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Last active September 2, 2022 02:20
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  • Save bohwaz/0c3e184a8edf8e820505896d3e53cb12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bohwaz/0c3e184a8edf8e820505896d3e53cb12 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save a Twitter thread to static HTML (using Nitter) - Save and run "php save_twitter_thread.php URL FILE.html" - The created file is static, no external dependency, no JS, except images and videos
#!/usr/bin/env php
This file is part of KD2FW -- <>
Copyright (c) 2001-2019 BohwaZ <>
All rights reserved.
KD2FW is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Foobar is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with Foobar. If not, see <>.
* Extends DOMDocument to provide querySelector and querySelectorAll methods
namespace KD2 {
trait HTML_Query_Selector
* Returns the first element matching a given CSS selector
* @param string $selector CSS selector
* @param null $xpath_query Will be populated by XPath query translated from CSS selector
* @return DOMNode
public function querySelector(string $selector, &$xpath_query = '')
$result = $this->querySelectorAll($selector, $xpath_query);
if ($result->length == 0)
return false;
return $result->item(0);
* Returns a list of elements matching a given CSS selector
* @param string $selector CSS selector
* @param null $xpath_query Will be populated by XPath query translated from CSS selector
* @return DOMNodeList
public function querySelectorAll(string $selector, &$xpath_query = '')
$xpath_query = self::cssSelectorToXPath($selector);
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($this instanceOf \DOMDocument ? $this : $this->ownerDocument);
try {
return $xpath->query($xpath_query, $this);
catch (\Exception $e) {
throw new \Exception(sprintf('%s (for selector: "%s" = "%s")', $e->getMessage(), $selector, $xpath_query), $e->getCode(), $e);
* Converts a CSS selector to a XPath query
* Support is better than Symfony and Zend, but some features are still missing:
* - namespaces support
* - :first-child and :last-child are unsupported
* - :hover, :active, :focus etc. are obviously unsupported
* - :nth-of-type = no support
* - :nth-child supports only (odd), (even), (x) where x is an integer, no support for (2n+1) or (-n6) etc.
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @link
* @param string $selector CSS selector
* @param boolean $raw TRUE if the XPath query should be returned without leading // (internal use)
* @return string XPath query
static public function cssSelectorToXPath($selector, $raw = false)
$selector = trim($selector);
// Multiple rules
if (strpos($selector, ',') !== false)
$selector = preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $selector);
$path = [];
foreach ($selector as $single)
$path[] = self::cssSelectorToXPath($single);
return implode(' | ', $path);
// Split by tokens
preg_match_all('/\[\s*(.+?)(?:\s*([~\^*\|$]?=)\s*(.*?))?\s*\]|:[a-z-]+(?:\((.*?)\))?|\.[\w-]+|#[\w-]+|\w+|\*|\s*~\s*|\s*>\s*|\s*\+\s*|\s+/i', $selector, $tokens, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$xpath = [];
foreach ($tokens as $token)
$t = trim($token[0]);
// E + F
// an F element immediately preceded by an E element
if ($t == '+')
// div + form
$xpath[] = '/following-sibling::*[1]/self::';
// E > F
// an F element child of an E element
elseif ($t == '>')
// div > form
$xpath[] = '/';
// E ~ F
// an F element preceded by an E element
elseif ($t == '~')
// div ~ form
$xpath[] = '/following-sibling::';
// E F
// an F element descendant of an E element
elseif ($t === '')
// div form
$xpath[] = '//';
// E:empty
// an E element that has no children (including text nodes)
elseif ($t == ':empty')
$xpath[] = '[not(node())]';
// E:first-of-type
// an E element, first sibling of its type
elseif ($t == ':first-of-type')
$xpath[] = '[position() = 1]';
// E:last-of-type
// an E element, last sibling of its type
elseif ($t == ':last-of-type')
$xpath[] = '[position() = last()]';
// E:only-of-type
// an E element, only sibling of its type
elseif ($t == ':only-of-type')
$xpath[] = '[last() = 1]';
// E:nth-child(n)
// an E element, the n-th child of its parent
elseif (substr($t, 0, 10) == ':nth-child')
$operation = $token[4];
if ($operation == 'odd')
$xpath[] = '[(position() >= 1) and (((position()-1) mod 2) = 0)]';
elseif ($operation == 'even')
$xpath[] = '[(position() mod 2) = 0]';
elseif (is_numeric($operation))
$xpath[] = '[position() = ' . (int) $operation . ']';
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(':nth-child operation \'' . $operation . '\' is not supported.');
// Negation selector
// E:not(s)
// an E element that does not match simple selector s
elseif (substr($t, 0, 4) == ':not')
$expr = self::cssSelectorToXPath($token[4], true);
if ($expr[0] == '[')
$expr = substr($expr, 1, -1);
$xpath[] = '[not(' . $expr . ')]';
// Attribute selectors
elseif ($t[0] == '[')
$attr = $token[1];
$operator = isset($token[2]) ? $token[2] : false;
$value = isset($token[3]) ? $token[3] : null;
// Remove quotes if necessary
if ($value && ($value[0] == '"' || $value[0] == '\''))
$value = substr($value, 1, -1);
// E[foo]
// an E element with a "foo" attribute
if (!$operator)
$xpath[] = '[@' . trim($attr) . ']';
// E[foo="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value is exactly equal to "bar"
elseif ($operator == '=')
$xpath[] = sprintf('[@%s="%s"]', trim($attr), trim($value));
// E[foo~="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of whitespace-separated values, one of which is exactly equal to "bar"
elseif ($operator == '~=')
$xpath[] = sprintf('[contains(concat(" ", @%s, " "), " %s ")]', trim($attr), $value);
// E[foo^="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly with the string "bar"
elseif ($operator == '^=')
$xpath[] = sprintf('[@%s="%s" or starts-with(@%1$s, "%2$s")]', trim($attr), $value);
// E[foo$="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly with the string "bar"
elseif ($operator == '$=')
// ends-with() only supported in XPath 2.0
// substring(@id, string-length(@id) - string-length('register') +1) = 'register'
$xpath[] = sprintf('[@%s="%s" or substring(@%1$s, string-length(@%1$s) - %3$d + 1) = "%2$s"]', trim($attr), $value, strlen($value));
// E[foo*="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value contains the substring "bar"
elseif ($operator == '*=')
$xpath[] = sprintf('[@%s and contains(@%1$s, "%s")]', trim($attr), $value);
// E[foo|="en"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute has a hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en"
elseif ($operator == '|=')
$xpath[] = sprintf('[@%s="%s" or starts-with(@%1$s, "%2$s-")]', trim($attr), $value);
// E.warning
// an E element whose class is "warning"
elseif ($t[0] == '.')
$xpath[] = '[@class and contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " ' . substr($t, 1) . ' ")]';
// E#myid
// an E element with ID equal to "myid".
elseif ($t[0] == '#')
$xpath[] = '[@id="' . substr($t, 1) . '"]';
// Other unsupported pseudo selectors
elseif ($t[0] == ':')
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('CSS selector ' . $t . ' is not supported.');
// element itself
$xpath[] = $t;
$xpath = implode('', $xpath);
if (!$raw)
$xpath = '//' . $xpath;
// Add wildcard where there is no element
$xpath = preg_replace('!(^|/)\[!', '$1*[', $xpath);
// Always return relative queries, see
return '.' . $xpath;
* Extends DOMDocument by adding querySelector/querySelectorAll on Document and Node objects
class HTMLDocument extends \DOMDocument
use HTML_Query_Selector;
protected $errors = null;
* Constructor, registers HTML_Node and HTML_Element to add querySelector[All] methods
public function __construct($version = null, $encoding = null)
parent::__construct($version, $encoding);
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMNode', '\KD2\HTMLNode');
$this->registerNodeClass('DOMElement', '\KD2\HTMLElement');
* Load HTML from a string
* @param string $source HTML string
* @param integer $options use the options parameter to specify additional Libxml parameters
* @return bool Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function loadHTML($source, $options = null)
if (is_null($options))
// Temporary disable throwing errors / exceptions / warnings
// you can see them later using ->getErrors()
$r = parent::loadHTML($source, $options);
$this->errors = libxml_get_errors();
return $r;
* Load HTML from a file
* @param string $filename The path to the HTML file
* @param integer $options use the options parameter to specify additional Libxml parameters
* @return boolean Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
public function loadHTMLFile($filename, $options = null)
if (is_null($options))
// Temporary disable throwing errors / exceptions
// you can see them later using ->getErrors()
$r = parent::loadHTMLFile($filename, $options);
$this->errors = libxml_get_errors();
return $r;
* Returns libxml errors from the last call to loadHTML/loadHTMLFile
* @return array
public function getErrors()
return $this->errors;
* Extends DOMNode with querySelector and querySelectorAll
class HTMLNode extends \DOMNode
use HTML_Query_Selector;
* Extends DOMNode with querySelector and querySelectorAll
class HTMLElement extends \DOMElement
use HTML_Query_Selector;
namespace {
const NITTER_URL = '';
$css = <<<CSS
@charset "utf-8";
[class^="icon-"]:before, [class*=" icon-"]:before {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
speak: never;
display: inline-block;
text-decoration: inherit;
width: 1em;
text-align: center;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1em;
.icon-comment:before {
content: "💬";
.icon-retweet:before {
content: "⭮";
.icon-quote:before {
content: '❝';
.icon-heart:before {
content: '♥';
$css .= file_get_contents(NITTER_URL . 'css/style.css');
$css .= "\n" . file_get_contents(NITTER_URL . 'css/themes/twitter.css');
$url = $_SERVER['argv'][1] ?? null;
$dest = $_SERVER['argv'][2] ?? null;
if (!$dest && preg_match('!^https://[a-z.]+/([^/]+)/status/(\d+)$!', $url, $match)) {
$dest = sprintf('%s_%s.html', $match[1], $match[2]);
if (!$url || !$dest) {
die("Usage : save_twitter.php URL FILE.html\n");
$url = str_replace('', NITTER_URL, $url);
$out = null;
while ($url) {
printf("Loading %s…\n", $url);
$html = new \KD2\HTMLDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
$body = file_get_contents($url);
$body = str_replace('<head>', '<head><meta charset="utf-8" />', $body);
$html->encoding = 'UTF-8';
if (!$out) {
$out = '<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" />';
$out .= sprintf('<title>%s</title><base href="%s" />', $html->querySelector('title')->textContent, NITTER_URL);
$out .= sprintf('<style type="text/css">%s</style>', $css);
$out .= '</head><body><div class="conversation"><div class="main-thread">';
$t = $html->querySelector('.main-thread');
if (!$t) {
die("No thread found");
foreach ($t->querySelectorAll('.main-tweet, .after-tweet') as $tweet) {
$out .= $html->saveHTML($tweet);
$more = $t->querySelector('.after-tweet .more-replies a');
if ($more) {
$url = $more->getAttribute('href');
$url = preg_replace('!^/!', NITTER_URL, $url);
$url = preg_replace('!#.*$!', '', $url);
else {
$url = null;
$out .= '</div></div></body></html>';
file_put_contents($dest, $out);
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