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Created December 16, 2016 04:44
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(ns MyBot3
(:require [game]
(def bot-name "MyBot3")
(declare map-to-adjacent-sites get-direction-to-nearest-edge)
(defn max-out-direction
"return direction that would set strength above production value of site"
[game-map site]
(reduce (fn [best-choice direction]
(let [potential-site (game/adjacent-site game-map site direction)]
(if (< (* 2 (:production potential-site)) (+ (:strength potential-site) (:strength site)))
(defn single-piece-move "Should return a [site direction] pair for a single site"
[game-map [my-site adjacent-sites]]
(let [best-direction-to-go (get-direction-to-nearest-edge game-map my-site)
site-to-go-to (game/adjacent-site game-map my-site best-direction-to-go)
i-own-best-site (= (:owner my-site) (:owner site-to-go-to))
production-comparison (>= (:strength my-site) (* 4 (:production my-site)))
adjacent-direction-to-max-out (max-out-direction game-map my-site)
strength-test (>= (:strength my-site )
(:strength site-to-go-to))]
[my-site (cond
(or strength-test
(and i-own-best-site production-comparison))
:else :still)]))
(defn make-great-guess "Guess making function.
my-sites is my sites associated the adjacent tiles.
Should return a list of [site direction] pairs"
[game-map my-sites]
(map #(single-piece-move game-map %) my-sites))
(defn distance-to-edge-in-direction [game-map site direction]
(let [me (:owner site)]
(loop [distance 0 test-site (game/adjacent-site game-map site direction)]
(if (and
(not= site test-site)
(= me (:owner test-site)))
(recur (+ 1 distance) (game/adjacent-site game-map test-site direction))
(defn get-direction-to-nearest-edge [game-map site]
(reduce (fn [closest-direction test-direction]
(let [distance (distance-to-edge-in-direction game-map site test-direction)
is-closer (<= distance (:distance closest-direction))]
(if is-closer
{:direction test-direction :distance distance}
{:distance 100 :direction :north}
(defn carefully-considered-moves
"Takes a 2D vector of sites and returns a list of [site, direction] pairs"
[my-id game-map]
(let [my-sites (->> game-map
(filter #(= (:owner %) my-id)))]
(make-great-guess game-map (map-to-adjacent-sites game-map my-sites))))
(defn map-to-adjacent-sites [game-map my-sites]
(reduce (fn [acc site]
(assoc acc site (vec (map #(game/adjacent-site game-map site %) game/cardinal-directions))))
(defn -main []
(let [{:keys [my-id productions width height game-map]} (io/get-init!)]
;; Do any initialization you want with the starting game-map before submitting the bot-name
(println bot-name)
(doseq [turn (range)]
(let [game-map (io/create-game-map width height productions (io/read-ints!))]
(io/send-moves! (carefully-considered-moves my-id game-map))))))
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