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Created January 26, 2022 14:41
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Coalton tests using fiasco
(ql:quickload '(:coalton :fiasco))
(defpackage :coalton-derivative
(:use :coalton :coalton-library))
(in-package :coalton-derivative)
(define-type Symbol
(Symbol String))
(define (symbol-name sym)
(match sym
((Symbol s) s)))
(define-instance (Eq Symbol)
(define (== a b)
(== (symbol-name a) (symbol-name b))))
(define-type Expr
"A symbolic expression of basic arithmetic."
(EConst Integer)
(EVar Symbol)
(E+ Expr Expr)
(E* Expr Expr))
(declare diff (Symbol -> Expr -> Expr))
(define (diff x f)
"Compute the derivative of F with respect to X."
(match f
((EConst _) ; c' = 0
(EConst 0))
((EVar s) ; x' = 1
(if (== s x) (EConst 1) (EConst 0)))
((E+ a b) ; (a+b)' = a' + b'
(E+ (diff x a) (diff x b)))
((E* a b) ; (ab)' = a'b + ab'
(E+ (E* (diff x a) b)
(E* a (diff x b))))))
(declare dt (Expr -> Expr))
(define dt
"The time derivative operator."
(diff (Symbol "t"))))
(fiasco:define-test-package :coalton-derivative-test
(:use :coalton-derivative)
(:shadowing-import-from :coalton-derivative dt E+ EVar Symbol EConst E+)
(:import-from :coalton coalton)
(:import-from :coalton-library ==))
(cl:in-package :coalton-derivative-test)
(deftest diff-test ()
(is (coalton (== (dt (E+ (EVar (Symbol "t"))
(EConst 1)))
(E+ (EConst 1) (EConst 10))))))
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