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Created July 6, 2012 10:56
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Hamcrest.h untouched by any scripts
// OCHamcrest - OCHamcrest.h
// Copyright 2012 See LICENSE.txt
// Created by: Jon Reid,
// Docs:
// Source:
@defgroup library Matcher Library
Library of Matcher implementations.
@defgroup object_matchers Object Matchers
Matchers that inspect objects.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCConformsToProtocol.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCHasDescription.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCHasProperty.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsEqual.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsInstanceOf.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsNil.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsSame.h>
@defgroup collection_matchers Collection Matchers
Matchers of collections.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCHasCount.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsCollectionContaining.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsCollectionContainingInAnyOrder.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsCollectionContainingInOrder.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsCollectionOnlyContaining.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsDictionaryContaining.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsDictionaryContainingEntries.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsDictionaryContainingKey.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsDictionaryContainingValue.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsEmptyCollection.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsIn.h>
@defgroup number_matchers Number Matchers
Matchers that perform numeric comparisons.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsCloseTo.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCOrderingComparison.h>
@defgroup primitive_number_matchers Primitive Number Matchers
Matchers for testing equality against primitive numeric types.
@ingroup number_matchers
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsEqualToNumber.h>
@defgroup text_matchers Text Matchers
Matchers that perform text comparisons.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsEqualIgnoringCase.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsEqualIgnoringWhiteSpace.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCStringContains.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCStringContainsInOrder.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCStringEndsWith.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCStringStartsWith.h>
@defgroup logical_matchers Logical Matchers
Boolean logic using other matchers.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCAllOf.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCAnyOf.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsAnything.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIsNot.h>
@defgroup decorator_matchers Decorator Matchers
Matchers that decorate other matchers for better expression.
@ingroup library
#import <OCHamcrest/HCDescribedAs.h>
#import <OCHamcrest/HCIs.h>
@defgroup integration Unit Test Integration
#import "HCAssertThat.h"
@defgroup integration_numeric Unit Tests of Primitive Numbers
Unit test integration for primitive numbers.
The @c assertThat&lt;Type&gt; macros convert the primitive actual value to an @c NSNumber,
passing that to the matcher for evaluation. If the matcher is not satisfied, an exception is
thrown describing the mismatch.
This family of macros is designed to integrate well with OCUnit and other unit testing
frameworks. Unmet assertions are reported as test failures. In Xcode, they can be clicked to
reveal the line of the assertion.
@ingroup integration
#import "HCNumberAssert.h"
@defgroup core Core API
@defgroup helpers Helpers
Utilities for writing Matchers.
@ingroup core
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