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Created January 28, 2019 23:02
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JS Bin // source
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// function generator, returns list of
// boolean (check ok) and
// string (current type, used if boolean were false)
'use strict';
var _slicedToArray = (function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'); } }; })();
var checktemplate = function checktemplate(ss) {
return function (v) {
return [typeof v == ss, typeof v, ss];
var checkNumber = checktemplate('number'); // doesn't sense Nan-s
var checkString = checktemplate('string');
// TEST BED #1 see results from checking types
'string', 4, {}, '', undefined, NaN, true, [],
].forEach(x => {
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
// declared order is important, strictly from largest to smallest
var VALID_UNITS = ["day", "hour", "minute", "second"];
// pure fun :)
function checkPlurals(val, lab) {
var startstop = ['^', '$'];
var grouping = ['(', ')'];
var re = new RegExp(startstop.join(grouping.join(VALID_UNITS.join("|")) + (Math.abs(val) == 1 ? "" : "s")));
return re.exec(lab) == null ? [val, lab] : null;
// TEST BED #2 see results from checking types
[3, 'minutes'],
[1, 'year'],
[1, 'second'],
[44, 'hours'],
[44, 'hour'],
].forEach(([x, s]) => {
console.log(x + ' ' + s + ": " + (checkPlurals(x, s) == null ? "OK" : "FAILED"));
function checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) {
var error = '';
[[val1, checkNumber], [lab1, checkString], [val2, checkNumber], [lab2, checkString]].forEach(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);
var v = _ref2[0];
var f = _ref2[1];
var _f = f(v);
var _f2 = _slicedToArray(_f, 3);
var isOk = _f2[0];
var actualType = _f2[1];
var requiredType = _f2[2];
if (!isOk) {
error += (error ? '\n' : '') + ' wrong type for value: ' + v + ', found ' + actualType + ', required ' + requiredType;
return error;
// TEST BED #3 checkTypes
[[3, 'seconds', 5, 'minutes'], true],
[[4555, 'second', 423, 'sedconde'], true],
[[{}, 'seconds', 5, null], false],
[[3,4,5,6], false],
[['3','4','5','6'], false],
].forEach(([params, rightResult]) => {
const [ v1, l1, v2, l2] = params;
const realResult = checkTypes(v1, l1, v2, l2) == null ;
console.log((realResult === rightResult ? "OK " : "FAILED" ) + ' testing value set:' + JSON.stringify(params));
// HA5 Time adder.
// Takes four mandatory parameters, grouped by pairs of time
// descrpitors to be added, explained as below:
// val1, val2 - the amounts of time
// lab1, lab2 - the time units
// time unit should be one of the following strings:
// "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "second", "minute", "hour", "day"
// return value is the time we got by adding the two parameters, maintaining
// or false if wrong parameters
// extra credit for returning the largest label that can be used with
// an integer value
function timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) {
var retval = false;
var error = checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) || checkPlurals(val1, lab1) || checkPlurals(val2, lab2);
if (!error) {
// calculus and result
var time1 = normalize(val1, lab1);
var time2 = normalize(val2, lab2);
var timef = time1 + time2;
for (x in VALID_UNITS) {
var unit = VALID_UNITS[x];
var mult = multiplier(VALID_UNITS[x]);
if (timef % mult === 0) {
var newval = timef / multiplier(unit);
retval = [newval, unit + (Math.abs(newval) === 1 ? "" : "s")];
} else {
console.log("Error: unexpected or incorrect parameters: " + error);
return retval;
// get the normalized (_in seconds_) time value
function normalize(val, lab) {
return val * multiplier(lab);
// returns the multiplier to seconds
// Pirple require a switch statement
// otherwise I would have implemented the functionality
// augmenting the VALID_UNITS
function multiplier(lab) {
switch (lab) {
case 'day':
case 'days':
return 60 * 60 * 24;
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
return 60 * 60;
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
return 60;
// assumes default seconds
return 1;
// TEST BED #4
[[[23, 'minutes', 1, 'minute'], [24, 'minutes']], [[23, 'hours', 1, 'hour'], [1, 'day']], [[59, 'minutes', 2, 'minutes'], [61, 'minutes']], [[59, 'minutes', 2, 'seconds'], [3542, 'seconds']], [[3, 'days', 1, 'hour'], [73, 'hours']], [[0, 'hours', 0, 'hours'], [0, 'days']], [[23, 'seconds', -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], [[23, 'second', -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], // illustrates a failed test
[[23, {}, -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']]]. // illustrates a failed test
forEach(function (_ref3) {
var _ref32 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2);
var param = _ref32[0];
var expectedResult = _ref32[1];
function formatOutput(result, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, valf, labf) {
var eqop = result ? '===' : '!==';
return val1 + ' ' + lab1 + ' + ' + val2 + ' ' + lab2 + ' ' + eqop + ' ' + valf + ' ' + labf;
var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 4);
var val1 = _param[0];
var lab1 = _param[1];
var val2 = _param[2];
var lab2 = _param[3];
var actualResult = timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2);
if (actualResult) {
var _actualResult = _slicedToArray(actualResult, 2);
var actval = _actualResult[0];
var actlab = _actualResult[1];
var _expectedResult = _slicedToArray(expectedResult, 2);
var expval = _expectedResult[0];
var explab = _expectedResult[1];
var testOK = actval === expval && actlab == explab;
console.log("TEST " + (testOK ? 'OK: ' : 'FAILED:') + formatOutput(true, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, expval, explab));
} else {
console.log("TEST FAILED: incorrect input values");
<script id="jsbin-source-javascript" type="text/javascript">//KJS HA5
// function generator, returns list of
// boolean (check ok) and
// string (current type, used if boolean were false)
let checktemplate = ss => (v) => [typeof v == ss, typeof v, ss];
let checkNumber = checktemplate('number'); // doesn't sense Nan-s
let checkString = checktemplate('string');
// TEST BED #1 see results from checking types
'string', 4, {}, '', undefined, NaN, true, [],
].forEach(x => {
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
// declared order is important, strictly from largest to smallest
const VALID_UNITS = [
// pure fun :)
function checkPlurals(val, lab) {
const startstop = ['^', '$'];
const grouping = ['(', ')'];
const re = new RegExp(
+ (Math.abs(val) == 1 ? "" : "s")
return re.exec(lab) == null ? [val, lab] : null;
// TEST BED #2 see results from checking types
[3, 'minutes'],
[1, 'year'],
[1, 'second'],
[44, 'hours'],
[44, 'hour'],
].forEach(([x, s]) => {
console.log(x + ' ' + s + ": " + (checkPlurals(x, s) == null ? "OK" : "FAILED"));
function checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) {
let error = '' ;
[[val1, checkNumber],
[lab1, checkString],
[val2, checkNumber],
[lab2, checkString],
].forEach(([v, f]) => {
const [isOk, actualType, requiredType] = f(v);
if( ! isOk ) {
error += (error ? '\n' : '' )
+ ' wrong type for value: ' + v
+ ', found ' + actualType
+ ', required ' + requiredType;
return error;
// TEST BED #3 checkTypes
[[3, 'seconds', 5, 'minutes'], true],
[[4555, 'second', 423, 'sedconde'], true],
[[{}, 'seconds', 5, null], false],
[[3,4,5,6], false],
[['3','4','5','6'], false],
].forEach(([params, rightResult]) => {
const [ v1, l1, v2, l2] = params;
const realResult = checkTypes(v1, l1, v2, l2) == null ;
console.log((realResult === rightResult ? "OK " : "FAILED" ) + ' testing value set:' + JSON.stringify(params));
// HA5 Time adder.
// Takes four mandatory parameters, grouped by pairs of time
// descrpitors to be added, explained as below:
// val1, val2 - the amounts of time
// lab1, lab2 - the time units
// time unit should be one of the following strings:
// "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "second", "minute", "hour", "day"
// return value is the time we got by adding the two parameters, maintaining
// or false if wrong parameters
// extra credit for returning the largest label that can be used with
// an integer value
function timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2){
let retval = false;
let error =
checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2)
|| checkPlurals(val1, lab1)
|| checkPlurals(val2, lab2) ;
if( !error ) {
// calculus and result
let time1 = normalize(val1, lab1);
let time2 = normalize(val2, lab2);
let timef = time1 + time2;
for( x in VALID_UNITS) {
let [unit, mult] = [VALID_UNITS[x], multiplier(VALID_UNITS[x])] ;
if( timef % mult === 0 ) {
const newval = timef / multiplier(unit);
retval = [newval, unit + (Math.abs(newval) === 1 ? "" : "s") ];
} else {
console.log("Error: unexpected or incorrect parameters: " + error);
return retval;
// get the normalized (_in seconds_) time value
function normalize(val, lab) {
return val * multiplier(lab);
// returns the multiplier to seconds
// Pirple require a switch statement
// otherwise I would have implemented the functionality
// augmenting the VALID_UNITS
function multiplier(lab) {
switch(lab) {
case 'day':
case 'days':
return 60 * 60 * 24 ;
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
return 60 * 60;
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
return 60;
// assumes default seconds
return 1;
// TEST BED #4
[[23, 'minutes', 1, 'minute'], [24, 'minutes']],
[[23, 'hours', 1, 'hour' ], [ 1, 'day']],
[[59, 'minutes', 2, 'minutes'], [61, 'minutes']],
[[59, 'minutes', 2, 'seconds'], [3542, 'seconds']],
[[ 3, 'days', 1, 'hour'], [73, 'hours']],
[[ 0, 'hours', 0, 'hours'], [0, 'days']],
[[23, 'seconds',-1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']],
[[23, 'second',-1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], // illustrates a failed test
[[23, {}, -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], // illustrates a failed test
].forEach( ([param, expectedResult]) => {
function formatOutput(result, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, valf, labf) {
const eqop = result ? '===' : '!==';
return val1 + ' ' + lab1
+ ' + ' + val2 + ' ' + lab2
+ ' ' + eqop
+ ' ' + valf + ' ' + labf;
const [val1, lab1, val2, lab2] = param;
const actualResult = timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2);
if( actualResult ) {
const [actval, actlab] = actualResult;
const [expval, explab] = expectedResult;
const testOK = actval === expval && actlab == explab;
console.log("TEST " + (testOK ? 'OK: ' : 'FAILED:')
+ formatOutput(true, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, expval, explab) );
} else {
console.log("TEST FAILED: incorrect input values");
// function generator, returns list of
// boolean (check ok) and
// string (current type, used if boolean were false)
'use strict';
var _slicedToArray = (function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i['return']) _i['return'](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError('Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance'); } }; })();
var checktemplate = function checktemplate(ss) {
return function (v) {
return [typeof v == ss, typeof v, ss];
var checkNumber = checktemplate('number'); // doesn't sense Nan-s
var checkString = checktemplate('string');
// TEST BED #1 see results from checking types
'string', 4, {}, '', undefined, NaN, true, [],
].forEach(x => {
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
console.log(x + ': ' + checkString(x));
// declared order is important, strictly from largest to smallest
var VALID_UNITS = ["day", "hour", "minute", "second"];
// pure fun :)
function checkPlurals(val, lab) {
var startstop = ['^', '$'];
var grouping = ['(', ')'];
var re = new RegExp(startstop.join(grouping.join(VALID_UNITS.join("|")) + (Math.abs(val) == 1 ? "" : "s")));
return re.exec(lab) == null ? [val, lab] : null;
// TEST BED #2 see results from checking types
[3, 'minutes'],
[1, 'year'],
[1, 'second'],
[44, 'hours'],
[44, 'hour'],
].forEach(([x, s]) => {
console.log(x + ' ' + s + ": " + (checkPlurals(x, s) == null ? "OK" : "FAILED"));
function checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) {
var error = '';
[[val1, checkNumber], [lab1, checkString], [val2, checkNumber], [lab2, checkString]].forEach(function (_ref) {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);
var v = _ref2[0];
var f = _ref2[1];
var _f = f(v);
var _f2 = _slicedToArray(_f, 3);
var isOk = _f2[0];
var actualType = _f2[1];
var requiredType = _f2[2];
if (!isOk) {
error += (error ? '\n' : '') + ' wrong type for value: ' + v + ', found ' + actualType + ', required ' + requiredType;
return error;
// TEST BED #3 checkTypes
[[3, 'seconds', 5, 'minutes'], true],
[[4555, 'second', 423, 'sedconde'], true],
[[{}, 'seconds', 5, null], false],
[[3,4,5,6], false],
[['3','4','5','6'], false],
].forEach(([params, rightResult]) => {
const [ v1, l1, v2, l2] = params;
const realResult = checkTypes(v1, l1, v2, l2) == null ;
console.log((realResult === rightResult ? "OK " : "FAILED" ) + ' testing value set:' + JSON.stringify(params));
// HA5 Time adder.
// Takes four mandatory parameters, grouped by pairs of time
// descrpitors to be added, explained as below:
// val1, val2 - the amounts of time
// lab1, lab2 - the time units
// time unit should be one of the following strings:
// "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "second", "minute", "hour", "day"
// return value is the time we got by adding the two parameters, maintaining
// or false if wrong parameters
// extra credit for returning the largest label that can be used with
// an integer value
function timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) {
var retval = false;
var error = checkTypes(val1, lab1, val2, lab2) || checkPlurals(val1, lab1) || checkPlurals(val2, lab2);
if (!error) {
// calculus and result
var time1 = normalize(val1, lab1);
var time2 = normalize(val2, lab2);
var timef = time1 + time2;
for (x in VALID_UNITS) {
var unit = VALID_UNITS[x];
var mult = multiplier(VALID_UNITS[x]);
if (timef % mult === 0) {
var newval = timef / multiplier(unit);
retval = [newval, unit + (Math.abs(newval) === 1 ? "" : "s")];
} else {
console.log("Error: unexpected or incorrect parameters: " + error);
return retval;
// get the normalized (_in seconds_) time value
function normalize(val, lab) {
return val * multiplier(lab);
// returns the multiplier to seconds
// Pirple require a switch statement
// otherwise I would have implemented the functionality
// augmenting the VALID_UNITS
function multiplier(lab) {
switch (lab) {
case 'day':
case 'days':
return 60 * 60 * 24;
case 'hour':
case 'hours':
return 60 * 60;
case 'minute':
case 'minutes':
return 60;
// assumes default seconds
return 1;
// TEST BED #4
[[[23, 'minutes', 1, 'minute'], [24, 'minutes']], [[23, 'hours', 1, 'hour'], [1, 'day']], [[59, 'minutes', 2, 'minutes'], [61, 'minutes']], [[59, 'minutes', 2, 'seconds'], [3542, 'seconds']], [[3, 'days', 1, 'hour'], [73, 'hours']], [[0, 'hours', 0, 'hours'], [0, 'days']], [[23, 'seconds', -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], [[23, 'second', -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']], // illustrates a failed test
[[23, {}, -1, 'minute'], [-37, 'seconds']]]. // illustrates a failed test
forEach(function (_ref3) {
var _ref32 = _slicedToArray(_ref3, 2);
var param = _ref32[0];
var expectedResult = _ref32[1];
function formatOutput(result, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, valf, labf) {
var eqop = result ? '===' : '!==';
return val1 + ' ' + lab1 + ' + ' + val2 + ' ' + lab2 + ' ' + eqop + ' ' + valf + ' ' + labf;
var _param = _slicedToArray(param, 4);
var val1 = _param[0];
var lab1 = _param[1];
var val2 = _param[2];
var lab2 = _param[3];
var actualResult = timeAdder(val1, lab1, val2, lab2);
if (actualResult) {
var _actualResult = _slicedToArray(actualResult, 2);
var actval = _actualResult[0];
var actlab = _actualResult[1];
var _expectedResult = _slicedToArray(expectedResult, 2);
var expval = _expectedResult[0];
var explab = _expectedResult[1];
var testOK = actval === expval && actlab == explab;
console.log("TEST " + (testOK ? 'OK: ' : 'FAILED:') + formatOutput(true, val1, lab1, val2, lab2, expval, explab));
} else {
console.log("TEST FAILED: incorrect input values");
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