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Forked from tdack/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## Name:
## Purpose: Executed by irexec this script will cycle between mythtv and kodi using a single button.
## (C)opyright 2008 Arksoft.
## Author: Arkay
## Ver 1.0: 4-08-2008. Initial version.
# Require and Use Clauses.
use strict; #Keeps code neat.
use Getopt::Std; #Getopt module for option preprocessing.
use vars qw/ $opt_d $opt_h $opt_f $opt_x /; #Option Processing vars.
use POSIX qw(strftime); #Time routine we need.
# Prototype definitions
sub logmsg(@); #Message logger so we can track what's been going on.
sub showmsg($); #Show a message on the screen
sub process_opts(); #Option processing.. Nothing exiting for this script.
sub do_command($); #Execute a shell command for lazy perl programmers :)
sub check_proc($); #Check if a process is running.
sub startproc($);
sub startmyth();
sub startfirefox();
sub startkodi();
sub killapps($$$);
# Constant Definitions.
my ($TRUE) = 1;
my ($FALSE) = 0;
# Global vars, paths, commands to call.
my ($LOG) = "/home/myth/scripts/appswitch.log"; #Log location.
my ($LOGSIZE) = 1024; #Maximum log size in kbytes, self pruning.
my ($DEBUG) = $FALSE; #Debugging default is off.
my ($BASENAME) = $0; #How was the program called?
my ($OPT_FIREFOX) = $FALSE; #Force firefox
my ($OPT_FIREFOX_URL) = ""; #Firefox URL
my ($OPT_KODI) = $FALSE; #Force KODI
my ($MYTHTV)="/usr/bin/mythfrontend"; #Process name to start
my ($FIREFOX)="/usr/bin/firefox-3.5"; #Process name to start
my ($KODI)="/usr/bin/kodi"; #Process name to start
my ($IRXEVENT)="/usr/bin/irxevent"; #Extra event handling for firefox
my ($RCMKB)="/home/myth/src/rcmkb/"; #Mouse emulation for firefox
my ($KMYTHTV)="mythfrontend.real"; #Process name to use with killall
my ($KFIREFOX)="firefox"; #Process name to use with killall
my ($KKODI)="kodi.bin"; #Process name to use with killall
my ($KMPLAYER)="mplayer"; #Also kill any external players
my ($KIRXEVENT)="irxevent"; #Extra event handling for firefox
my ($KRCMKB)=""; #Mouse emulation for firefox
my ($PKILL)="/usr/bin/pkill"; #pkill command.
my ($KILLALL)="/usr/bin/killall"; #kill command.
my ($AUDIOHACK)="/usr/bin/iecset audio on"; #Shitty Alsa hack with intel HDA
my ($UNLOCKMYTH)="/usr/bin/mythshutdown -u"; #Hack to allow backend shutdown when exit KODI
my ($LOCKMYTH)="/usr/bin/mythshutdown -l"; #Disallow myth from shutting down while in firefox
my ($SET_LOW_RES)="/usr/bin/xrandr -d :0 -s 1280x720"; #Lower resolution for firefox
my ($SET_HIGH_RES)="/usr/bin/xrandr -d :0 -s 1920x1080"; #Higher resolution for mythfrontend
# The Mainline.
my ($command);
logmsg "$BASENAME started : PID($$)";
my ($myth)=check_proc($MYTHTV);
my ($firefox)=check_proc($FIREFOX);
my ($kodi)=check_proc($KODI);
if ($OPT_FIREFOX == $TRUE) { startfirefox(); }
elsif ($OPT_KODI == $TRUE) { startkodi(); }
elsif ($myth == $TRUE) { startfirefox(); }
# elsif ($firefox == $TRUE) { startkodi(); }
elsif ($firefox == $TRUE) { startmyth(); }
elsif ($kodi == $TRUE) { startmyth(); }
else { startmyth(); }
logmsg "$BASENAME Completed.";
sub startmyth()
startproc("su -c \"$MYTHTV --service\" myth");
sub startfirefox()
do_command("$IRXEVENT -d");
do_command("export DISPLAY=:0 ; su -c \"$RCMKB &>/home/myth/src/rcmkb/rcmkb.log &\" myth");
showmsg("Press \"TV\" button to go back to menu.\n" .
"Arrows as mouse,\n" .
"ok=left-click, start=right-click,\n" .
"channel buttons for scroll.");
startproc("su -c \"$FIREFOX $OPT_FIREFOX_URL\" myth");
sub startkodi()
showmsg("Press \"TV\" button to go back to menu.");
startproc("export KODI_PLATFORM_MODE=1 ; su -c \"$KODI\" myth");
sub killapps($$$)
my $myth=shift;
my $firefox=shift;
my $kodi=shift;
my ($command);
if ($myth == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $MYTHTV";
$command="$KILLALL $KMYTHTV"; do_command($command);
$command="$KILLALL $KMPLAYER"; do_command($command);
if ($firefox == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $FIREFOX";
$command="$KILLALL $KFIREFOX"; do_command($command);
if ($kodi == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $KODI";
$command="$KILLALL $KODI"; do_command($command);
if ($myth == $TRUE || $firefox == $TRUE || $kodi == $TRUE)
if ($myth == $TRUE)
if ($myth == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $MYTHTV (forced)";
$command="$KILLALL -9 $KMYTHTV"; do_command($command);
$command="$KILLALL -9 $KMPLAYER"; do_command($command);
if ($firefox == $TRUE)
if ($firefox == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $FIREFOX (forced)";
$command="$KILLALL -9 $FIREFOX"; do_command($command);
if ($kodi == $TRUE)
if ($kodi == $TRUE)
logmsg "Killing $KODI (forced)";
$command="$KILLALL -9 $KKODI"; do_command($command);
$command="$KILLALL $KIRXEVENT"; do_command($command);
$command="$PKILL -f $KRCMKB"; do_command($command);
# startproc()
# Execute a given command.
sub startproc($)
my ($proc)=@_;
logmsg "Starting $proc";
exec("export DISPLAY=:0; $proc &");
# check_proc($)
# Check if processes are running that should stop shutdown from occuring.
sub check_proc($)
my ($proc)=@_;
my (@output);
my ($command);
my ($count)=0;
my ($running)=$FALSE;
logmsg "Checking for active process $proc.";
$command="ps -ef | grep \"$proc\" | grep -v grep |wc -l";
if (@output)
chomp ($count);
if ($count > 0)
logmsg "Found active process : $proc ($count running).";
# showmsg
# Fork and show a message on the TV to tell the user what the system will do
sub showmsg($)
my ($pid);
unless ($pid = fork())
# Child process
my ($msg) = shift;
logmsg "Display message: " . $msg . "\n(showing for 6 sec..." if ($DEBUG == $TRUE);
`gxmessage -display :0 -timeout 6 -borderless -fn "URW Chancery L 48" -buttons '' -bg black -fg gray "$msg" &`;
logmsg "finished)\n" if ($DEBUG == $TRUE);
return $pid;
# logmsg
# Little routine to write to the log file.
# Rotates around $LOGSIZE bytes.
sub logmsg(@)
my ($string)=@_;
my $time=scalar localtime;
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid,$rdev,$size,$atime,$mtime,$ctime,$blksize,$blocks);
my (@lines,$line);
if (defined($size))
$size=$size/1024; #size in kbyte
if ($size >= $LOGSIZE)
unlink ("$LOG.old") if (-e("$LOG.old"));
rename ($LOG,"$LOG.old");
print "$time : $string\n" if ($DEBUG==$TRUE);
if (open (LOG,">>$LOG"))
if ($string =~ /\n/)
foreach $line (@lines)
print LOG "$time : $line\n";
print LOG "$time : $string\n";
close (LOG);
print "Unable to open LOG $LOG : $!";
# process_opts()
# Set Global option flags dependant on command line input.
sub process_opts()
$DEBUG=$TRUE if ($opt_d);
exit(usage(1)) if ($opt_h || ($opt_x && $opt_f));
$OPT_KODI=$TRUE if ($opt_x);
if ($opt_f)
# usage()
# Output Relevant Usage strings if incorrect opts are given.
sub usage()
if ($ucode == 1)
print "Usage: $BASENAME [-dhxf] [firefox URL]\n";
print "\t-d\t\tdebug\n";
print "\t-h\t\tprints this help message\n";
print "\t-x\t\tswitch to KODI\n";
print "\t-f [firefox URL]\tswitch to Firefox\n";
# sub do_command($)
# use system call to execute command. Returns output of command in array.
sub do_command($)
my ($command)=@_;
my (@output);
my ($exit_value)=0;
logmsg "Executing $command" if ($DEBUG == $TRUE);
$exit_value = $? >> 8;
if ($exit_value != 0)
logmsg "Error executing $command : $!";
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