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This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.

christiannelson /
Last active September 26, 2016 00:10
Opinionated instructions for setting up a laptop for development at Carbon Five. Not intended to be run wholesale; read, interpret, tweak (maybe), then run piece by piece.
# Opinionated instructions for setting up a laptop for development at Carbon Five.
# Not intended to be run wholesale; read, interpret, tweak (maybe), then run piece by piece.
# Tested against Yosemite 10.10.
# Install Homebrew.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
abelmartin / gist:2203155
Created March 26, 2012 05:18
Alg for Rubyque question #
# For RubyQue question:
def find_range
min = 0
default_max = 99
max = default_max
goal = 4494
while min <= max
current_sum = (1..100).to_a[min..max].reduce(:+)
if current_sum == 4494