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Created May 22, 2019 17:31
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ghc -ddump-asm Main.hs
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .rodata.str,"aMS",@progbits,1
.align 1
.align 1
.asciz "main"
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.quad GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info
.quad $trModule1_r1Lj_bytes
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .rodata.str,"aMS",@progbits,1
.align 1
.align 1
.asciz "Main"
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.quad GHC.Types.TrNameS_con_info
.quad $trModule3_r1LK_bytes
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.globl Main.$trModule_closure
.type Main.$trModule_closure, @object
.quad GHC.Types.Module_con_info
.quad $trModule2_r1LJ_closure+1
.quad $trModule4_r1LL_closure+1
.quad 3
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.quad sat_s1M0_info
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .text
.align 8
.align 8
.long S1Mj_srt-(sat_s1M0_info)+0
.long 0
.quad 0
.quad 4294967317
leaq -40(%rbp),%rax
cmpq %r15,%rax
jb _c1Mf
addq $32,%r12
cmpq 856(%r13),%r12
ja _c1Mi
subq $8,%rsp
movq %r13,%rax
movq %rbx,%rsi
movq %rax,%rdi
xorl %eax,%eax
call newCAF
addq $8,%rsp
testq %rax,%rax
je _c1Mb
movq $stg_bh_upd_frame_info,-16(%rbp)
movq %rax,-8(%rbp)
movq $GHC.Integer.Type.S#_con_info,-24(%r12)
movq $3,-16(%r12)
leaq -23(%r12),%rax
movq $GHC.Integer.Type.S#_con_info,-8(%r12)
movq $2,(%r12)
leaq -7(%r12),%rbx
movl $GHC.Num.$fNumInteger_closure,%r14d
movq $stg_ap_pp_info,-40(%rbp)
movq %rbx,-32(%rbp)
movq %rax,-24(%rbp)
addq $-40,%rbp
jmp GHC.Num.+_info
jmp *(%rbx)
movq $32,904(%r13)
jmp *-16(%r13)
.size sat_s1M0_info, .-sat_s1M0_info
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.globl Main.main_closure
.type Main.main_closure, @object
.quad Main.main_info
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .text
.align 8
.align 8
.long S1Mj_srt-(Main.main_info)+8
.long 0
.quad 0
.quad 30064771093
.globl Main.main_info
.type Main.main_info, @object
leaq -16(%rbp),%rax
cmpq %r15,%rax
jb _c1Mx
subq $8,%rsp
movq %r13,%rax
movq %rbx,%rsi
movq %rax,%rdi
xorl %eax,%eax
call newCAF
addq $8,%rsp
testq %rax,%rax
je _c1Mv
movq $stg_bh_upd_frame_info,-16(%rbp)
movq %rax,-8(%rbp)
movl $sat_s1M0_closure,%esi
movl $GHC.Show.$fShowInteger_closure,%r14d
movl $System.IO.print_closure,%ebx
addq $-16,%rbp
jmp stg_ap_pp_fast
jmp *(%rbx)
jmp *-16(%r13)
.size Main.main_info, .-Main.main_info
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .data
.align 8
.align 1
.globl :Main.main_closure
.type :Main.main_closure, @object
.quad :Main.main_info
.quad 0
.quad 0
.quad 0
==================== Asm code ====================
.section .text
.align 8
.align 8
.long S1Mj_srt-(:Main.main_info)+32
.long 0
.quad 0
.quad 12884901909
.globl :Main.main_info
.type :Main.main_info, @object
leaq -16(%rbp),%rax
cmpq %r15,%rax
jb _c1ML
subq $8,%rsp
movq %r13,%rax
movq %rbx,%rsi
movq %rax,%rdi
xorl %eax,%eax
call newCAF
addq $8,%rsp
testq %rax,%rax
je _c1MJ
movq $stg_bh_upd_frame_info,-16(%rbp)
movq %rax,-8(%rbp)
movl $Main.main_closure,%r14d
movl $GHC.TopHandler.runMainIO_closure,%ebx
addq $-16,%rbp
jmp stg_ap_p_fast
jmp *(%rbx)
jmp *-16(%r13)
.size :Main.main_info, .-:Main.main_info
==================== Asm code ====================
.align 8
.align 1
.quad GHC.Num.$fNumInteger_closure
.quad System.IO.print_closure
.quad GHC.Show.$fShowInteger_closure
.quad sat_s1M0_closure
.quad GHC.TopHandler.runMainIO_closure
.quad Main.main_closure
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