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Created March 25, 2020 19:39
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module Main where
import Data.Coerce
data Validated
data Unvalidated
class AbstractError e
data MyError = MyError String deriving (Show)
instance AbstractError MyError
:: AbstractError e
=> (a Unvalidated -> Either e (a Validated))
-> a Unvalidated -> Either e (a Validated)
validate f v = f v
data Name a = Name String deriving (Show)
validateName :: Name Unvalidated -> Either MyError (Name Validated)
validateName n@(Name v)
| length v >= 3 = Right (coerce n)
| otherwise = Left (MyError "too short")
main :: IO ()
main = do
let n1 = validate validateName (Name "abcd")
let n2 = validate validateName (Name "a")
print n1
print n2
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Cool, that could work. I went the other direction and made it work with the concrete Flash type. The nice thing about having a Validate class is it lets me constrain an abstract input helper like this

validatedInputHelper :: (MonadWidget t m, Validate a)
  => m (Dynamic t (a Unvalidated))
  -> m (Event t (Either Flash (a Validated)))
validatedInputHelper input = do
  dyUnvalidated <- input
  let evValidated = fmap validate $ updated dyUnvalidated
  flashWidgetEv flashConfig $ fmap (either (Just . id) (const Nothing)) evValidated
  return evValidated

although, my end goal is to do validation and return some arbitrary number of inputs in a form, and for that to work the a in my type signature would all have to be same type so that the returns from all inputs could be put into some kind of container.

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