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Created September 30, 2020 14:06
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/// tmb_includes.h
/* TMB */
#include <TMB.hpp>
namespace CppAD {
inline double Value(double const x){
return x;
template<class Type>
Type vec_dot(Type const *, Type const *, size_t const);
template<class Type>
Type vec_dot(vector<Type> const &x, vector<Type> const &y){
#ifdef DO_CHECKS
if(x.size() != y.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("vec_dot<Type>: dimension do not match");
return vec_dot(,, x.size());
template<class Type>
Type vec_dot
(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<Type,Eigen::Dynamic,1> > &x,
vector<Type> const &y){
#ifdef DO_CHECKS
if(x.size() != y.size())
throw std::invalid_argument("vec_dot<Type>: dimension do not match");
if(x.innerStride() == 1L)
return vec_dot(,, x.size());
Type out(0.);
for(int i = 0; i < x.size(); ++i)
out += x[i] * y[i];
return out;
template<class Type>
Type quad_form(Type const*, Type const*, Type const*, size_t const);
template<class Type>
Type quad_form
(vector<Type> const &x, matrix<Type> const &A, vector<Type> const &y){
#ifdef DO_CHECKS
if(x.size() != A.rows() or y.size() != A.cols())
throw std::invalid_argument("quad_form<Type>: dimension do not match");
if(A.rows() != A.cols())
throw std::invalid_argument("quad_form<Type>: invalid A");
return quad_form(,,, A.cols());
template<class Type>
Type quad_form_sym(Type const*, Type const*, size_t const);
template<class Type>
Type quad_form_sym(vector<Type> const &x, matrix<Type> const &A){
#ifdef DO_CHECKS
if(x.size() != A.rows() or x.size() != A.cols())
throw std::invalid_argument(
"quad_form_sym<Type>: dimension do not match");
return quad_form_sym(,, A.cols());
template<class Type>
Type mat_mult_trace(matrix<Type> const &X, matrix<Type> const &Y){
#ifdef DO_CHECKS
if(X.rows() != Y.cols() or X.cols() != Y.rows())
throw std::invalid_argument(
"mat_mult_trace<Type>: dimension do not match");
return vec_dot(,, X.rows() * X.cols());
#endif // ifndef TMB_INCLUDES_H
/// src/common.h
/* Common arguments used in approximations.
* Args:
* tobs: observed times.
* event: zero/one variables for whether the event is observed.
* X: fixed effect design matrix.
* XD: derivative of X wrt time.
* Z: random effect design matrix.
* grp: integer vector with group identifier.
* eps: small tolerance for positivity constraint on hazards.
* kappa: one-sided L2 penalty for positivity constraint.
* b: fixed effect coefficients.
* theta: covariance matrix parameters. See get_vcov_from_trian.
vector<TYPE> const &tobs, vector<TYPE> const &event, \
matrix<TYPE> const &X, matrix<TYPE> const &XD, \
matrix<TYPE> const &Z, vector<int> const &grp, \
TYPE const &eps, TYPE const &kappa, vector<TYPE> const &b, \
vector<TYPE> const &theta, std::string const &link, \
vector<int> const &grp_size
#define COMMON_CALL \
result, tobs, event, X, XD, Z, grp, eps, kappa, b, theta, \
link, grp_size
#ifndef SETUP_DATA
#define SETUP_DATA \
/* common data objects and parameters */ \
DATA_STRING(app_type); \
DATA_VECTOR(tobs); \
DATA_VECTOR(event); \
DATA_STRING(link); \
DATA_IVECTOR(grp_size); \
/* They are marked as parameter such that the user can \
* change them later */ \
PARAMETER(kappa); \
/* checks */ \
{ \
unsigned const n = tobs.size(); \
auto check_rows = [n](matrix<Type> const &x, \
char const *msg){ \
if(x.rows() != n) \
error(msg); \
}; \
check_rows(X , "invalid 'X'"); \
check_rows(XD, "invalid 'XD'"); \
check_rows(Z , "invalid 'Z'"); \
if(n != event.size()) \
error("invalid 'event'"); \
if(n != grp.size()) \
error("invalid 'grp'"); \
if(b.size() != X.cols()) \
error("invalid 'b'"); \
if(XD.cols() != X.cols()) \
error("invalid 'XD' (# columns)"); \
if(Z.cols() != get_rng_dim(theta)) \
error("invalid 'Z' (# columns: %d %d)", Z.cols(), \
get_rng_dim(theta)); \
std::size_t grp_size_sum = 0; \
for(int i = 0; i < grp_size.size(); ++i) \
grp_size_sum += grp_size[i]; \
if(n != grp_size_sum) \
error("invalid 'grp_size'"); \
int g_max = 0; \
for(int i = 0; i < grp.size(); ++i) \
g_max = std::max(grp[i], g_max); \
if(g_max + 1L != grp_size.size()) \
error( \
"invalid 'grp_size' (does not match with number of groups)"); \
for(int i = 1L; i < grp.size(); ++i){ \
if(grp[i - 1L] > grp[i]) \
error("'grp' is not sorted"); \
if(grp[i - 1L] - grp[i] < -1L) \
error("too big gap in 'grp'"); \
} \
/// fast-commutation.h
#include <memory>
std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> get_commutation_unequal_vec
(unsigned const, unsigned const, bool const);
size_t const * get_commutation_unequal_vec_cached(unsigned const);
#endif // ifndef FAST_COMMUTATION_H
/// fast-commutation.cpp
std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> get_commutation_unequal_vec
(unsigned const n, unsigned const m, bool const transpose){
unsigned const nm = n * m,
nnm_p1 = n * nm + 1L,
nm_pm = nm + m;
std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> out(new size_t[nm]);
size_t * const o_begin = out.get();
size_t idx = 0L;
for(unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i, idx += nm_pm){
size_t idx1 = idx;
for(unsigned j = 0; j < m; ++j, idx1 += nnm_p1)
*(o_begin + idx1 / nm) = (idx1 % nm);
*(o_begin + idx1 % nm) = (idx1 / nm);
return out;
size_t const * get_commutation_unequal_vec_cached(unsigned const n){
constexpr std::size_t n_cache = 1000L;
if(n > n_cache or n == 0L)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"get_commutation_unequal_vec_cached: invalid n (too large or zero)");
static std::array<std::unique_ptr<size_t[]>, n_cache> cached_values;
unsigned const idx = n - 1L;
bool has_value = cached_values[idx].get();
return cached_values[idx].get();
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp critical (coomuCached)
has_value = cached_values[idx].get();
std::unique_ptr<size_t[]> new_val =
get_commutation_unequal_vec(n, n, false);
#ifdef _OPENMP
return cached_values[idx].get();
/// utils.h
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include "omp.h"
#include <memory>
inline unsigned get_rng_dim(unsigned const n_vcov_params){
double const n(n_vcov_params);
return std::lround(std::sqrt(.25 + 2 * n) - .5);
template<class Type>
unsigned get_rng_dim(vector<Type> x){
return get_rng_dim(x.size());
/* Returns the covariance matrix from a log Cholesky decomposition
template<class Type>
class get_vcov_from_trian_atomic : public CppAD::atomic_base<Type> {
get_vcov_from_trian_atomic(char const *name):
CppAD::atomic_base<Type>(name) {
template<class T>
static void comp(T const *x, T * y, size_t const n_arg){
// TODO: can be done smarter...
Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T,Eigen::Dynamic,Eigen::Dynamic> >
out(y, n_arg, n_arg);
for(size_t c = 0; c < n_arg; ++c){
for(size_t r = c; r < n_arg; ++r)
out(r, c) = *x++;
// out * out.t()
for(size_t c = n_arg; c-- > 0;){
for(size_t r = c + 1L; r-- > 0;){
Type new_term(0);
for(size_t k = 0; k <= r; ++k)
new_term += out(c, k) * out(r, k);
out(c, r) = new_term;
out(r, c) = new_term;
virtual bool forward(std::size_t p, std::size_t q,
const CppAD::vector<bool> &vx,
CppAD::vector<bool> &vy,
const CppAD::vector<Type> &tx,
CppAD::vector<Type> &ty){
if(q > 0)
return false;
size_t const n = std::lround(
.5 * (std::sqrt(8. * static_cast<double>(tx.size()) + 1.) - 1.));
comp(&tx[0], &ty[0], n);
/* set variable flags */
if (vx.size() > 0) {
bool anyvx = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vx.size() and !anyvx; i++)
anyvx |= vx[i];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < vy.size(); i++)
vy[i] = anyvx;
return true;
virtual bool reverse(std::size_t q, const CppAD::vector<Type> &tx,
const CppAD::vector<Type> &ty,
CppAD::vector<Type> &px,
const CppAD::vector<Type> &py){
if(q > 0)
return false;
size_t const n = std::lround(
.5 * (std::sqrt(8. * static_cast<double>(tx.size()) + 1.) - 1.)),
nn = n * n;
size_t const * const com_vec = get_commutation_unequal_vec_cached(n);
size_t bri(0L),
for(size_t i = 0; i < px.size(); ++i)
px[i] = Type(0.);
for(size_t i = 0L; i < nn;
bri = bri + 1L >= n ? 0L : bri + 1L,
brl = bri == 0L ? brl + 1L : brl,
size_t const idx_l = *(com_vec + i);
Type const lfs = py[idx_l] + py[i];
size_t idx_k(bri);
for(size_t k = 0; k <= bri; idx_k += n - k, ++k){
if(brl >= k){
Type const rfs = tx[
brl - k /* row index */ + idx_k - bri /* col index */];
px[idx_k - k] += lfs * rfs;
return true;
virtual bool rev_sparse_jac(size_t q, const CppAD::vector<bool>& rt,
CppAD::vector<bool>& st) {
bool anyrt = false;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < rt.size() and !anyrt; i++)
anyrt |= rt[i];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < st.size(); i++)
st[i] = anyrt;
return true;
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<Type>& get_cached();
template<class Type>
matrix<AD<Type> >
get_vcov_from_trian(AD<Type> const *vals, unsigned const dim){
size_t const n_ele = (dim * (dim + 1L)) / 2L;
matrix<AD<Type> > out(dim, dim);
CppAD::vector<AD<Type> > x_vals(n_ele);
for(size_t i = 0; i < n_ele; ++i)
x_vals[i] = *(vals + i);
size_t cc = 0L;
for(size_t i = dim + 1L; i-- > 1; cc += i)
x_vals[cc] = exp(x_vals[cc]);
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<Type> &functor =
typename Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<AD<Type> ,Eigen::Dynamic,1> >
tx(, n_ele),
ty(, dim * dim);
functor(tx, ty);
return out;
inline matrix<double>
get_vcov_from_trian(double const *vals, unsigned const dim){
matrix<double> out(dim, dim);
size_t const n_ele = (dim * (dim + 1L)) / 2L;
vector<double> x_vals(n_ele);
for(size_t i = 0; i < n_ele; ++i)
x_vals[i] = *(vals + i);
size_t cc = 0L;
for(size_t i = dim + 1L; i-- > 1; cc += i)
x_vals[cc] = exp(x_vals[cc]);
double *p_out =;
get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<double>::comp(, p_out, dim);
return out;
template<class Type>
get_vcov_from_trian(vector<Type> const &theta){
unsigned const dim = get_rng_dim(theta);
return get_vcov_from_trian(&theta[0], dim);
/* unlike objective_function::parallel_region this does not increase the
* counter
template<class Type>
bool is_my_region(objective_function<Type> const &o){
if(o.current_parallel_region < 0 || o.selected_parallel_region < 0)
/* Serial mode */
return true;
if(o.selected_parallel_region == o.current_parallel_region &&
return true;
return false;
#endif // ifndef SURVTMB_UTILS_H
/// utils.cpp
#include <array>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
using ADd = CppAD::AD<double>;
using ADdd = CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> >;
using ADddd = CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > >;
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<double> get_vcov_from_trian_d
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<ADd > get_vcov_from_trian_ADd
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<ADdd > get_vcov_from_trian_ADdd
static get_vcov_from_trian_atomic<ADddd > get_vcov_from_trian_ADddd
return get_vcov_from_trian_d;
return get_vcov_from_trian_ADd;
return get_vcov_from_trian_ADdd;
return get_vcov_from_trian_ADddd;
/// src/laplace.h
/* Computes the log-likelihood for given random effects.
* Args:
* COMMON_ARGS: see the other header file.
* u: [random effect dim] x [# groups] matrix with random effects.
template<class Type>
void laplace(COMMON_ARGS(Type, parallel_accumulator), matrix<Type> const &u);
/// dmvnorm_log.h
template<class Type>
Type mult_var_dens(vector<Type> const &theta, matrix<Type> const &rngs){
if(theta.size() < 2L){ /* univariate case */
Type const sd = exp(theta[0]),
Type out(0);
Type const * const end = + rngs.size();
for(Type const *x =; x != end; ++x){
Type const scaled = *x / sd;
out += - half * scaled * scaled;
out += - Type(rngs.size()) * log(Type(sqrt(2 * M_PI)) * sd);
return out;
matrix<Type> const vcov = get_vcov_from_trian(theta);
density::MVNORM_t<Type> norm_dist(vcov);
Type out(0);
for(unsigned g = 0; g < rngs.cols(); ++g)
out -= norm_dist(rngs.col(g));
return out;
#endif // ifndef DMVNORM_LOG_H
/// pnorm-log.h
#ifndef PNORM_LOG_H
#define PNORM_LOG_H
namespace atomic {
/* Computes log CDF of standard normal distribution */
ty[0] = Rmath::Rf_pnorm5(tx[0], 0, 1, 1, 1);
px[0] = py[0];
if(CppAD::Value(tx[0]) > -10){
Type const cdf = exp(ty[0]);
px[0] *= dnorm1(tx[0]) / cdf;
} else {
Type const log_pdf = dnorm(tx[0], Type(0.), Type(1.), 1L);
px[0] *= exp(log_pdf - ty[0]);
} // namespace atomic
/* Computes the log CDF of normal distribution.
* Args:
* Similar to `stats::pnorm`.
template<class Type>
Type pnorm_log(Type q, Type mean = 0., Type sd = 1.){
CppAD::vector<Type> tx(1);
tx[0] = (q - mean) / sd;
return atomic::pnorm_log1(tx)[0];
VECTORIZE1_t (pnorm_log)
#endif // ifndef PNORM_LOG_H
/// laplace.cpp
template<class Type>
Type laplace_PH_terms
(Type const &eta, Type const &etaD, Type const &event,
Type const &eps, Type const &eps_log, Type const &kappa){
Type const H = exp(eta),
h = etaD * H,
if_low = event * eps_log - H - h * h * kappa,
if_ok = event * log(h) - H;
return CppAD::CondExpGe(h, eps, if_ok, if_low);
template<class Type>
Type laplace_PO_terms
(Type const &eta, Type const &etaD, Type const &event,
Type const &eps, Type const &eps_log, Type const &kappa){
Type const too_large(30.),
Type const H = CppAD::CondExpGe(
eta, too_large, eta, log(one + exp(eta))),
h = etaD * exp(eta - H),
if_low = event * eps_log - H - h * h * kappa,
if_ok = event * log(h) - H;
return CppAD::CondExpGe(h, eps, if_ok, if_low);
template<class Type>
Type laplace_probit_terms
(Type const &eta, Type const &etaD, Type const &event,
Type const &eps, Type const &eps_log, Type const &kappa){
Type const tiny(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()),
Type const H = -pnorm_log(-eta),
h = etaD * dnorm(-eta, zero, one) /
(pnorm(-eta) + tiny),
if_low = event * eps_log - H - h * h * kappa,
if_ok = event * log(h) - H;
return CppAD::CondExpGe(h, eps, if_ok, if_low);
template<class Type>
void laplace(COMMON_ARGS(Type, parallel_accumulator),
matrix<Type> const &u){
/* checks */
unsigned const rng_dim = get_rng_dim(theta);
int const *max_grp = std::max_element(, + grp.size());
if(!max_grp or *max_grp != u.cols() - 1L)
error("Invalid 'grp' or 'u'");
if(rng_dim != u.rows())
error("Invalid 'u'");
/* log-likelihood terms from conditional distribution of the observed
* outcomes */
Type const eps_log = log(eps);
auto const b_vec = b.matrix().col(0);
/* compute terms from conditional density */
typedef Type (*loop_func)(
Type const&, Type const&, Type const&,
Type const&, Type const&, Type const&);
auto cond_dens_loop = [&](loop_func func){
unsigned i(0L);
for(unsigned g = 0; g < grp_size.size(); ++g){
unsigned const n_members = grp_size[g];
/* do we need to anything on this thread? */
i += n_members;
/* compute linear predictor etc. */
auto const u_g = u.col(g);
unsigned const end_i(i + n_members);
vector<Type> const eta = ([&](){
vector<Type> out(n_members);
unsigned k(0L);
for(unsigned j = i; j < end_i; ++j, ++k){
out[k] = (X.row(j) * b_vec)[0];
out[k] += Z.row(j) * u_g;
return out;
vector<Type> const etaD = ([&](){
vector<Type> out(n_members);
unsigned k(0L);
for(unsigned j = i; j < end_i; ++j, ++k)
out[k] = (XD.row(j) * b_vec)[0];
return out;
Type next_term(0.);
for(unsigned k = 0; k < n_members; ++k, ++i)
next_term += func(
eta[k], etaD[k], event[i], eps, eps_log, kappa);
result -= next_term;
if(link == "PH")
else if (link == "PO")
else if(link == "probit")
error("'%s' not implemented", link.c_str());
/* log-likelihood terms from random effect density */
result -= mult_var_dens(theta, u);
using ADd = CppAD::AD<double>;
using ADdd = CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> >;
using ADddd = CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<CppAD::AD<double> > >;
template void laplace<double>(
COMMON_ARGS(double, parallel_accumulator), matrix<double> const &u);
template void laplace<ADd>(
COMMON_ARGS(ADd, parallel_accumulator), matrix<ADd> const &u);
template void laplace<ADdd>(
COMMON_ARGS(ADdd, parallel_accumulator), matrix<ADdd> const &u);
template void laplace<ADddd>(
COMMON_ARGS(ADddd, parallel_accumulator), matrix<ADddd> const &u);
/// survTMB.cpp
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
#include <future>
#include <limits>
#ifdef _OPENMP
#include "omp.h"
template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
parallel_accumulator<Type> result(this);
/* perform approximations using method descibed at
* each branch may contain further parameters or data objects */
if(app_type == "Laplace"){
laplace(COMMON_CALL, u);
return result;
error("approximation method '%s' is not implemented", app_type.c_str());
return Type(0);
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