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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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Save bohde/3a56d848aa098114799d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here is a test runner that uses quickcheck to generate programs against
a concurrent queue api, to hopefully find the intentional bugs in
it's implementation.
> main :: IO ()
> main = hspec $ do
> describe "queue" $ do
> it "should not ever allow the client to block" $ property $ \program scheduler -> do
> res <- interpret scheduler $ new >>= runProgram program
> res `shouldSatisfy` (isRight)
here is the output of running the tests:
1) queue should not ever allow the client to block
predicate failed on: `Left [LogEntry Main (Variable (Fresh 0)) [],LogEntry Main (Variable (Write 0)) [],LogEntry Main (Spawn 0) [],LogEntry (Thread 0) (Variable (Read 0)) [],LogEntry (Thread 0) (Variable (Write 0)) [BlockedOn Main 0],LogEntry (Thread 0) Halt [],LogEntry Main (Variable (Read 0)) []]` (after 11 tests and 5 shrinks):
`Fork (Op Put Halt) (Op Get (Op Put Halt))`
There are three pieces of information this gives us:
1) the string representation of the Scheduler, which is opaque
2) The string representation of the Program, which is equivalent to
the following Haskell
> program var = do
> fork $ put var ()
> _ <- get var ()
> put ()
3) The log of the scheduler running the program, which shows which
thread the scheduler chose, the operation the thread ran, and a
list of threads that are blocked on an operation.
Here it is formatted for easier reading:
> [LogEntry Main (Variable (Fresh 0)) [],
> LogEntry Main (Variable (Write 0)) [],
> LogEntry Main (Spawn 0) [],
> LogEntry (Thread 0) (Variable (Read 0)) [],
> LogEntry (Thread 0) (Variable (Write 0)) [BlockedOn Main 0],
> LogEntry (Thread 0) Halt [],
> LogEntry Main (Variable (Read 0)) []]
module Queue where
import PureMVar
data Queue m a = Queue (MVar m [a])
new :: (Monad m) => MVarT m (Queue m a)
new = do
items <- newMVar
putMVar items []
return $ Queue items
put :: (Monad m) => Queue m a -> a -> MVarT m ()
put (Queue items) a = do
items' <- takeMVar items
putMVar items $ items' ++ [a]
getMay :: (Monad m) => Queue m a -> MVarT m (Maybe a)
getMay (Queue items) = do
items' <- takeMVar items
case items' of
[] -> do
putMVar items []
return Nothing
(a:as) -> do
-- putMVvar items as
return $ Just a
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