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Last active January 13, 2022 00:27
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Turing Machines as Natural Transformations between Polynomial Functors
module TM where
open import Data.Integer
data V : Set where
One Zero Empty : V
data HeadDir : Set where
L R : HeadDir
-- An encoding of Polynomial Functors
record Poly : Set where
constructor _▹_
pos : Set
dir : pos -> Set
open Poly
-- morphisms of polynomails (natural transformation)
record Poly[_,_](p q : Poly) : Set where
constructor _⇒ₚ_
onPos : pos p → pos q
onDir : (i : pos p) → dir q (onPos i) → dir p i
open Poly[_,_]
-- Lense are just morphisms of monomials
-- Syᵀ → Ayᴮ
Lens : Set → Set → Set → Set → Set
Lens S T A B = Poly[ S ▹ (λ _ → T) , A ▹ (λ _ → B) ]
TuringMachine : Set
TuringMachine = Lens ((ℤ → V) × ℤ) ((ℤ → V) × ℤ) V ( V × HeadDir)
tm : TuringMachine
tm = (λ {(tape , head) → tape(head)}) ⇒ₚ λ{ (tape , head) ( v , L) → (tape [ head ⇒ v ]) , head - (+_ 1)
; (tape , head) ( v , R) → (tape [ head ⇒ v ]) , head + (+_ 1) }
-- Show that `tm` is a natural transformation between polynomial functors
-- this shows that `tm` also has the type Poly[ p , q] where p q are type Poly (representations of polynomial functors)
_ : Poly[ Σ (ℤ → V) (λ x → ℤ) ▹ (λ _ → Σ (ℤ → V) (λ x → ℤ)) , V ▹ (λ _ → Σ V (λ x → HeadDir)) ]
_ = tm
-- lets explicitly name the polynomials in the mapping
p : Poly
p = Σ (ℤ → V) (λ x → ℤ) ▹ (λ _ → Σ (ℤ → V) (λ x → ℤ))
q : Poly
q = V ▹ (λ _ → Σ V (λ x → HeadDir))
-- therefore we can say that `tm` is a map between Poly(s)
_ : Poly[ p , q ]
_ = tm
-- Poly actually represents a Polynomial functor via the yoneda lemma
-- This shows that Poly represents a polynomial functor
PFun : Poly → Functor Agda Agda
PFun p = record {
F₀ = ⦅ p ⦆ ;
F₁ = lift p ;
identity = refl ;
homomorphism = λ f g → refl }
-- "action" on objects
⦅_⦆ : Poly → Set → Set
⦅ P ▹ D ⦆ X = Σ[ p ∈ P ] (D p → X)
-- "action" on morphisms
lift : {X Y : Set} → (p : Poly) → (X → Y) → (⦅ p ⦆ X → ⦅ p ⦆ Y)
lift p f = λ{ (fst₁ , snd₁) → fst₁ , snd₁ ؛ f}
-- so lets denote p and q as their represented polynomial functors
pF : Functor Agda Agda
pF = PFun p
qF : Functor Agda Agda
qF = PFun q
-- Poly[ p , q ] represents a natural transformation between polynomial functors (again via yoneda lemma)
PNat : {p q : Poly } → Poly[ p , q ] → NatTrans (PFun p) (PFun q)
PNat (onPos ⇒ₚ onDir) = record {
η = λ ob → λ{ (posp , dirp) → onPos posp , λ z → dirp (onDir posp z) } ;
commute = λ {f (fst , snd) → refl }
-- therefore we can say `tm` is a turing machine, but also a natural transformation between polynomial functors
_ : NatTrans pF qF
_ = PNat tm
-------- apendix -------
-- definition of Category
record Category : Set where
Ob : Set
_⇒_ : Rel Ob
_≋_ : ∀{A B : Ob} → Rel (A ⇒ B)
_∘_ : ∀ {x y z : Ob} -> y ⇒ z -> x ⇒ y -> x ⇒ z
id : ∀ {o : Ob} -> o ⇒ o
idˡ : ∀ {x y : Ob} (f : x ⇒ y) -> f ∘ (id {x}) ≡ f
idʳ : ∀ {x y : Ob} (f : x ⇒ y) -> (id {y}) ∘ f ≡ f
∘-assoc : ∀ {x y z w : Ob} (f : x ⇒ y) (g : y ⇒ z) (h : z ⇒ w) -> h ∘ (g ∘ f) ≡ (h ∘ g) ∘ f
--definition of Functor
record Functor (𝒞 𝒟 : Category) : Set where
module C = Category 𝒞
module D = Category 𝒟
F₀ : C.Ob -> D.Ob
F₁ : ∀ {A B} (f : C._⇒_ A B ) -> D._⇒_ (F₀ A) (F₀ B)
identity : ∀ {A} -> (F₁ ( {A})) ≡ {(F₀ A)}
homomorphism : ∀ {A B C} -> (f : C._⇒_ A B) -> (g : C._⇒_ B C) ->
F₁ (C._∘_ g f) ≡ D._∘_ (F₁ g) (F₁ f)
-- definition of Natural Transformation
record NatTrans {C D : Category } (ℱ 𝒢 : Functor C D) : Set where
module F = Functor ℱ
module G = Functor 𝒢
open F using (F₀ ; F₁)
open Category C renaming (_⇒_ to _⇒C_)
open Category D renaming (_⇒_ to _⇒D_; _∘_ to _∘D_; _≋_ to _≋D_)
η : ∀ X → F.F₀ X ⇒D G.F₀ X
commute : ∀ {X Y}(f : X ⇒C Y) → ((η Y) ∘D (F₁ f)) ≋D (((G.F₁ f) ∘D η X))
-- Agda as a category
Agda : Category
Agda = record
{ Ob = Set
; _⇒_ = λ x y → (x → y)
; _≋_ = λ {A} → λ f g → ∀ (a : A) → f a ≡ g a
; _∘_ = _o_
; id = λ x → x
; idˡ = λ f → refl
; idʳ = λ f → refl
; ∘-assoc = λ f g h → refl
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