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Created February 5, 2012 13:46
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Unity3d Object Recycle System
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class LinkObject {
public LinkObject prev = null;
public LinkObject next = null;
public GameObject data;
public LinkObject(GameObject link) {
data = link;
public class GameObjectQueue {
public GameObject objectPrefab;
private LinkObject list = null;
private LinkObject last = null;
private int limit = 0;
private int count = 0;
private int objectCount = 0;
public GameObjectQueue(GameObject prefab, int spawnLimit) {
objectPrefab = prefab;
limit = spawnLimit;
public int DebugCount() {
return count;
public int DebugObjectCount() {
return objectCount;
public void Prime(int amount) {
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate(objectPrefab) as GameObject;
public void Push(GameObject link) {
if (list == null) {
list = new LinkObject(link);
last = list;
} else {
LinkObject obj = new LinkObject(link);
list.prev = obj; = list;
list = obj;
public GameObject Pop() {
if (limit > 0 && objectCount > limit)
return null;
if (list == null) {
GameObject obj = Object.Instantiate(objectPrefab) as GameObject;
return obj;
} else {
// set object to last in list
LinkObject obj = last;
// pull out the data
GameObject link =;
// reset the list to the previous object
if (obj.prev != null) {
last = obj.prev; = null;
} else { = null;
list.prev = null; = null;
list = last = null;
// reset object
// return GameObject
return link;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// Inherits from custom class CoreBehaviour which inherits from Unity's MonoBehaviour
// and implements small optimizations such as transform caching, etc.
public class QueueBehaviour : CoreBehaviour {
// the string signifying this object type for queue tracking
public string prefabType;
public virtual void Reset() {
// optional reset handler
transform.SendMessage("OnReset", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
// various bits of code to manage turning on colliders, audio, animations, etc
// or simply enable the object
public virtual void DestroyToQueue() {
// optional destroy handler
transform.SendMessage("OnDestroyToQueue", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
// various bits of code to manage turning off colliders, audio, animations, etc
// or simply disable the object
queueSystem.Push(prefabType, gameObject);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class QueueLinks {
public string prefabType;
public GameObject prefab;
public int spawnLimit = 0;
public int primerAmount = 0;
public class QueueSystem : MonoBehaviour {
public QueueLinks[] queueLinks;
private Dictionary<string, GameObjectQueue> queueDict = new Dictionary<string, GameObjectQueue>();
void Awake() {
foreach (QueueLinks p in queueLinks) {
queueDict.Add(p.prefabType, new GameObjectQueue(p.prefab, p.spawnLimit));
void Start() {
foreach (QueueLinks p in queueLinks) {
public int DebugCount(string type) {
return queueDict[type].DebugCount();
public int DebugObjectCount(string type) {
return queueDict[type].DebugObjectCount();
public void Push(string type, GameObject obj) {
public GameObject Pop(string obj) {
return queueDict[obj].Pop();
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