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Created July 25, 2024 09:34
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Procedurally-animated worm in Python
# A simple program which shows a procedurally-animated worm that can be moved around by clicking on the screen.
# References:,
from random import random
from math import sqrt
from graphics import * #
class FollowerCircle(Circle):
Creates a circle that follows another circle around at a set distance.
Make sure to call update() every time the original circle is moved in order to move the follower as well.
def __init__(self, targetCircle, radius, targetDistance):
super().__init__(targetCircle.getCenter(), radius)
self.targetCircle = targetCircle
self.targetDistance = targetDistance
def getTargetCircle(self):
return self.targetCircle
def getTargetDistance(self):
return self.targetDistance
def update(self):
targetPos = self.targetCircle.getCenter()
myPos = self.getCenter()
diff = targetPos.getX() - myPos.getX(), targetPos.getY() - myPos.getY()
distance = sqrt(diff[0] ** 2 + diff[1] ** 2)
if distance > 0.01:
diffNorm = diff[0] / distance, diff[1] / distance
diffTarget = (
diffNorm[0] * self.targetDistance,
diffNorm[1] * self.targetDistance,
diffTarget = 0, -self.targetDistance
self.move(diff[0] - diffTarget[0], diff[1] - diffTarget[1])
class TrailCircle(Circle):
Creates a circle that trails behind another circle.
It will take the other's circle last pos every frame with a moveChance chance.
Make sure to call update() every time the original circle is moved in order to move the trail as well.
def __init__(self, targetCircle, moveChance):
super().__init__(targetCircle.getCenter(), targetCircle.getRadius())
self.targetCircle = targetCircle
self.lastTargetPos = self.targetCircle.getCenter()
self.moveChance = moveChance
def getTargetCircle(self):
return self.targetCircle
def getMoveChance(self):
return self.moveChance
def update(self):
if random() < self.moveChance:
myPos = self.getCenter()
self.lastTargetPos.getX() - myPos.getX(),
self.lastTargetPos.getY() - myPos.getY(),
self.lastTargetPos = self.targetCircle.getCenter()
def main():
win = GraphWin("Worm", 500, 500, autoflush=False)
# HACK: Make graphics window resizable
win.master.resizable(width=True, height=True)
backgroundColor = [100, 160, 30]
trails = []
def makeTrails(forCircle):
trail = forCircle
for j in range(2, 0, -1):
trail = TrailCircle(trail, 0.6)
trailColor = color_rgb(
*[((255 - c) * (j) // 5) + c for c in backgroundColor]
c = Circle(Point(100, 100), 20)
c.setFill(color_rgb(255, 200, 255))
follower = c
# followers = [(follower := FollowerCircle(follower, i, i * 0.75)) for i in range(20, 0, -1)]
followers = []
for i in range(20, 0, -1):
follower = FollowerCircle(follower, i, i * 0.75)
color = int((i + 20) / 40 * 255)
follower.setFill(color_rgb(color, color * 2 // 3, color))
if i < 15:
for trail in reversed(trails):
for follower in reversed(followers):
framerate = 30 # s^-1
speed = 120 # px/s
mousePos = Point(400, 400)
while win.isOpen():
# HACK: Make graphics window resizable
size = win.master.geometry().split("+")[0].split("x")
win.config(width=size[0], height=size[1])
newMousePos = win.checkMouse()
if newMousePos != None:
mousePos = newMousePos
centerPos = c.getCenter()
diff = mousePos.getX() - centerPos.getX(), mousePos.getY() - centerPos.getY()
distance = sqrt(diff[0] ** 2 + diff[1] ** 2)
if distance > speed / framerate:
diffNorm = diff[0] / distance, diff[1] / distance
c.move(diffNorm[0] * speed / framerate, diffNorm[1] * speed / framerate)
for f in followers:
for t in trails:
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