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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Alloyで直積を考える (direct product in Alloy)
sig A, B, C {} -- univを豊かにするために置いておく
one sig Unit {}
check {
all a: set univ {
#(Unit -> a) = #a
#(a -> Unit) = #a
fun diagP (a: univ): univ -> univ {
a -> a
fun joinL (a: univ->univ, r: (univ->Unit)->(univ->Unit)): Unit->Unit {
(a.univ).(r.univ.univ) -> (univ.a).(univ.(univ.r))
fun ro (r: Unit -> Unit): Unit {
fun prodL (f,g: univ -> Unit): univ -> Unit {
{x: univ, u: Unit | u = x.diagP.joinL [f -> g].ro }
equiv_product: check {
all f, g: univ -> Unit | prodL[f, g] = f & g
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