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Created December 1, 2017 18:05
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filter ColorPattern( [string]$Pattern, [ConsoleColor]$Color, [switch]$SimpleMatch ) {
if( $SimpleMatch ) { $Pattern = [regex]::Escape( $Pattern ) }
$split = $_ -split $Pattern
$found = [regex]::Matches( $_, $Pattern, 'IgnoreCase' )
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $split.Count; ++$i ) {
Write-Host $split[$i] -NoNewline
Write-Host $found[$i] -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $Color
Select-String -Path 'Z:\PROJET\RM3\RC1\logRC1.txt' -Pattern '^ORA-' -Context 10,0 | ColorPattern 'ORA-\w*' 'Red'
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