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Created June 18, 2020 00:37
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BOXit solver
// This file is made available under the GPLv3 LICENSE
// For more info, see
// Based on ideas presented in
function main() {
// HGrid format:
// All whitespace is ignored.
// Other characters represent tuples of color and symbol
// Colors are [w]hite/[r]ed, [b]lue, [g]reen, [o]range/[y]ellow, [p]urple/pink
// Grid format:
// There is no whitespace; the whole grid is represented as a string of 25 lowercase a-z letters.
// The letters correspond to numbers and colors based on the following table:
// 12345
// .....
// abcde: White/red
// fghij: Blue
// klmno: Green
// pqrst: Orange/yellow
// uvwxy: Purple/pink
// z is empty space.
var input = readlineSync && readlineSync('Enter grid data [Grid/HGrid, empty for random]: ')
var grid
if (!input) {
grid = createGrid()
} else if (input.length == gridSize) {
grid = input.toLowerCase() // udjvgeywxblapmcnqostrhfki
} else {
while (input.replace(/\s|_/g, '').length < gridSize * 2)
input += readlineSync('Enter additional HGrid data: ') || '*'.repeat(gridSize * 2);
grid = parseHGrid(input)
p1 w4 b5 p2 b2
w5 p5 p3 p4 w2
g2 w1 o1 g3 w3
g4 o2 g5 o4 o5
o3 b3 b1 g1 b4
console.log(`--- ${grid}`)
for (let s of getSolutions(grid)) {
console.log(`--- ${grid}\n${prettyGrid(grid)}`)
for (let [f, t, g] of s) {
console.log(`--- ${g} ${prettyPos(f)} ${prettyPos(t)}\n${prettyGrid(g, {[f]: true, [t]: true})}`)
// Constants
var clc = undefined
if (typeof require != 'undefined' && !(typeof process != 'undefined' && process.argv.indexOf('--raw') != -1)) {
try {
clc = require('cli-color')
} catch (e) {
// pass
var readlineSync = undefined
if (typeof prompt != 'undefined') {
readlineSync = prompt
if (typeof require != 'undefined' && !(typeof process != 'undefined' && process.argv.indexOf('--debug') != -1)) {
try {
readlineSync = require('readline-sync').question
} catch (e) {
// pass
const assert = (x) => {if(!x()) throw 'Failed:', x.toString()}
const tokenSymbols = 5
const tokenColors = 5
const gridRows = tokenColors
const gridSize = tokenSymbols * tokenColors
const tokenEmpty = 'z'
const tokenOffset = 'a'.charCodeAt()
const emptyGrid = tokenEmpty.repeat(gridSize)
// Printing utilities
const colorFunctions = clc ? [,,,,] : 'wbgop'.split('').map(c => x => ` ${c}${x} `)
const colorHighlightedFunctions = clc ? [,,,,] : 'wbgop'.split('').map(c => x => `_${c}${x}_`)
const symbolsStrings = clc ? [' ', '[1]', '[2]', '[3]', '[4]', '[5]'] : [' ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
const symbolsHighlightedStrings = clc ? [' * ', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}'] : [' ** ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
assert(() => colorFunctions.every(x => typeof x == 'function'))
assert(() => symbolsStrings.every(x => typeof x == 'string'))
assert(() => symbolsHighlightedStrings.every(x => typeof x == 'string'))
function prettyToken(token, h) {
if (token == tokenEmpty) return (h ? symbolsHighlightedStrings : symbolsStrings)[0]
let n = token.charCodeAt() - tokenOffset
return (h ? colorHighlightedFunctions : colorFunctions)[(n / tokenColors) | 0]((h ? symbolsHighlightedStrings : symbolsStrings)[(n % tokenColors) + 1])
function prettyPos(n) {
return '(' + (((n / gridRows) | 0) + 1) + '-' + (n % gridRows + 1) + ')';
function prettyGrid(grid, h = {}) {
let result = ''
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i += gridRows) {
for (let j = i; j < Math.ceil(i / gridRows + 1) * gridRows; j ++) {
result += prettyToken(grid[j], h[j]);
result += '\n'
return result.slice(0, -1)
// Board Generation / Parsing
function shuffle(array) { //
var m = array.length, t, i;
while (m) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m);
m -= 1;
t = array[m];
array[m] = array[i];
array[i] = t;
return array;
function createGrid() { // Based on simplified pico code in
return shuffle(Array(gridSize).fill().map((_, i) => i)).map(x => String.fromCharCode(x + tokenOffset)).join('')
function parseHGrid(hgrid) {
hgrid = hgrid.replace(/\s|_/g, '').toLowerCase()
let c = 'wbgop'
let m = {'r': 'w', 'y': 'o'}
let s = '12345'
let r = ''
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize * 2; i += 2) {
r += String.fromCharCode(c.indexOf(m[hgrid[i]] || hgrid[i]) * tokenSymbols + s.indexOf(hgrid[i + 1]) + tokenOffset)
return r
// Game logic
function tokensMatch(tokenA, tokenB) {
let a = tokenA.charCodeAt() - tokenOffset
let b = tokenB.charCodeAt() - tokenOffset
return ((a / tokenColors) | 0) == ((b / tokenColors) | 0) || (a % tokenColors) == (b % tokenColors)
assert(() => tokensMatch(String.fromCharCode(0 + tokenOffset), String.fromCharCode(1 + tokenOffset)))
assert(() => tokensMatch(String.fromCharCode(0 + tokenOffset), String.fromCharCode(0 + tokenSymbols + tokenOffset)))
assert(() => !tokensMatch(String.fromCharCode(0 + tokenOffset), String.fromCharCode(1 + tokenSymbols + tokenOffset)))
function* getPossibleMoves(grid) {
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i ++) if (grid[i] != tokenEmpty) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < Math.ceil((i + 1) / gridRows) * gridRows; j ++) if (grid[j] != tokenEmpty) {
if (tokensMatch(grid[i], grid[j])) {
yield [i, j, grid.replace(grid[i], tokenEmpty).replace(grid[j], grid[i])]
yield [j, i, grid.replace(grid[j], tokenEmpty).replace(grid[i], grid[j])]
for (let j = i + gridRows; j < gridSize; j += gridRows) if (grid[j] != tokenEmpty) {
if (tokensMatch(grid[i], grid[j])) {
yield [i, j, grid.replace(grid[i], tokenEmpty).replace(grid[j], grid[i])]
yield [j, i, grid.replace(grid[j], tokenEmpty).replace(grid[i], grid[j])]
function isCompleted(grid) {
let t = 0
for (let i = 0; i < gridSize; i ++) if (grid[i] != tokenEmpty) {
return t == 1
// Simple DFS solver, with an explicit stack
function* getSolutions(initialGrid) {
var previous = {}
var grids = [initialGrid]
while (grids.length > 0) {
let grid = grids.pop()
for (let [f, t, g] of getPossibleMoves(grid)) {
if (!previous[g]) {
previous[g] = [grid, f, t]
if (isCompleted(g)) { // Win!!!
let path = []
let r = g
while (previous[r]) {
let [nr, pf, pt] = previous[r]
path.push([pf, pt, r])
r = nr
yield path
} else {
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