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Created October 26, 2019 20:21
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React / Typescript SVG social media icons compatible with Gatsby (Github, Instagram, LinkedIn)
// tslint:disable:no-http-string
import * as React from 'react';
const Github: React.FC = () => (
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 16 16">
<path d="M8 0C3.58 0 0 3.58 0 8c0 3.54 2.29 6.53 5.47 0-.19-.01-.82-.01-1.49-2.01.37-2.53-.49-2.69-.94-.09-.23-.48-.94-.82-1.13-.28-.15-.68-.52-.01-.53.63-.01 1.08.58 1.21 1.87.87 0-.87.31-1.59.82-2.15-.08-.2-.36-1.02.08-2.12 0 0 .67-.21 1.32-.27 2-.27.68 0 1.36.09 2 .27 1.53-1.04 2.2-.82 2.2-.82.44 1.1.16 1.92.08 1.27.82 2.15 0 3.07-1.87 3.75-3.65 1.48 0 1.07-.01 1.93-.01 2.2 0 . 8.013 0 0016 8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z"></path>
export default Github;
// tslint:disable:no-http-string
import * as React from 'react';
const Instagram: React.FC = () => (
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 448 512">
<path d="M224.1 141c-63.6 0-114.9 51.3-114.9 114.9s51.3 114.9 114.9 114.9S339 319.5 339 255.9 287.7 141 224.1 141zm0 189.6c-41.1 0-74.7-33.5-74.7-74.7s33.5-74.7 74.7-74.7 74.7 33.5 74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z"></path>
export default Instagram;
// tslint:disable:no-http-string
import * as React from 'react';
const LinkedIn: React.FC = () => (
<svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="26" height="26" viewBox="0 0 192 192">
<g fill="none" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="" stroke-dashoffset="0" font-family="none" font-weight="none" font-size="none" text-anchor="none">
<path d="M0,192v-192h192v192z" fill="none"></path>
<g fill="#ffffff"><g id="surface1">
<path d="M156,0h-120c-19.875,0 -36,16.125 -36,36v120c0,19.875 16.125,36 36,36h120c19.875,0 36,-16.125 36,-36v-120c0,-19.875 -16.125,-36 -36,-36zM59.36539,162.98077h-29.82693l-0.17307,-89.30769h29.82692zM43.70192,61.99038h-0.17308c-9.75,0 -16.03846,-6.72115 -16.03846,-15.08653c0,-8.56731 6.49039,-15.0577 16.41347,-15.0577c9.92308,0 16.00961,6.49038 16.21153,15.0577c0,8.36538 -6.31731,15.08653 -16.41346,15.08653zM162.77885,162.98077h-30.08654v-48.51923c0,-11.74039 -3.11538,-19.73077 -13.61538,-19.73077c-8.01923,0 -12.34615,5.39423 -14.42308,10.61538c-0.77885,1.875 -0.98077,4.44231 -0.98077,7.06731v50.56731h-30.23077l-0.17308,-89.30769h30.23077l0.17308,12.60577c3.86538,-5.97116 10.29808,-14.42308 25.70192,-14.42308c19.09616,0 33.37501,12.46154 33.37501,39.25961v51.86539z"></path>
export default LinkedIn;
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