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Created September 22, 2023 12:40
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Draw a diagram illustrating roots of unity in the case of C_n
\coordinate (center) at (0, 0);
\foreach \i in {0,...,4} {
\coordinate (point\i) at ({\startangle+\angle*\i}:\radius);
\coordinate (label\i) at ({\startangle+\angle*\i}:\radius+0.25cm);
\node[anchor={\startangle+\angle*\i-90}] at (label\i) {$\omega_5^{\i}$};
\draw[salmon, thick] (point0) -- (point1) -- (point2) -- (point3) -- (point4) -- cycle;
\draw[black, thick] (center) circle (\radius);
\draw[->] (-2.5,0) -- (2.5,0) node[right] {$\text{x}$};
\draw[->] (0,-2.5) -- (0,2.5) node[above] {$\text{y}$};
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