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Created April 21, 2022 16:05
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# computes the log Cholesky decomposition
log_chol <- function (x) {
L <- chol(x)
diag(L) <- log(diag(L))
L[upper.tri(L, TRUE)]
# computes the inverse of the log Cholesky decomposition
log_chol_inv <- function(x) {
n <- round((sqrt(8 * length(x) + 1) - 1)/2)
out <- matrix(0, n, n)
out[upper.tri(out, TRUE)] <- x
diag(out) <- exp(diag(out))
# computes the Jacobian of z <- log_chol_inv(x); z[upper.tri(z), TRUE]
jac_log_chol_inv <- function(x){
n <- round((sqrt(8 * length(x) + 1) - 1)/2)
z <- chol(log_chol_inv(x))
n <- NCOL(z)
# TODO: matrixcalc::commutation.matrix is very slow. This can be done a lot
# smarter
res <- kronecker(t(z), diag(n)) %*% matrixcalc::commutation.matrix(n) +
kronecker(diag(n), t(z))
mult <- rep(1., length(x))
j <- 0L
for(i in Reduce(`+`, 1:n, 0L, accumulate = TRUE)[-1]){
j <- j + 1L
mult[i] <- z[j, j]
res <- res[, upper.tri(z, TRUE)] * rep(mult, each = NROW(res))
res[upper.tri(z, TRUE), ]
# test
X <- drop(rWishart(1, 5, diag(5)))
stopifnot(all.equal(X, log_chol_inv(log_chol(X))))
num_jac <- numDeriv::jacobian(\(x) {
res <- log_chol_inv(x)
res[upper.tri(res, TRUE)]
}, log_chol(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(jac_log_chol_inv(log_chol(X)), num_jac))
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