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Forked from yhojann-cl/
Last active June 6, 2024 21:09
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phpbb3 updater
# Source:
# Define username, domain, database name, translation language, local path, and remote path variables
echo '+ Checking current version ...'
mysql '${DB_NAME}' -e "
SELECT config_value
FROM phpbb_config
WHERE config_name = 0x76657273696f6e
' | sed -n 2p)
echo "+ The current forum version is PHPBB-${LOCAL_VERSION}"
echo '+ Checking public version ...'
# Download the webpage content and store it in a variable
WEBPAGE_CONTENT=$(curl -s '')
# Extract the version number using a refined regex pattern
REMOTE_VERSION=$(echo "$WEBPAGE_CONTENT" | grep -oP 'phpBB-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.zip' | head -n 1 | grep -oP '\d+\.\d+\.\d+')
# Debugging information to ensure correct extraction
echo "Extracted Remote Version: ${REMOTE_VERSION}"
# If REMOTE_VERSION is empty, log an error message
if [ -z "$REMOTE_VERSION" ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to extract the remote version from the webpage content."
exit 1
echo "+ The current public version is PHPBB-${REMOTE_VERSION}"
if [ "$LOCAL_VERSION" != "$REMOTE_VERSION" ]; then
echo '+ The forum needs an update.'
echo '+ Downloading the latest version of phpBB ...'
rm -f '/tmp/'
wget -q "${REMOTE_VERSION}.zip" -O /tmp/
echo '+ Extracting ...'
mkdir -p '/tmp/phpbb3/'
unzip -q '/tmp/' -d '/tmp/phpbb3/'
rm -f '/tmp/'
rm -rf '/tmp/phpbb3/phpBB3/install/'
echo '+ Applying changes to the current project ...'
rsync -tvrz --delete \
--exclude="/config.php" \
--exclude="/cache/" \
--exclude="/download/" \
--exclude="/files/" \
--exclude="/store/" \
--exclude="/images/" \
--exclude="/styles/ClearByte/" \
'/tmp/phpbb3/phpBB3/' \
rm -rf '/tmp/phpbb3/'
echo '+ Getting information about the Spanish translation package ...'
# Extract download links using grep and awk
DOWNLOAD_LINK=$(echo "$TRANSLATION_PAGE_CONTENT" | grep -oP '<a class="download-button" href="\K\d+' | head -n 1)
# Debugging information to ensure correct extraction
echo "Download Link: ${DOWNLOAD_LINK}"
# If DOWNLOAD_LINK is empty, log an error message
if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_LINK" ]; then
echo "Error: Failed to extract the download link from the translation page content."
exit 1
# Download the translation package
echo "+ Downloading ${TRANS_LANGUAGE} translation package from: $DOWNLOAD_LINK"
wget -q "$DOWNLOAD_LINK" -P '/tmp/'
# Extract downloaded zip file
echo '+ Extracting downloaded translation package ...'
unzip -q '/tmp/*.zip' -d '/tmp/'
# Apply changes to the current project
echo '+ Applying changes to the current project ...'
rsync -tvrz \
/tmp/*${TRANS_LANGUAGE}*/ \
rm -rf '/tmp/*${TRANS_LANGUAGE}*/'
# Sync changes on the server
echo '+ Syncing changes on the server ...'
rsync -tvrz --delete --progress \
--exclude="/config.php" \
--exclude="/cache/" \
--exclude="/download/" \
--exclude="/files/" \
--exclude="/store/" \
--exclude="/images/" \
--exclude="/styles/ClearByte/" \
# Clear cache
echo '+ Clearing cache ...'
rm -rf '${REMOTE_PATH}'/cache/production/;
rm -rf '${REMOTE_PATH}'/cache/installer/;
# Migrate database
echo '+ Migrating database ...'
php '${REMOTE_PATH}'/bin/phpbbcli.php db:migrate --safe-mode
echo '+ Update completed.'
echo "+ The forum does not need an update."
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