) : '';
return wo + punc;
function capitalizeAllFirstLetter(string) {
return string.toLowerCase().split(' ').map(function(word) {
return capitalizeFirstLetter(word);
}).join(' ');
function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
function upperAll(string) {
return string.toUpperCase();
function lowerAll(string) {
return string.toLowerCase();
function run() {
var template = templates[Math.floor(Math.random() * templates.length)];
var sentence = template;
var occurrences = template.match(/\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g);
if (!occurrences || !occurrences.length)
return sentence;
for (var i = 0; i < occurrences.length; i++) {
var action = occurrences[i].replace('{{', '').replace('}}', '').trim();
var result = '';
if (action.match(/\((.+?)\)/)) {
try {
result = eval(action);
} catch (e) {}
} else {
if (_this[action]) {
result = _this[action]();
} else {
result = '{{ ' + action + ' }}';
sentence = sentence.replace(occurrences[i], result);
return sentence;
return {
run: run
// ***************************************** MAIN Script
function Automatic() {
var _this = this;
var action = ['like', 'comment']; = run;
_this.restart = restart;
_this.sentenceMaker = new SentenceMaker();
return _this;
* Launch main script
function run() {
var t = $('.table.background-white.table-hover > td:not(.approved) .list-item-wrapper');
if (t.length <= 0) {
console.warn('[AUTO] nothing to do');
var $item = $(t.get(0));
var action_rand = action[Math.floor(Math.random() * action.length)];
// when liking we do not append comment
// but we mark it as reviewed
if (action_rand === 'like') {
} else if (action_rand === 'comment') {
* Restart randomly to be less "bot"
function restart($item) {
// auto restart script*
var timeout = Math.round(Math.random() * 10000 * 4);'[AUTO] will restart in', timeout, 'ms');
setTimeout(function() {
console.warn('[AUTO] RESTARTING', $item, _this);
// remove item, just to be sure
Math.random() > 0.5 && clearReviewed();;
}, timeout);
* Like a picture
function like($item) {'[AUTO]', 'Liking');
var $like = $item.find('footer span[data-ng-controller="InstagramItemViewLikeController"] > a');
function openPanel($item) {
function closePanel() {
$('#mainFixedNav > a').get(0).click();
function review($item) {
var $review = $item.find('.btn-toolbar');
function clearReviewed() {
$('.table.background-white.table-hover > td.approved').remove();
* Comment a picture
function comment($item) {
var sentence =;'[AUTO]', 'Writing "', sentence, '"');
// Dirty way to wait for dom to be ready
setTimeout(function() {
var $text = $('#mainDetailWrapper form[name="replyForm"] textarea');
$text.get(0).value = sentence;
setTimeout(function() {
var event = $.Event('input');
setTimeout(function() {
var $button = $('#mainDetailWrapper .footer .pull-right .btn.btn-small');'[AUTO]', 'submit');
}, 100);
}, 100);
}, 1000);
window.APA = new Automatic();
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