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Created July 22, 2022 20:30
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Smart coproduct injections
{-# OPTIONS --overlapping-instances #-}
record _<:_ (sub sup : Set) : Set where
inj : sub → sup
open import Function
open _<:_{{...}}
infixr 10 _+_
data _+_ (A B : Set) : Set where
inl : A → A + B
inr : B → A + B
_ : {A : Set} → A <: A
_ = record { inj = id }
_ : {A B : Set} → A <: (A + B)
_ = record { inj = inl }
_ : {A B C : Set}{{ _ : A <: B}} → A <: ( C + B)
_ = record { inj = inr ∘ inj }
open import Data.Bool
open import Data.Nat hiding (_+_)
open import Data.String
_ : Bool + ℕ + String
_ = inj 8
_ : Bool + ℕ + String
_ = inj true
_ : Bool + ℕ + String
_ = inj "foo"
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bond15 commented Jul 22, 2022


Class Inject (sub sup : Set) : Set :=
  inj : sub -> sup

Notation "A <: B" := (Inject A B) (at level 20, right associativity).

Instance refl {A : Set} : A <: A :=
  inj := fun x => x

(* assign priority to instances ?? that's what " | 2 " is
Instance S1 {A B : Set} : A <: (A + B) | 2 :=
  inj := inl

Instance S2 {A B C : Set}{_ : A <: B} : A <: (C + B) | 3 := 
  inj := fun x => inr (inj x)

(* not working yet*)
Definition example : nat + bool + unit := inj true.

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