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Last active November 4, 2022 15:42
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Fibonacci Histomorphism
module Fib where
import Control.Arrow((>>>),(&&&))
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
newtype Fix f = In { out :: (f (Fix f) ) }
data NatF a = Z | S a deriving Show
-- Peano natural numbers as the least fixed point of functor NatF
type Nat = Fix NatF
z :: Nat
z = In Z
suc :: Nat -> Nat
suc n = In $ S n
toNat :: Int -> Nat
toNat n | n <= 0 = z
toNat n = suc $ toNat (n-1)
instance Functor NatF where
fmap f Z = Z
fmap f (S n) = S (f n)
-- using Cofree Comonad as the 'cache'
type CVAlgebra f a = f(Cofree f a) -> a
histo :: Functor f => CVAlgebra f a -> Fix f -> a
histo cvalg = dp >>> \(a :< s) -> a where
dp = out >>> fmap dp >>> (cvalg &&& id) >>> uncurry (:<)
fibAlg :: CVAlgebra NatF Int
fibAlg Z = 0
fibAlg (S (_ :< Z)) = 1
fibAlg (S (p :< (S (pp :< _)))) = p + pp
-- just a histomorphism over the peano naturals, whats the problem
fib :: Int -> Int
fib = toNat >>> (histo fibAlg)
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