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bonelifer/fc.php Secret

Last active November 12, 2021 03:29
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NOAA Weather Forecast to PUSHOVER
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/noaa/Forecaster.php'; #require_once 'noaa/Forecaster.php';
$config = new \noaa\weather\Configuration();
$myWritableCacheDirectory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache';
$config->setCache(new \noaa\weather\cache\FileCache($myWritableCacheDirectory));
$forecaster = new \noaa\Forecaster($config);
// php MATH:
// Function to calculate HeatIndex
function heatIndex($currTempF,$currentHumidity){
## Function Found at
$c1 = -42.379;
$c2 = 2.04901523;
$c3 = 10.14333127;
$c4 = -0.22475541;
$c5 = -0.00683783;
$c6 = -0.05481717;
$c7 = 0.00122874;
$c8 = 0.00085282;
$c9 = -0.00000199;
return $HeatIndex;
// Function to calculate Feels Like Temperature
function feelsLikeTemp($currTempF,$currentHumidity,$currentWindMPH){
# Try Wind Chill first
if ($currTempF <= 50 and $currentWindMPH >= 3) {
$vFeelsLike = 35.74 + (0.6215*$currTempF) - 35.75*($currentWindMPH**0.16) + ((0.4275*$currTempF)*($currentWindMPH**0.16));
} else {
$vFeelsLike = $currTempF;
# Replace it with the Heat Index, if necessary
if ($vFeelsLike == $currTempF and $currTempF >= 80) {
$vFeelsLike = 0.5 * ($currTempF + 61.0 + (($currTempF-68.0)*1.2) + ($currentHumidity*0.094));
if ($vFeelsLike >= 80) {
$vFeelsLike = -42.379 + 2.04901523*$currTempF + 10.14333127*$currentHumidity - .22475541*$currTempF*$currentHumidity - .00683783*$currTempF*$currTempF - .05481717*$currentHumidity*$currentHumidity + .00122874*$currTempF*$currTempF*$currentHumidity + .00085282*$currTempF*$currentHumidity*$currentHumidity - .00000199*$currTempF*$currTempF*$currentHumidity*$currentHumidity;
if ($currentHumidity < 13 and $currTempF >= 80 and $currTempF <= 112) {
$vFeelsLike = $vFeelsLike - ((13-$currentHumidity)/4)*math.sqrt((17-math.fabs($currTempF-95.))/17);
if ($currentHumidity > 85 and $currTempF >= 80 and $currTempF <= 87) {
$vFeelsLike = $vFeelsLike + (($currentHumidity-85)/10) * ((87-$currTempF)/5);
return $vFeelsLike;
// Begin Change These Varibles
$stationId = 'KCXW';
$lat = '35.1509';
$lng = '-92.7441';
$offset = -5; # Your UTC/timezone offset (ex CDT-5/CDT-6)
$startTime = date('Y-m-d', time());
$numDays = 1;
// End Change These Varibles
// Zenith Calculation:
// zenith = 90 + (50/60)
// zenith = 90.833333333
// Don't mess with this variable or you'll end up with strange/incorrect Sunrise/Sunset predictions.
$zenith = 90.833333333;
try {
// returns a CurrentWeather object or throws an exception on API error
$current = $forecaster->getCurrentWeather($stationId);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Error: " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";
$forecast = $forecaster->getForecastByLatLng($lat, $lng, $startTime, $numDays);
$day = $forecast->getDay(0);
echo "Current Conditions: " . $day->getConditions() . "\n";
echo "Current Temp: " . $current->getTemperatureF() . "°F\n";
$high = ($day->getHighTemperature() === null) ? 'NULL' : $day->getHighTemperature();
echo "High: " . $high . "°F\n";
$low = ($day->getLowTemperature() === null) ? 'NULL' : $day->getLowTemperature();
echo "Low: " . $low . "°F\n";
echo "Wind Speed: " . $current->getWindSpeedMPH() . " MPH (" . $current->getWindSpeedKnots() . " KT)\n";
echo "Wind Direction: " . $current->getWindDirection() . "\n";
echo "Visibility: " . $current->getVisibilityMiles() . " miles\n";
echo "Humidity: " . $current->getRelativeHumidity() . "%\n";
echo "Dew Point: " . $current->getDewPointF() . "%\n";
# $precipDay = ($day->getPrecipitationProbabilityDay() === null) ? 'NULL' : $day->getPrecipitationProbabilityDay();
# echo "Precipitation Chance Day: " . $precipDay . "%\n";
# $precipNight = ($day->getPrecipitationProbabilityNight() === null) ? 'NULL' : $day->getPrecipitationProbabilityNight();
# echo "Precipitation Chance Night: " . $precipNight . "%\n";
$currTempF = $current->getTemperatureF();
$currentHumidity = $current->getRelativeHumidity();
$currentWindMPH = $current->getWindSpeedMPH();
if ($currTempF >= 80 and $currentHumidity >= 40) {
$heatindex = round(heatIndex($currTempF,$currentHumidity),0);
echo "Heat Index: " . $heatindex . "°F\n";
# This calculation can only be made for air temperatures between -50°F (-45°C, 228K) and 50°F (10°C, 283K) only.
if ($currTempF >= -50 and $currTempF <= 50) {
$windChill = 35.74 + 0.6215*$currTempF - 35.75*pow($currentWindMPH, 0.16) + 0.4275*$currTempF*pow($currentWindMPH, 0.16);
$windChill = round($windChill,0);
echo "Wind Chill: " . $windChill . "°F\n";
$vFeelsLike = round(feelsLikeTemp($currTempF,$currentHumidity,$currentWindMPH),0);
echo "Feels Like: " . $vFeelsLike . "°F\n";
$hazards = $forecast->getHazards();
if (count($hazards) > 0) {
echo "HAZARDS: " . implode(', ', $hazards) . "\n";
echo("Sunrise: " . date("F j, Y") . " at ");
$sunrise_time = date_sunrise(time(),SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING,$lat,$lng,$zenith,$offset);
echo date('g:i', strtotime($sunrise_time));
echo("\nSunset: " . date("F j, Y") . " at ");
$sunset_time = date_sunset(time(),SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING,$lat,$lng,$zenith,$offset);
echo date('g:i', strtotime($sunset_time));
echo "\nLocation: ". $current->getStationId() . " -- " . $current->getLocation();
echo("\nTime Observed: ");
$timeChecked = ($current->getObservationTime());
echo date('F j, Y g:iA', strtotime($timeChecked));
echo ("\n");
echo "Time Checked: ";
$startChecked = date('F j, Y g:iA', time());
echo (" " . $startChecked);
// WRITE URL to url.txt
// This Bitly URL is the NWS forecast page for my local station, you'll
// need to create your own Bitly URL or at least replace this with the
// NWS url directly. You'll see this when you click on the notification
// in the phone app. This page will show longer range forcasts for
// your area.
$myURL = fopen("url.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
$URL = "\n";
fwrite($myURL, $URL);
// END WRITE URL to url.txt
// WRITE TITLE to title.txt
// This outputs the title for the Pushover message.
$todaysDate = date('F j Y', time());
$todaysSunrise = date('g:i', strtotime($sunrise_time)) . "AM";
$myTITLE = fopen("title.txt", "w") or die("Unable to open file!");
$title = "Todays sunrise - $todaysDate at $todaysSunrise";
fwrite($myTITLE, $title);
// END WRITE TITLE to title.txt
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