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Forked from bibby/
Created May 19, 2016 14:17
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Godot HTTPClient usage
# An experiment in using HTTPClient
# for blocking RPCs
# @author bibby<>
# get( url )
# post( url, body )
# put( url, body )
# delete( url )
extends Node
const ERROR = 1
const OK = 0
# TODO, setter for domain
var _host = "localhost"
var _port = 80
var _error = ""
var _response = ""
var client =
func get(url):
return _request( HTTPClient.METHOD_GET, url, "" )
# TODO, form encode collections if desired
func post(url, body):
return _request( HTTPClient.METHOD_POST, url, body)
func put(url, body):
return _request( HTTPClient.METHOD_PUT, url, body)
func delete(url):
return _request( HTTPClient.METHOD_DELETE, url, "" )
func _request(method, url, body):
_response = ""
var res = _connect()
if( res == ERROR ):
return _getErr()
client.request( method, url, StringArray(["User-Agent: godot game engine"]), body)
# TODO, Content-Type and other headers
res = _poll()
if( res != OK ):
return _getErr()
return _response
func _connect():
client.connect(_host, _port)
var res = _poll()
if( res != OK ):
return ERROR
return OK
func _getErr():
return _error
func _setError(msg):
_error = str(msg)
return ERROR
func _poll():
var status = -1
var current_status
current_status = client.get_status()
if( status != current_status ):
status = current_status
print("HTTPClient entered status ", status)
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_RESOLVING ):
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_REQUESTING ):
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_CONNECTING ):
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_CONNECTED ):
return OK
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_DISCONNECTED ):
return _setError("Disconnected from Host")
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_CANT_RESOLVE ):
return _setError("Can't Resolve Host")
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_CANT_CONNECT ):
return _setError("Can't Connect to Host")
return _setError("Connection Error")
if( status == HTTPClient.STATUS_BODY ):
return _parseBody()
func _parseBody():
_response = client.read_response_body_chunk().get_string_from_ascii()
var response_code = client.get_response_code()
if( response_code >= 200 && response_code < 300 ):
return OK
if( response_code >= 400 ):
return _setError( "HTTP:" + str(response_code) )
return OK
# modified example
extends Panel
var RPC = preload("")
var _rpc
func _init():
_rpc =
func _ready():
get_node("Button").connect("pressed", self, "onButtonPress")
func onButtonPress():
get_node("Label").set_text( str(_rpc.get("/godot.php")) )
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