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Created September 1, 2022 18:54
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create an interator over a real interval using an imgli2 converter
public static IterableInterval< RealPoint > usingConverters( RealInterval interval, int... numSteps )
final int nd = interval.numDimensions();
final double[] steps = stepsFromSamples( interval, fillWithLast( nd, numSteps ) );
final RandomAccessibleInterval< Localizable > samples = Localizables.randomAccessibleInterval(
new FinalInterval( steps ).mapToLong( x -> (long)x ).toArray() ));
RandomAccessibleInterval< RealPoint > positions = Converters.convert2( samples, (x,y) -> {
for( int i = 0; i < nd; i++ )
interval.realMin( i ) + steps[ i ] * x.getDoublePosition( i ),
i );
}, () -> new RealPoint(nd));
return Views.flatIterable( positions );
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