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Developing everything, fixing everything, delivering everything

Bogdan Gusiev bogdan

Developing everything, fixing everything, delivering everything
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bogdan / metadata.json
Created December 22, 2024 19:46
image metadata
"Make": {
"value": "Apple",
"attributes": {},
"description": "Apple"
"Model": {
"value": "iPhone 13",
"attributes": {},
"description": "iPhone 13"
extension CameraManagerPhotoOutput: @preconcurrency AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) {
guard let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation(),
let ciImage = CIImage(data: imageData)
else { return }
// Retrieve metadata from AVCapturePhoto
var metadata = photo.metadata
// Process the CIImage with filters
extension CameraManagerPhotoOutput: @preconcurrency AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) {
guard let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation(),
let ciImage = CIImage(data: imageData)
else { return }
// Retrieve metadata from AVCapturePhoto
var metadata = photo.metadata
// Process the CIImage with filters
extension CameraManagerPhotoOutput: @preconcurrency AVCapturePhotoCaptureDelegate {
func photoOutput(_ output: AVCapturePhotoOutput, didFinishProcessingPhoto photo: AVCapturePhoto, error: (any Error)?) {
guard let imageData = photo.fileDataRepresentation(),
let ciImage = CIImage(data: imageData)
else { return }
// Retrieve metadata from AVCapturePhoto
var metadata = photo.metadata
// Process the CIImage with filters
ExifTool Version Number : 13.00
File Name : sunrise.png
Directory : tmp
File Size : 12 MB
File Modification Date/Time : 2024:12:07 17:37:18+01:00
File Access Date/Time : 2024:12:08 17:24:33+01:00
File Inode Change Date/Time : 2024:12:08 12:55:19+01:00
File Permissions : -rw-r--r--
File Type : PNG
File Type Extension : png
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.20;
library IpfsCid {
bytes internal constant BASE32_ALPHABET = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz234567";
/// @notice Converts a CID string to a `bytes32` hash.
/// @param cidString The Base32-encoded CID string (e.g., "bafy...").
/// @return hash The `bytes32` representation of the multihash digest.
function cidToHash(string memory cidString) internal pure returns (bytes32) {
bogdan / bm.rb
Created September 19, 2024 10:23
require "bundler/inline"
require 'benchmark'
gemfile(true) do
source ""
gem "ostruct"
gem "rails"
gem "sqlite3"
import fetch from "isomorphic-unfetch";

const translateToSQL = async (query, apiKey, tableSchema = "") => {

 // Validate inputs
 if (!query || !apiKey) {
   throw new Error("Missing query or API key.");
Timing is on.
id | atxuid | hash | events
Timing is on.
id | created_at | updated_at | user_id | ownership_pending | owner_address | name | parent_id | node | resolver | resolution | registry_type | recent_event_id | reverse | logical_owner_address | tld_id | expires_at | token_type | permissions_bitmask | controller_address | primary_registry
1188769 | 2020-03-24 17:27:08.019717 | 2020-11-20 15:27:42.739649 | | f | | . | | 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 | | {} |