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Created July 25, 2022 21:01
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Generalize Elements, 2 level terms.
record Univ : Set₁ where
U : Set
El : U → Set
open Univ
record GeneralizedElement : Set₁ where
constructor _∋_∋_
𝒰 : Univ
ty : 𝒰 .U
elem : (𝒰 .El) ty
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.String
open import Data.Bool
open import Function hiding (_∋_)
data Types₁ : Set where 𝕓 𝕟 : Types₁
data Types₂ : Set where
𝕤 : Types₂
_⇒_ : Types₂ → Types₂ → Types₂
U₁ : Univ
U₁ .U = Types₁
U₁ .El 𝕓 = Bool
U₁ .El 𝕟 = ℕ
U₂ : Univ
U₂ .U = Types₂
U₂ .El = El'
El' : Types₂ → Set
El' 𝕤 = String
El' (x ⇒ y) = El' x → El' y
ex : GeneralizedElement
ex = U₂ ∋ (𝕤 ⇒ 𝕤) ∋ (λ s → s ++ "foo")
ex2 : GeneralizedElement
ex2 = U₁ ∋ 𝕓 ∋ false
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