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Created September 4, 2014 19:55
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21:38:15 < boni> so far i didn't implement anything of it :I
21:38:18 < boni> because i wasn't sure of stats
21:38:28 <+skyboy> lapis, redstone
21:38:30 -!- TheDarkKnight [] has quit [Quit: Don't blink]
21:38:39 <+skyboy> "speed" and "luck"
21:38:42 <+Glassmaker> sure as soon my left hand gets a bit better :)
21:39:03 <+skyboy> look in FishingHooks to see what those two things do
21:39:34 * Mrbysco puts bandage on glass's hand
21:40:17 <+skyboy> maybe allow a silky jewel make it so that everything fished up will be a fish
21:40:39 <+skyboy> which can be achieved by passing in "1" for the chance, instead of generating a random number
21:41:01 <+skyboy> i do the same thing with MFR's fishing rod
21:41:47 < boni> Glassmaker: D:
21:41:47 <+skyboy> because i thought it'd be wrong if you could just explode enchanted books and power 4 infinity 1 flame 1 punch 2 unbreaking 3 bows out of the water
21:41:48 < boni> what did you do?
21:42:11 < boni> skyboy: haha, yeah
21:42:16 < boni> the question rather is.. what do i da with the stats?
21:42:21 < boni> durability obviously
21:42:32 <+skyboy> da?
21:42:33 < boni> but otherwise.. maybe the better the bait, the shorter the waiting time can get? :I
21:42:39 < boni> *do
21:42:43 <+skyboy> bait?
21:42:45 <+Glassmaker> nothing, woke up with my little and ring finger numb
21:42:51 <+skyboy> mariculture compat?
21:42:52 * MoxieGrrl imagines a 'lady in the lake' hand holding out a bow guarded by a huge fucking dragon
21:42:53 < boni> err
21:42:54 < boni> not bait
21:42:56 < boni> the blinker
21:43:04 <+skyboy> bobber
21:43:08 <+Glassmaker> blinker?
21:43:21 <+skyboy> bobber's a tool part?
21:43:23 <+Glassmaker> ah
21:43:39 <+skyboy> it's not just rod+string and you get a free bobber?
21:44:02 <+skyboy> you can use the bow string for the fishing rod too
21:44:09 <+skyboy> maybe rename it to tough string or something :P
21:44:22 < boni> bobber, yeah
21:44:24 < boni> no
21:44:26 < boni> it's rod + bobber :D
21:44:35 <+skyboy> then whats' the line?
21:44:42 <+Glassmaker> no string?
21:44:43 <+skyboy> you should use the bow string
21:44:43 < boni> but then i have even one more material i don't know what to do with :P
21:44:57 < boni> and if i use flamestring i get grilled fish?
21:45:08 <+Glassmaker> what about the flail?
21:45:16 <+skyboy> no, that's if you put auto-smelt on the rod
21:45:32 <+skyboy> the string helps determine durability
21:45:44 <+skyboy> maybe casting distance
21:45:58 <+skyboy> bobber can do that too
21:46:10 <+skyboy> better string, longer distance, lighter bobber longer distance
21:46:33 <+skyboy> so a many bobber would result in a rod with about 3 blocks worth of casting distance? :P
21:47:00 <+skyboy> pistons can determine how strongly you pull mobs in when you fish them
21:47:10 <+Glassmaker> boni malice already did the texture for the lines :D
21:47:40 <+skyboy> and set them on fire with auto-smelt (cooking fish), fiery just setting mobs on fire, not cooking fish
21:48:46 <+skyboy> redstone is the 'speed' trait that FishingHook provides, no need to use the vanilla enchantment since you have your own bobber entity
21:48:58 <+skyboy> lure being the enchant
21:49:14 <+skyboy> lapis being luck of the sea; the 'luck' trait provided by the API
21:49:48 <+skyboy> bobber also counting for damage done to mobs when you hit them
21:50:25 <+skyboy> with rod counting for damage done when you strike them with the rod itself instead of fishing them
21:51:21 -!- Bomberman [] has quit [Ping timeout: 201 seconds]
21:54:16 <+skyboy> also, while this is a 3-part tool, you should probably count modifiers the same as a 2-part tool
21:54:53 <+Glassmaker> you mean like the axe or shovel?
21:54:55 < boni> so many ideas. i'll never remember this all ._.
21:54:56 <+skyboy> bobber counting worth +two modifiers with paper, and as 2 thaumium parts
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