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Created May 29, 2013 01:03
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Save bonnici/5667283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Code Jam 2013 qualification round files
///<reference path='app.d.ts' />
import fs = module("fs")
import _ = module("underscore")
import winston = module("winston")
import async = module("async")
var s = require('string');
// Usage: node appname input-file [output-file] [test]
// all files stored in ./files/fileFolderName/*
// if test load output-file and do a diff, else if output-file output to file
var fileFolderName = 'fair-and-square';
Given 2 numbers, find all numbers between the two that are both palindromes and squares of palindromes
for each n = 1 .. sqrt(max(B))
if palindrome(n)
if palindrome(n*n)
for each test case, go through list and count values between test case limit
Could do this asynchronously, storing in {} then converting to [], which would be faster but it's still not going to work for the 2nd large data set
winston.add(winston.transports.Console, { timestamp: true });
var fairSquares = [];
//var maxB = 1000;
var maxB = 100000000000000; //10^14
var sqrtMaxB = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(maxB));"Finding fairSquares, 1 -> " + sqrtMaxB);
for (var i = 1; i <= sqrtMaxB; i++) {
if (isPalindrome(i.toString())) {
var iSquared = i * i;
if (isPalindrome(iSquared.toString())) {
// obvious pattern here, can be used for large data set + " & " + iSquared);
//process.stdout.write('\n');"Found " + fairSquares.length + " fairSquares");
//"fairSquares", fairSquares);
// Pause to check memory usage
//var prompt = require('prompt');
//prompt.get(['x'], () => {});
function isPalindrome(input: string) {
var head = 0;
var tail = input.length - 1;
while (head < tail) {
if (input[head++] != input[tail--]) {
return false;
return true;
function processTestCase(testCase: string): string {
//"testCase", testCase);
//return "TODO";
var limits = testCase.split(" ");
var lowerLimit = parseInt(limits[0]);
var upperLimit = parseInt(limits[1]);
var num = 0;
_.each(fairSquares, (n) => { if (n >= lowerLimit && n <= upperLimit) { num++; } });
return num.toString();
function fileToTestCases(input) {
var testCases = [];
while (input.length > 0) {
var testCase = s(input.shift()).trim().s;
if (testCase != '') {
return testCases;
//return input;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid parameters";
var fileFolder = './files/' + fileFolderName + '/';
var inputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[2];
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
var outputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[3];
var testExpectedFile = false;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
testExpectedFile = true;
var input = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName, 'utf8').split('\n');
var numTestCases = parseInt(input.shift());
var testCases = fileToTestCases(input);
if (testCases.length != numTestCases) {
throw 'Wrong number of test cases - ' + testCases.length + ' vs ' + numTestCases;
var done = 0;
function asyncTestCase(testCase, callback) {
var result = processTestCase(testCase);
if (done % 1000 == 0) {
console.log('\n' + done);
callback(null, result);
function formatResult(result: string, i: number) {
return "Case #" + (i+1) + ": " + result;
}, asyncTestCase, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
throw "Error processing test cases: " + err;
console.log("\nFinished processing test cases, outputting results");
if (!outputFileName) {
// Just write to stdout
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
console.log(formatResult(result, index));
else {
var output = '';
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
if (index > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += formatResult(result, index);
if (testExpectedFile) {
// Read in file and check against generated result
console.log("\nChecking results against expected");
var expected = fs.readFileSync(outputFileName, 'utf8');
if (output == expected) {
console.log("IT WORKS!!");
else {
console.log("IT DIDN'T WORK!!");
else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, output, 'utf8');
///<reference path='app.d.ts' />
import fs = module("fs")
import _ = module("underscore")
import winston = module("winston")
import async = module("async")
var s = require('string');
// Usage: node appname input-file [output-file] [test]
// all files stored in ./files/fileFolderName/*
// if test load output-file and do a diff, else if output-file output to file
var fileFolderName = 'lawnmower';
Height can be 1-100mm in 1mm increments
Height must be modified in a whole row or column
For each cell, all cells in the same row must have a height that is equal or lower OR all cells in the same col must have a height that is equal or lower
9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 9
9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 9
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 7 7
9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 9
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
9 9 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 6 9 9
1 3 3 3
1 5 4 5
1 5 4 5
Translate string into array of rows and array of cols, with minimums and checked bool:
0: [ 1,3,3,3 ] checked=false->true
1: [ 1,5,4,5 ] checked=false
2: [ 1,5,4,5 ] checked=false
0: [ 1,1,1 ] checked=false->true
1: [ 3,5,5 ] checked=false->true
2: [ 3,4,4 ] checked=false->true
3: [ 3,5,5 ] checked=false
Store map of height -> set of x/y coords
1 -> 0/0 1/0 2/0
2 ->
3 -> 0/1 0/2 0/3
4 -> 1/2 2/2
5 -> 1/1 1/3 2/1 2/3
for each height
for each coord
if (check(row,null,val))
set row=checked
if (checkRowCol(null,col,val))
set col=checked
if row
return row is checked or all values in row either = val or are checked
else if col
return col is checked or all values in col either = val or are checked
2 1 2
1 1 1
2 1 2
0: [ 2,1,2 ] checked=false
1: [ 1,1,1 ] checked=false
2: [ 2,1,2 ] checked=false
0: [ 2,1,2 ] checked=false
1: [ 1,1,1 ] checked=false
2: [ 2,1,2 ] checked=false
1 -> 0/1 1/0 1/1 1/2 2/1
2 -> 0/0 0/2 2/0 2/2
function processTestCase(testCase: any): string {
//"testCase", testCase);
// Translate string into array of rows and array of cols, with checked bool
var numRows = testCase.numRows;
//"numRows", numRows);
var rows = [];
while (numRows--) rows.push({checked: false});
//"rows", rows);
var numCols = testCase.numCols;
//"numCols", numCols);
var cols = [];
while (numCols--) cols.push({checked: false});
//"cols", cols);
// Store map of height -> set of x/y coords (add entry for height=0 for clarity even though it can't exist)
var heightCoords = [];
for (var curHeight = 0; curHeight <= 100; curHeight++) heightCoords.push([]);
var rowStrings = testCase.str.split('\n');
_.each(rowStrings, (rowString, rowIndex) => {
var chars = rowString.split(' ');
var row =, (char) => { return parseInt(char); });
rows[rowIndex]['numbers'] = row;
_.each(row, (num, colIndex) => {
if (!('numbers' in cols[colIndex])) {
cols[colIndex]['numbers'] = [];
var coord = { row: rowIndex, col: colIndex };
//"rows", rows);
//"cols", cols);
//"heightCoords", heightCoords);
// ewwwwwww
var check = (rowIndex, colIndex, height) => {
//"checking rowIndex=" + rowIndex + " colIndex=" + colIndex + " height=" + height);
if (rowIndex != null) {
if (rows[rowIndex].checked) {
//"row checked, return true");
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < rows[rowIndex]['numbers'].length; i++) {
if (!cols[i].checked && rows[rowIndex]['numbers'][i] != height) {
//"bad col found (" + i + "), return false");
return false;
//"no bad cols found, check and return true");
rows[rowIndex]['checked'] = true;
return true;
else if (colIndex != null) {
if (cols[colIndex].checked) {
//"col checked, return true");
return true;
for (var i = 0; i < cols[colIndex]['numbers'].length; i++) {
if (!rows[i].checked && cols[colIndex]['numbers'][i] != height) {
//"bad row found (" + i + "), return false");
return false;
//"no bad rows found, check and return true");
cols[colIndex]['checked'] = true;
return true;
var ok = true;
_.each(heightCoords, (coords, height) => {
_.each(coords, (coord) => {
var rowOk = check(coord.row, null, height);
var colOk = check(null, coord.col, height);
if (!rowOk && !colOk) {
ok = false;
if (!ok) {
return ok ? "YES" : "NO";
function fileToTestCases(input) {
var testCases = [];
while (input.length > 0) {
var sizes = input.shift().split(' ');
var numRows = parseInt(sizes[0]);
var numCols = parseInt(sizes[1]);
var curTestCase = {numRows: numRows, numCols: numCols};
var curTestCaseString = '';
while (numRows-- > 0) {
curTestCaseString += input.shift() + '\n';
curTestCase['str'] = s(curTestCaseString).trim().s;
if (curTestCase['str'] != '') {
return testCases;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid parameters";
var fileFolder = './files/' + fileFolderName + '/';
var inputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[2];
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
var outputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[3];
var testExpectedFile = false;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
testExpectedFile = true;
var input = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName, 'utf8').split('\n');
var numTestCases = parseInt(input.shift());
var testCases = fileToTestCases(input);
if (testCases.length != numTestCases) {
throw 'Wrong number of test cases - ' + testCases.length + ' vs ' + numTestCases;
var done = 0;
function asyncTestCase(testCase, callback) {
var result = processTestCase(testCase);
if (done % 10 == 0) {
console.log('\n' + done);
callback(null, result);
function formatResult(result: string, i: number) {
return "Case #" + (i+1) + ": " + result;
}, asyncTestCase, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
throw "Error processing test cases: " + err;
console.log("\nFinished processing test cases, outputting results");
if (!outputFileName) {
// Just write to stdout
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
console.log('[' + formatResult(result, index) + ']');
else {
var output = '';
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
if (index > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += formatResult(result, index);
if (testExpectedFile) {
// Read in file and check against generated result
console.log("\nChecking results against expected");
var expected = fs.readFileSync(outputFileName, 'utf8');
if (output == expected) {
console.log("IT WORKS!!");
else {
console.log("IT DIDN'T WORK!!");
console.log('[' + expected + ']');
console.log('[' + output + ']');
else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, output, 'utf8');
///<reference path='app.d.ts' />
import fs = module("fs")
import _ = module("underscore")
import winston = module("winston")
import async = module("async")
var s = require('string');
// Usage: node appname input-file [output-file] [test]
// all files stored in ./files/fileFolderName/*
// if test load output-file and do a diff, else if output-file output to file
var fileFolderName = 'x';
var progressIncrement = 1000; // Display progress after this number of test cases complete
function processTestCase(testCase: any): string {"testCase", testCase);
return "TODO";
function fileToTestCases(input) {
var testCases = [];
var curTestCase = '';
var line;
while (input.length > 0) {
line = s(input.shift()).trim().s;
if (line != '') {
curTestCase += line + '\n';
else {
if (curTestCase != '') {
curTestCase = '';
if (curTestCase != '') {
return testCases;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid parameters";
var fileFolder = './files/' + fileFolderName + '/';
var inputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[2];
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
var outputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[3];
var testExpectedFile = false;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
testExpectedFile = true;
var input = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName, 'utf8').split('\n');
var numTestCases = parseInt(input.shift());
var testCases = fileToTestCases(input);
if (testCases.length != numTestCases) {
throw 'Wrong number of test cases - ' + testCases.length + ' vs ' + numTestCases;
var done = 0;
function asyncTestCase(testCase, callback) {
var result = processTestCase(testCase);
if (done % progressIncrement == 0) {
console.log('\n' + done);
callback(null, result);
function formatResult(result: string, i: number) {
return "Case #" + (i+1) + ": " + result;
}, asyncTestCase, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
throw "Error processing test cases: " + err;
console.log("\nFinished processing test cases, outputting results");
if (!outputFileName) {
// Just write to stdout
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
console.log(formatResult(result, index));
else {
var output = '';
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
if (index > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += formatResult(result, index);
if (testExpectedFile) {
// Read in file and check against generated result
console.log("\nChecking results against expected");
var expected = fs.readFileSync(outputFileName, 'utf8');
if (output == expected) {
console.log("IT WORKS!!");
else {
console.log("IT DIDN'T WORK!!");
else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, output, 'utf8');
///<reference path='app.d.ts' />
import fs = module("fs")
import child_process = module("child_process")
import _ = module("underscore")
import winston = module("winston")
import async = module("async")
var s = require('string');
// Usage: node appname input-file [output-file] [test]
// all files stored in ./files/fileFolderName/*
// if test load output-file and do a diff, else if output-file output to file
var fileFolderName = 'tic-tac-toe-tomek';
function findWinner(str) {
// Dot means no-one won, otherwise check for existence of X and O
var foundDot = false;
var foundX = false;
var foundO = false;
_.each(str, (ch) => {
if (ch == '.') {
foundDot = true;
else if (ch == 'X') {
foundX = true;
else if (ch == 'O') {
foundO = true;
if (foundDot) {
return null;
else if (foundX && !foundO) {
return 'X';
else if (foundO && !foundX) {
return 'O';
function processTestCase(testCase: string): string {
// Check each row/col/diagonal for a winner
var lines = testCase.split('\n');
var chars = [];
_.each(lines, (line) => {
// Yay brute force
var toCheck = lines; // Rows
// Cols
_.each([0, 1, 2, 3], (i) => {
toCheck.push(chars[0][i] + chars[1][i] + chars[2][i] + chars[3][i]);
// Diagonals
toCheck.push(chars[0][0] + chars[1][1] + chars[2][2] + chars[3][3]);
toCheck.push(chars[3][0] + chars[2][1] + chars[1][2] + chars[0][3]);
for (var i = 0; i < toCheck.length; i++) {
var winner = findWinner(toCheck[i]);
//"Winner for " + toCheck[i] + " is " + winner);
if (winner) {
return winner + " won";
// Otherwise, check to see if the game is finished or not
if (s(testCase).contains('.')) {
return "Game has not completed";
else {
return "Draw";
function fileToTestCases(input) {
var testCases = [];
var curTestCase = '';
var line;
while (input.length > 0) {
line = s(input.shift()).trim().s;
if (line != '') {
curTestCase += line + '\n';
else {
if (curTestCase != '') {
curTestCase = '';
if (curTestCase != '') {
return testCases;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid parameters";
var fileFolder = './files/' + fileFolderName + '/';
var inputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[2];
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
var outputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[3];
var testExpectedFile = false;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
testExpectedFile = true;
var input = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName, 'utf8').split('\n');
var numTestCases = parseInt(input.shift());
var testCases = fileToTestCases(input);
if (testCases.length != numTestCases) {
throw 'Wrong number of test cases - ' + testCases.length + ' vs ' + numTestCases;
var done = 0;
function asyncTestCase(testCase, callback) {
var result = processTestCase(testCase);
if (done % 10 == 0) {
console.log('\n' + done);
callback(null, result);
function formatResult(result: string, i: number) {
return "Case #" + (i+1) + ": " + result;
}, asyncTestCase, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
throw "Error processing test cases: " + err;
console.log("\nFinished processing test cases, outputting results");
if (!outputFileName) {
// Just write to stdout
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
console.log(formatResult(result, index));
else {
var output = '';
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
if (index > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += formatResult(result, index);
if (testExpectedFile) {
// Read in file and check against generated result
console.log("\nChecking results against expected");
var expected = fs.readFileSync(outputFileName, 'utf8');
if (output == expected) {
console.log("IT WORKS!!");
else {
console.log("IT DIDN'T WORK!!");
else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, output, 'utf8');
///<reference path='app.d.ts' />
import fs = module("fs")
import _ = module("underscore")
import winston = module("winston")
import async = module("async")
var s = require('string');
var extend = require('extend');
// Usage: node appname input-file [output-file] [test]
// all files stored in ./files/fileFolderName/*
// if test load output-file and do a diff, else if output-file output to file
var fileFolderName = 'treasure';
var progressIncrement = 1; // Display progress after this number of test cases complete
function addOrIncrement(map, index) {
if (index in map) {
else {
map[index] = 1;
function processTestCase(testCase: any, callback) {
//"testCase", testCase);
if (!sanityCheck(testCase)) {
return callback("IMPOSSIBLE");
// Initialize state
var state = { keysInHand: {}, chestsOpened: [], numChestsUnopened: 0, currentSequence: [] };
_.each(testCase.startingKeys, (keyType) => { addOrIncrement(state.keysInHand, keyType); });
_.each(testCase.chestSpecs, () => { state.chestsOpened.push(false); state.numChestsUnopened++; });
//'state', state);
var completedSequences = [];
tryOpeningChests(testCase, state, completedSequences, () => {
//"completedSequences", completedSequences);
if (completedSequences.length == 0) {
return callback("IMPOSSIBLE");
else {
// Find lexicographically smallest by converting all results to a string and sorting
var possibleResults = [];
_.each(completedSequences, (sequence) => {
var result = "";
_.each(sequence, (num) => { result += num + " "; });
//"possibleResults", possibleResults);
return callback(possibleResults[0]);
function findLexicographicallySmallest(sequences) {
return sequences[0];
// Try to open each chest, update the state, and keep going until they are all open or we can't open any more
function tryOpeningChests(testCase, state, completedSequences, callback) {
//"tryOpeningChests", state);
var newStates = [];
_.each(state.chestsOpened, (isChestOpen, chestIndex) => {
if (!isChestOpen) {
var newState = getStateAfterOpeningChest(testCase, state, chestIndex);
if (!newState) {
// Chest can't be opened, do nothing
else if (newState.numChestsUnopened == 0) {
// We've opened all the chests so we're done!
else {
// Otherwise, keep trying to open chests
//"newStates", newStates);
if (newStates.length == 0) {
// Opened all the chests we can, return
return callback();
else if (completedSequences.length > 0) {
// short-circuit
return callback();
else {
// Otherwise there are still chests to open, open all of them
// ewwww again, (newState, callback2) => { tryOpeningChests(testCase, newState, completedSequences, callback2); }, function (err, results) {
return callback();
// Get the state after opening chest with number chestIndex+1
function getStateAfterOpeningChest(testCase, oldState, chestIndex): any {
/* State consists of:
- keysInHand: map of key type -> number of keys, if the number is 0 the record should be deleted
- chestsOpened: array of all chests (chest #1 is at index 0), with a bool indicating whether it is open or not
- numChestsUnopened: the count of "false" values in chestsOpened
- currentSequence: The sequence of opened chests so far
var chestSpec = testCase.chestSpecs[chestIndex+1];
var keyToOpen = chestSpec.keyToOpen;
if (!(keyToOpen in oldState.keysInHand)) {
return null; // Can't open
//'Opening chest ' + (chestIndex+1), oldState);
// Clone existing state
var newState = {};
extend(true, newState, oldState); // keysInHand: {}, chestsOpened: [], numChestsUnopened: 0, currentSequence: [] };
// Remove key from hand
if (newState['keysInHand'][keyToOpen] == 0) {
delete newState['keysInHand'][keyToOpen];
//'Removed keyToOpen ' + keyToOpen + " from hand", newState);
// Add keys from chest to hand
_.each(chestSpec.keysInside, (keyType) => { addOrIncrement(newState['keysInHand'], keyType); });
// Set chest as opened
newState['chestsOpened'][chestIndex] = true;
// Add opened chest to sequence
//'Done opening chest ' + (chestIndex+1), newState);
return newState;
// make sure that we have enough keys in total to open all chests
function sanityCheck(testCase) {
var haveRequiredKeys = true;
var totalKeys = {};
var requiredKeys = {};
_.each(testCase.startingKeys, (keyType) => { addOrIncrement(totalKeys, keyType); });
_.each(testCase.chestSpecs, (chest) => {
addOrIncrement(requiredKeys, chest.keyToOpen);
_.each(chest.keysInside, (keyType) => { addOrIncrement(totalKeys, keyType); });
//'totalKeys', totalKeys);
//'requiredKeys', requiredKeys);
_.each(requiredKeys, (numKeysRequired, requiredKeyType) => {
if (!(requiredKeyType in totalKeys) || numKeysRequired > totalKeys[requiredKeyType]) {"Sanity check failed, don't have enough of key type " + requiredKeyType +
", have " + totalKeys[requiredKeyType] + " but need " + numKeysRequired);
haveRequiredKeys = false;
return; //break
return haveRequiredKeys;
function fileToTestCases(input) {
var testCases = [];
while (input.length > 0) {
var line = s(input.shift()).trim().s;
if (line == '') {
// 1st line - number of keys you start with and the number of chests you need to open
var numKeysAndChests = line.split(' ');
var numKeys = parseInt(numKeysAndChests[0]);
var numChests = parseInt(numKeysAndChests[1]);
// 2nd line - the types of the keys that you start with
var startingKeys =' '), (num) => { return parseInt(num); });
if (numKeys != startingKeys.length) throw "Invalid number of keys " + numKeys + " vs " + startingKeys.length;
// N lines - Each line will begin with integers Ti and Ki, indicating the key type needed to open the chest and the number of keys inside the chest.
// These two integers will be followed by Ki more integers, indicating the types of the keys contained within the chest.
var chests = {};
for (var curChest = 1; curChest <= numChests; curChest++) {
var chestRawData =' '), (num) => { return parseInt(num); });
var keyToOpen = chestRawData.shift();
var numKeysInside = chestRawData.shift();
if (numKeysInside != chestRawData.length) throw "Invalid number of keys inside chest " + numKeysInside + " vs " + chestRawData.length;
chests[curChest] = { keyToOpen: keyToOpen, keysInside: chestRawData };
testCases.push({ startingKeys: startingKeys, chestSpecs: chests });
return testCases;
if (process.argv.length < 3) {
throw "Invalid parameters";
var fileFolder = './files/' + fileFolderName + '/';
var inputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[2];
if (process.argv.length > 3) {
var outputFileName = fileFolder + process.argv[3];
var testExpectedFile = false;
if (process.argv.length > 4) {
testExpectedFile = true;
var input = fs.readFileSync(inputFileName, 'utf8').split('\n');
var numTestCases = parseInt(input.shift());
var testCases = fileToTestCases(input);
if (testCases.length != numTestCases) {
throw 'Wrong number of test cases - ' + testCases.length + ' vs ' + numTestCases;
var done = 0;
function asyncTestCase(testCase, callback) {
//'asyncTestCase', testCase);
var result = processTestCase(testCase);
if (done % progressIncrement == 0) {
console.log('\n' + done);
callback(null, result);
processTestCase(testCase, (result) => {
callback(null, result);
function formatResult(result: string, i: number) {
return "Case #" + (i+1) + ": " + result;
}, asyncTestCase, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
throw "Error processing test cases: " + err;
console.log("\nFinished processing test cases, outputting results");
if (!outputFileName) {
// Just write to stdout
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
console.log(formatResult(result, index));
else {
var output = '';
_.each(results, (result, index) => {
if (index > 0) {
output += '\n';
output += formatResult(result, index);
if (testExpectedFile) {
// Read in file and check against generated result
console.log("\nChecking results against expected");
var expected = fs.readFileSync(outputFileName, 'utf8');
if (output == expected) {
console.log("IT WORKS!!");
else {
console.log("IT DIDN'T WORK!!");
else {
fs.writeFileSync(outputFileName, output, 'utf8');
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