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Last active December 17, 2020 08:07
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# assign function to simulate a number of independent pedigrees along with
# the observed survival times for the last generation simulated from a
# mixed generalized survival model.
# Args:
# max_depth: maximum depth of the families (number of generations less
# one).
# max_members: roughly maximum number of members in each pedigree in each
# family.
# sds: standard deviation of the genetic effect.
# n_families: number of pedigrees to simulate.
# do_plot: logical for whether to plot the baseline hazard and survival
# function.
# Returns:
# omega: true baseline linear predictor term coefficients.
# beta: true fixed effect coefficients.
# sds: true standard deviation of the genetic effect.
# sim_data: list where each element is a list for a family with:
# y: observed event time or censoring time.
# event: event indicator.
# Zs: fixed effect design matrix.
# rel_mat: two times the kinship matrix for the final generation.
# rel_mat_full: two times the kinship matrix for the full cluster.
# pedAll: full pedigree from the pedigree function.
sim_pedigree_data <- local(envir = new.env(), {
# first we assign a number of util functions. Do not call these
id_env <- new.env()
id_env$idcount <- 0L
# returns the next id
.get_id <- function(n)
if(n > 0L)
replicate(n, idcount <<- idcount + 1L) else NULL
environment(.get_id) <- id_env
# resets the id counter
.reset_id <- function()
(idcount <<- 0L)
environment(.reset_id) <- id_env
.sim_mating <- function(rchild, rmatch, max_depth = 1L, lvl, dadid,
if(is.null(dadid) || is.null(momid)){
# add the parents (level zero)
id <- .get_id(2L)
father <- mother <- rep(NA_integer_, 2L)
sex <- 1:2 # 1: male, 2: female
dadid <- id[1]
momid <- id[2]
obslvl <- rep(0L, 2L)
do_match <- needs_match <- rep(FALSE, 2L)
} else
# there is already a dad and mom
id <- father <- mother <- obslvl <- do_match <- sex <- NULL
# sample the next generation
n_child <- rchild(1L)
sex <- c(sex, (runif(n_child) > .5) + 1L)
id <- c(id, .get_id(n_child))
father <- c(father, rep(dadid, n_child))
mother <- c(mother, rep(momid, n_child))
obslvl <- c(obslvl, rep(lvl, n_child))
do_match <- c(do_match, rmatch(n_child))
needs_match <- do_match
list(id = id, father = father, mother = mother, obslvl = obslvl,
do_match = do_match, needs_match = needs_match, sex = sex)
.sim_household <- function(rchild, rmatch, max_depth, lvl, dadid, momid,
max_members = 100L, n_members = 0L){
out <- list(.sim_mating(rchild, rmatch, max_depth, lvl, dadid, momid))
get_n_members <- function()
sum(sapply(out, function(x) length(x[["id"]]))) + n_members
get_needs_match <- function(obj)
obj$needs_match & max_depth > obj$obslvl
shuffle <- function(x)
if(length(x) == 1L) x else sample(x)
finish_next <- FALSE
unlist(sapply(out, get_needs_match))) && !finish_next){
for(i in shuffle(seq_along(out))){
for(j in which(get_needs_match(out[[i]]))){
# find a matching family
new_hou <- .sim_household(
rchild, rmatch, max_depth = out[[i]]$obslvl[j], lvl,
dadid = NULL, momid = NULL, n_members = get_n_members())
is_match <- which(
new_hou$needs_match & new_hou$sex != out[[i]]$sex[j] &
new_hou$obslvl == out[[i]]$obslvl[j])
if(length(is_match) == 0L)
# create the new family
is_match <- is_match[1L]
new_hou$needs_match[is_match] <- out[[i]]$needs_match[j] <- FALSE
if(get_n_members() + length(new_hou$id) >= max_members)
finish_next <- TRUE # we do not add anymore
new_pai <- .sim_mating(
rchild, rmatch, max_depth, lvl = out[[i]]$obslvl[j] + 1L,
dadid =
if(out[[i]]$sex[j] == 1L)
out[[i]]$id[j] else new_hou$id[is_match],
momid =
if(out[[i]]$sex[j] == 1L)
new_hou$id[is_match] else out[[i]]$id[j])
if(length(new_pai$id) > 0L)
out <-, list(out, list(new_hou), list(new_pai)))
nam <- names(out[[1L]])
lapply(nam, function(name), lapply(out, "[[", name))),
names = nam)
# simulates a family starting with the oldest members.
# Args:
# rchild: simulation function to sample the number of children. Takes an
# integer with the number of samples to draw.
# rmatch: simulation function to sample whether a given person meets a
# partner. Takes an integer with the number of samples to draw.
# max_depth: max depth of the families.
# max_members: roughly the amount of members to return at most.
# TODO: starting from the bottom might be smarter?
sim_fam <- function(rchild, rmatch, max_depth = 2L, max_members = 100L){
for(i in 1:100){
out <-
rchild, rmatch, max_depth, lvl = 1L, dadid = NULL, momid = NULL,
max_members = max_members))
if(NROW(out) > 2L)
# drop the boring
old_ids <- out$id
within(out, {
id <- match(id , old_ids, NA_integer_)
father <- match(father, old_ids, NA_integer_)
mother <- match(mother, old_ids, NA_integer_)
needs_match <- NULL
do_match <- NULL
# assign the final function
function(max_depth = 2L, max_members = 100L, sds = 1,
n_families = 100L, do_plot = FALSE){
# the baseline survival function
base_haz_func <- function(x){
x <- log(x)
cbind(x^3, x^2, x)
d_base_haz_func <- function(x){
y <- log(x)
cbind(3 * y^2, 2 * y, 1) / x
# for a x^3 + b x^2 + c x to monotonically increasing we must have
# a >= 0 and 2^2 b^2 < 3 * 4 a c <=> b^2 / 3 a < c
a_val <- 1e-2
b_val <- 2e-2
c_val <- 25 * b_val * b_val / a_val / 3
omega <- c(cubed = a_val, squared = b_val, linear = c_val)
intecept <- -.5
plot(function(x) base_haz_func(exp(x)) %*% omega + intecept,
xlim = c(log(1e-4), log(10)),
ylab = expression(-Phi^-1*(S)), xlab = "log(time)")
plot(function(x) base_haz_func(x) %*% omega + intecept,
xlim = c(1e-4, 10), ylab = expression(-Phi^-1*(S)), xlab = "time")
plot(function(x) pnorm(-base_haz_func(x) %*% omega - intecept),
xlim = c(1e-4, 10), ylab = "S", xlab = "time")
eta <- drop(-base_haz_func(x) %*% omega - intecept)
d_eta <- drop(-d_base_haz_func(x) %*% omega)
-exp(dnorm(eta, log = TRUE) - pnorm(eta, log.p = TRUE)) * d_eta
}, xlim = c(1e-4, 10), ylab = "hazard", xlab = "time", ylim = c(0, .02),
yaxs="i", bty = "l")
# linear predictor
gen_x <- function(n)
cbind(1, rnorm(n))
beta <- c(intercept = intecept, dummy = .25)
# censoring function
gen_cens <- function(n)
runif(n, 0, 10)
# generate families
library(kinship2, quietly = TRUE)
dat <- replicate(n_families, {
for(ii in 1:100){
dat <- sim_fam(
rchild = function(n) = n, 4L, prob = c(.2, .4, .3, .1)),
rmatch = function(n) runif(n) > .1,
max_depth = max_depth, max_members = max_members)
pedAll <- pedigree(id = dat$id, dadid = dat$father, momid = dat$mother,
sex = dat$sex, famid = rep(1, NROW(dat)))["1"]
rel_mat_full <- t(2 * kinship(pedAll))
dimnames(rel_mat_full) <- list(dat$id, dat$id)
rel_mat <- rel_mat_full
keep <- dat$obslvl == max(dat$obslvl)
if(sum(keep) > max_members / 10L)
# matrix for the genetic effect
rel_mat <- rel_mat[keep, keep, drop = FALSE]
n_obs <- NROW(rel_mat)
# simulate the error term
Sig <- sds[1]^2 * rel_mat
epsilon <- drop(rnorm(n_obs) %*% chol(Sig))
Us <- runif(n_obs)
Zs <- gen_x(n_obs)
# -Phi^-(S) = b + eta + eps
# <=> Phi^-(S) + eta + eps = -b
targets <- qnorm(Us) + drop(Zs %*% beta) + epsilon
cens <- gen_cens(n_obs)
# find survival times
Ys <- mapply(function(x, C){
f <- function(v)
drop(-base_haz_func(v) %*% omega) - x
f_U <- f(C)
if(f_U > 0)
return(C * 1.001)
out <- uniroot(f, interval = c(1e-16, C), f.upper = f_U,
tol = .Machine$double.eps^(3/4))
}, x = targets, C = cens)
is_observed <- Ys < cens
obs_time <- pmin(Ys, cens)
list(y = obs_time, event = is_observed, Z = Zs, rel_mat = rel_mat,
rel_mat_full = rel_mat_full, pedAll = pedAll)
}, simplify = FALSE)
# add the true parameter values and save
list(omega = omega, beta = beta, sds = sds, sim_data = dat)
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