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Created August 17, 2020 18:38
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Denotational Design of a Stack API
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
module DD where
newtype Stack a = S (Int -> a)
empty :: Stack a
empty = S (\case {})
push :: a -> Stack a -> Stack a
push a (S f) = S (\n -> if n == 1 then a else f (n + 1))
pop :: Stack a -> (a, Stack a)
pop (S f) = (f 1, S (\n -> f (n - 1)))
instance Functor Stack where
fmap f (S s) = S (fmap f s)
instance Applicative Stack where
pure a = S (pure a)
(S sf) <*> (S sa) = S (sf <*> sa)
instance Monad Stack where
return = pure
(S u) >>= k = let f (S x) = x
in S (u >>= f . k)
prog :: Num a => Stack a
prog = do
let i = pure 1
s <- push 1 i
push (s + 5) i
class IsStack s where
mu :: s a -> Stack a
mu' :: Stack a -> s a
instance IsStack [] where
mu [] = empty
mu (h:t) = push h (mu t)
mu' (S f) = aux f 1
aux f n = f n : aux f (n + 1)
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