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Evan Boehs boehs

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boehs / imagexss.svg
Last active February 16, 2024 04:17
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boehs /
Last active December 20, 2023 07:48
A little guide to UniFFI for iOS (using Proc macros)

Hi all! My app, Love Your Music, needs a cross platform backend shared between a swift and kotlin codebase. UniFFI has been an absolute joy to use, but unfortunately the setup process is a little bit poorly documented. No problem! I got you <3. This tutorial assumes you have a file structure like


Why Rust × Swift? A common use for rust is FFI, which we are actually doing right here anyway! But if you can FFI to Swift, you can FFI to anywhere. Cross platform apps writen in native code (e.g. apps with a Kotlin counterpart) benefit greatly from shared libraries and UniFFI. In addition, the Rust community is significantly larger, and so it's very likely you'll find crates that are more battletested, more featureful, higher performance, more documented, or even nonexistant in Swift.

boehs / Marquee.swift
Created December 1, 2023 18:46
SwiftUI marquee text
// Marquee.swift
// lym
// Created by Evan Boehs on 11/30/23.
import SwiftUI
public struct MarqueeText : View {
boehs / MastodonLinker.swift
Last active March 19, 2024 20:39
Open Mastodon URL iOS SwiftUI
struct MastodonLinker {
var instance: String
var user: String
@Environment(\.openURL) private var openURL
func openMastodonLink() {
let urls = [
boehs / fr24.ts
Created October 30, 2023 15:56
FlightRadar24 scrapper for tracking specific flights (used in 2023 Lewiston, Maine Shootings Wikipedia article)
//[...document.querySelectorAll('a[data-flight-duration]')].map(e => e.getAttribute('data-flight-hex'))
interface FlightPlaybackPoints {
latitude: number
longitude: number
timestamp: number
type FlightPlaybackResponse = {
flight: {
boehs / parser.ts
Created September 7, 2023 13:28 times to sheet (for desmos)
[...temp1.querySelectorAll('[_ngcontent-ng-c2304734222]')].map(e => e.textContent).filter(t => t.match(/^\d\d:\d\d/)).map((t,i) => {
let [m,s] = t.split(':')
return i + ',' + (Number(m) + (Number(s) * (100/60) / 100))
boehs / instagram-export-parser.ts
Created August 27, 2023 02:55
instagram data export profile parser
[...document.querySelectorAll('a')].map(a => a.textContent).sort().join('\n')
boehs / owid.ts
Created July 5, 2023 17:25
OWID helper
let global: {
[entity: string]: {
[year: number]: {
[col: string]: string
} = {}
async function pCSV(fName: string) {
const f: string[][] = (await Bun.file(fName + ".csv").text()).split("\n").map(l => l.split(','));
boehs / file.js
Last active June 23, 2023 02:55
(quizlet| to seperated words
let words = document.querySelectorAll('.SetPageTerm-wordText');
[...document.querySelectorAll('.SetPageTerm-definitionText')].map((def,index) => def.textContent + " " + words[index].textContent).join('\n')
let weights = Object.fromEntries("IJ​IJ ij​ij LJ​LJ Lj​Lj lj​lj NJ​NJ Nj​Nj nj​nj DZ​DZ Dz​Dz dz​dz Rs​₨ No​№ SM​℠ TEL​℡ TM​™ FAX​℻ ll​Ⅱ II​Ⅱ III​Ⅲ IV​Ⅳ VI​Ⅵ VII​Ⅶ VIII​Ⅷ IX​Ⅸ XI​Ⅺ XII​Ⅻ ii​ⅱ iii​ⅲ iv​ⅳ vi​ⅵ vii​ⅶ viii​ⅷ ix​ⅸ xi​ⅺ xii​ⅻ hPa​㍱ da​㍲ AU​㍳ bar​㍴ oV​㍵ pc​㍶ pA​㎀ nA​㎁ mA​㎃ kA​㎄ KB​㎅ MB​㎆ GB​㎇ cal​㎈ kcal​㎉ pF​㎊ nF​㎋ mg​㎎ kg​㎏ Hz​㎐ kHz​㎑ MHz​㎒ GHz​㎓ THz​㎔ ml​㎖ dl​㎗ kl​㎘ fm​㎙ nm​㎚ mm​㎜ cm​㎝ km​㎞ Pa​㎩ kPa​㎪ MPa​㎫ GPa​㎬ rad​㎭ ps​㎰ ns​㎱ ms​㎳ pV​㎴ nV​㎵ mV​㎷ kV​㎸ MV​㎹ pW​㎺ nW​㎻ mW​㎽ kW​㎾ MW​㎿ Bq​㏃ cc​㏄ cd​㏅ dB​㏈ db​ȸ ls​ʪ Is​ʪ lz​ʫ Iz​ʫ Gy​㏉ ha​㏊ HP​㏋ in​㏌ KK​㏍ KM​㏎ kt​㏏ lm​㏐ ln​㏑ log​㏒ lx​㏓ mb​㏔ mil​㏕ mol​㏖ PH​㏗ PPM​㏙ PR​㏚ sr​㏛ Sv​㏜ Wb​㏝ ff​ff fi​fi fl​fl ffi​ffi ffl​ffl st​st WC​🅏 MC​🅪 MD​🅫 NUL​␀ SOH​␁ STX​␂ ETX​␃ EOT​␄ ENQ​␅ ACK​␆ BEL​␇ BS​␈ HT​␉ LF​␊ VT​␋ FF​␌ CR​␍ DLE​␐ DC1​␑ DC2​␒ DC3​␓ DC4​␔ NAK​␕ SYN​␖ ETB​␗ CAN​␘ EM​␙ SUB​␚ ESC​␛ FS​␜ GS​␝ RS​␞ US​␟ AA​Ꜳ aa​ꜳ AE​Æ ae​æ AO​Ꜵ ao​ꜵ au​ꜷ AV​Ꜹ av​ꜹ AY​Ꜽ ay​ꜽ OE​Œ oe​œ OO​Ꝏ oo​ꝏ CE​₠ ue​ᵫ VY​Ꝡ vy​ꝡ 10​⒑ 11​⒒ 12​⒓ 13​⒔ 14​⒕ 15​⒖ 16​⒗ 17​⒘ 18​⒙ 19​⒚ 20​⒛ qp​ȹ ts​ʦ fff​🝝 sss​