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Created September 26, 2014 02:57
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Divide and Conquer Algo for Searching a Sorted, Rotated Array
// Going to create a way to search a rotated array that uses a divide and conquer approach rather than the standard binary tree method
var maxNumber = 50000// Or use something like Math.pow(2,31) to create a large binary integer; // A 32 bit integer, since bitwise only works on 32 bit ints
function splitList(arr, sections) {
// arr = the list we're searching
// num = the number we're searching for
// sections = the number of sections to break the larger list into
var a = []; // Create a new array to hold the multiple arrays
var startIndex = 0; // The index to slice from
for(var i = 0; i < sections; i++) {
// Jump through the array creating new arrays
a[a.length] = arr.slice(startIndex, startIndex + (arr.length / sections) - 1);
startIndex += arr.length / sections; // Update start index for the next loop
return a; // Return the new array of arrays
function findInArray(arr,num) {
// If we're here, it means we've continuously divided down the array until we have less items to check than the number of sections we plan to break the array into and it is now time to just search for the item
var numInArray = false; // We expect to find that the number is not in the array
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] === num)
numInArray = true; // Number is in the array, so set to true
return numInArray;
function findInSections(arr, num, sections) {
if(sections >= arr.length) {
return findInArray(arr,num);
var a = splitList(arr, sections);
for(var i = 0; i < sections; i++) {
// We're going to check each section of the array starting at the beginning
if(a[i][0] === num) {
// First let's do just some simple pruning, if a[i][0] happens to be equal to the number, then
return true;
if(a[i][0] > num) {
// If a[i] is greater than our number, we need to check the next section against it
if(a[i+1][0] < a[i][0]) {
// If we're here, we've found that the array rotates somewhere in a[i].
if(a[i+1][0] > num) {
// Now we know for sure we will find num in a[i] or not at all
return findInSections(a[i],num,sections);
} else {
// If a[i+1][0] is still greater than our number
if(i + 1 === sections - 1) {
// The next section is the last section, we'll find our number there or not at all
return findInSections(a[i+1],num,sections);
} else {
// a[i][0] is less than our number
if(i === sections - 1) {
// This is the last section, so we will find the number here or we won't find it
return findInSections(a[i],num,sections);
} else {
// a[i] isn't the last section
if(a[i+1][0] > num) {
return findInSections(a[i],num,sections);
return false; // If we get to here, then we haven't found the number and we return false.
// Some testing code follows to generate and then rotate a random array of integers
function genArray(n) {
var a = [];
for(i=0; i< n; i++) {
a[a.length] = Math.random() * maxNumber | 0;
return a;
function rotateArray(arr) {
var shiftIndex = (Math.random() * maxNumber | 0) % arr.length;
for (i = 0; i < shiftIndex ; i++) {
var shiftElement = arr.shift();
arr[arr.length] = shiftElement;
return arr;
var sortCompare = function(a, b) {
if (a < b) return -1;
if (a > b) return 1;
return 0;
function doTest() {
var end, start, num;
var arr = genArray(maxNumber/2); // set maxNumber at the top of this file.
var num = 6; // set the number to search for here
var sectionsToCreate = // set the number of sections to break the list into here
var rotArr = rotateArray(arr);
start = new Date(); // Start the clock to time the operation
var isNumberInArray = findInSections(rotArr,num,sectionsToCreate);
end = new Date(); // Stop the clock on the operation.
console.log("The D&C operation took " + (end.getTime() - start.getTime()) + " msec");
console.log("Is the number " + num + " in the array? " + isNumberInArray);
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