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Created December 22, 2022 21:45
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ImageJ2 script to compose displacement fields
#@ Dataset da
#@ Dataset db
dap = Views.moveAxis( da, 2, 0 );
dbp = Views.moveAxis( da, 2, 0 );
spacing = [1, 1, 1] as double[];
dfA = new DisplacementFieldTransform( dap, spacing );
dfB = new DisplacementFieldTransform( dbp, spacing );
seq = new RealTransformSequence();
seq.add( dfA );
seq.add( dfB );
sz = dap.dimensionsAsLongArray();
itvl = new FinalInterval( sz[1..<sz.size()] as long[] );
compRaw = DisplacementFieldTransform.createDisplacementField( seq, itvl, spacing );
comp = Views.moveAxis( compRaw, 0, 2 ); comp );
import net.imglib2.*;
import net.imglib2.view.*;
import net.imglib2.realtransform.*;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.real.*;
import net.imglib2.img.display.imagej.ImageJFunctions;
import net.imglib2.util.*;
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