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Last active April 7, 2022 11:46
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euphrasia X color scheme -- updated
!! euphrasia v2 by bohoomil
! euphrasia fg/bg
URxvt*background: #090C19
URxvt*foreground: #E6E6E6
URxvt*cursorColor: #1AAA13
! apps bg/fg
*background: #D0CECB
*foreground: #090C19
! black
*color0: #222946
! dark grey
*color8: #8C8B89
! red
*color1: #B32323
! bright red
*color9: #DC2C2C
! green
*color2: #1AAA13
! bright green
*color10: #5DCE33
! yellow
*color3: #FF9F3E
! bright yellow
*color11: #E6CB29
! blue
*color4: #4957F3
! bright blue
*color12: #4D79FF
! magenta
*color5: #BF3E94
! bright magenta
*color13: #B641CC
! cyan
*color6: #09A5B3
! bright cyan
*color14: #3CB6F3
! light grey
*color7: #AEAEAE
! white
*color15: #DBDDE4
!! Colours for the Linux console
!! for use with conpalette
!! (
! 'euphrasia' => [
! '000000', #black
! 'B32323', #darkred
! '1AAA13', #darkgreen
! 'FF9F3E', #brown
! '4957F3', #darkblue
! 'BF3E94', #darkmagenta
! '09A5B3', #darkcyan
! 'AEAEAE', #lightgrey
! '8C8B89', #darkgrey
! 'DC2C2C', #red
! '5DCE33', #green
! 'E6CB29', #yellow
! '4D79FF', #blue
! 'AA3DBF', #magenta
! '3CB6F3', #cyan
! 'DBDDE4', #white
! ],
!! ... or in .profile/.bash_profile/.bashrc, etc.:
!if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
! echo -en "\e]P0000000" #black
! echo -en "\e]P88C8B89" #darkgrey
! echo -en "\e]P1B32323" #darkred
! echo -en "\e]P9DC2C2C" #red
! echo -en "\e]P21AAA13" #darkgreen
! echo -en "\e]PA5DCE33" #green
! echo -en "\e]P3FF9F3E" #brown
! echo -en "\e]PBE6CB29" #yellow
! echo -en "\e]P44957F3" #darkblue
! echo -en "\e]PC4D79FF" #blue
! echo -en "\e]P5BF3E94" #darkmagenta
! echo -en "\e]PDB641CC" #magenta
! echo -en "\e]P609A5B3" #darkcyan
! echo -en "\e]PE3CB6F3" #cyan
! echo -en "\e]P7AEAEAE" #lightgrey
! echo -en "\e]PFDBDDE4" #white
! clear # default input colours
! vim:ft=xdefaults
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