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Last active April 29, 2024 23:08
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Bash script to add a user to The Lounge IRC web client Docker container, reset an existing users password, or remove a current user
# Bash script to manage users in The Lounge IRC web client Docker container
# Function to add user to The Lounge IRC web client Docker container
add_user_to_container() {
local container_name=$1 # Name of the Docker container
local username=$2 # Username to be added to The Lounge
docker exec -it $container_name s6-setuidgid abc thelounge add $username
# Function to reset user password in The Lounge IRC web client Docker container
reset_user_password() {
local container_name=$1 # Name of the Docker container
local username=$2 # Username whose password needs to be reset
docker exec -it $container_name s6-setuidgid abc thelounge reset $username
# Function to remove user from The Lounge IRC web client Docker container
remove_user_from_container() {
local container_name=$1 # Name of the Docker container
local username=$2 # Username to be removed from The Lounge
echo -n "Are you sure you want to remove user $username from The Lounge? (y/n): "
read confirm_remove
if [ "$confirm_remove" != "y" ]; then
echo "User removal canceled."
exit 0
echo -n "Type 'yes' to confirm removal of user $username: "
read confirm_yes
if [ "$confirm_yes" != "yes" ]; then
echo "User removal canceled."
exit 0
docker exec -it $container_name s6-setuidgid abc thelounge remove $username
# Function to display usage information
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0 <option> <username>"
echo "Options:"
echo " add Add a new user to The Lounge."
echo " reset Reset password for an existing user in The Lounge."
echo " remove Remove an existing user from The Lounge."
echo "Arguments:"
echo " <username> Username of the user to be added, reset, or removed."
echo "Examples:"
echo " $0 add john_doe"
echo " $0 reset jane_smith"
echo " $0 remove bob"
# Main function
main() {
# Check if option and username are provided as arguments
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
exit 1
local option=$1 # Option: add, reset, or remove
local username=$2 # Username provided as an argument
local container_name="thelounge" # Name of The Lounge Docker container
case $option in
# Add user to The Lounge Docker container
add_user_to_container $container_name $username
echo "User $username has been added to The Lounge container."
# Reset user password in The Lounge Docker container
reset_user_password $container_name $username
echo "Password for user $username has been reset in The Lounge container."
# Remove user from The Lounge Docker container
remove_user_from_container $container_name $username
echo "User $username has been removed from The Lounge container."
echo "Invalid option: $option"
exit 1
# Call the main function with the provided arguments
main "$@"
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