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Last active July 10, 2021 16:52
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Generate random username based on real name and last name from given array.
// call generateRandomUsername()
// example output: edward_cannon137
// example output: thomas1295_deitz
// example output: tim2225_caswell31
function generateRandomUsername() {
let firstnames = [ "Adam", "Alex", "Aaron", "Ben", "Carl", "Dan", "David", "Edward", "Fred", "Frank", "George", "Hal", "Hank", "Ike", "John", "Jack", "Joe", "Larry", "Monte", "Matthew", "Mark", "Nathan", "Otto", "Paul", "Peter", "Roger", "Roger", "Steve", "Thomas", "Tim", "Ty", "Victor", "Walter"];
let lastnames = ["Anderson", "Ashwoon", "Aikin", "Bateman", "Bongard", "Bowers", "Boyd", "Cannon", "Cast", "Deitz", "Dewalt", "Ebner", "Frick", "Hancock", "Haworth", "Hesch", "Hoffman", "Kassing", "Knutson", "Lawless", "Lawicki", "Mccord", "McCormack", "Miller", "Myers", "Nugent", "Ortiz", "Orwig", "Ory", "Paiser", "Pak", "Pettigrew", "Quinn", "Quizoz", "Ramachandran", "Resnick", "Sagar", "Schickowski", "Schiebel", "Sellon", "Severson", "Shaffer", "Solberg", "Soloman", "Sonderling", "Soukup", "Soulis", "Stahl", "Sweeney", "Tandy", "Trebil", "Trusela", "Trussel", "Turco", "Uddin", "Uflan", "Ulrich", "Upson", "Vader", "Vail", "Valente", "Van Zandt", "Vanderpoel", "Ventotla", "Vogal", "Wagle", "Wagner", "Wakefield", "Weinstein", "Weiss", "Woo", "Yang", "Yates", "Yocum", "Zeaser", "Zeller", "Ziegler", "Bauer", "Baxster", "Casal", "Cataldi", "Caswell", "Celedon", "Chambers", "Chapman", "Christensen", "Darnell", "Davidson", "Davis", "DeLorenzo", "Dinkins", "Doran", "Dugelman", "Dugan", "Duffman", "Eastman", "Ferro", "Ferry", "Fletcher", "Fietzer", "Hylan", "Hydinger", "Illingsworth", "Ingram", "Irwin", "Jagtap", "Jenson", "Johnson", "Johnsen", "Jones", "Jurgenson", "Kalleg", "Kaskel", "Keller", "Leisinger", "LePage", "Lewis", "Linde", "Lulloff", "Maki", "Martin", "McGinnis", "Mills", "Moody", "Moore", "Napier", "Nelson", "Norquist", "Nuttle", "Olson", "Ostrander", "Reamer", "Reardon", "Reyes", "Rice", "Ripka", "Roberts", "Rogers", "Root", "Sandstrom", "Sawyer", "Schlicht", "Schmitt", "Schwager", "Schutz", "Schuster", "Tapia", "Thompson", "Tiernan", "Tisler"];
let separator = getRandomInt(0, 3) < 2 ? '_' : getRandomInt(0, 2300) + '_';
let separatorEnd = getRandomInt(0, 30) < 15 ? '' : getRandomInt(5, 300);
let username = firstnames[getRandomInt(0, firstnames.length -1)];
username += separator + lastnames[getRandomInt(0, lastnames.length -1)];
username += separatorEnd;
return username.toLowerCase();
function randomgPassword() {
return Math.random().toString(36).slice(-getRandomInt(7, 10));
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min) + min);
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