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Created October 23, 2015 16:56
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% initializing 0 rack
map emptyRack: RackID -> PacketID;
var er: RackID;
eqn emptyRack(er) = 0;
sort PacketID = Nat; % 0 indicates 0/non-existant packet
RackID = Pos; % rack levels in rack R
ElevatorID = struct e_1 | e_2 | e_1_2; % elevator e_1, e_2, or both (e_1_2)
RackRecord = RackID -> PacketID; % array that maps RackID to PacketID. (each rack(RackID) should contains a PacketID, Nat or 0 if its 0))
EleState = struct free|storing|delivering;
JobType = struct store|deliver;
act read_Want2Store, ToStore, send_ToStore, TakePacket, send_TakePacket, read_AskPacket: PacketID;
act read_Want2Request, ToRequest, send_ToRequest, DeliverPacket, read_DeliverPacket, send_Want2Deliver: PacketID;
act read_ToStore: PacketID; % C1 ask rack to store packet
read_ToRequest: PacketID; % C2 request a packet to rack
send_OrderToE1, OrderToE1: PacketID # RackID # JobType;
send_OrderToE2, OrderToE2: PacketID # RackID # JobType;
read_E1Accept, E1Accept:Bool;
read_E2Accept, E2Accept:Bool;
send_PacketFound: PacketID # Bool; % R tells C2 that packet PacketID is available in the rack R
send_StorageAvailable: Bool; % R tells C1 that storage is available
GiveDelivery, send_GiveDelivery: PacketID;
AcceptToDeliver, read_AcceptToDeliver: PacketID # ElevatorID;
StorePacket, read_StorePacket: PacketID # RackID;
%communication between elevators
sendE1_E2: RackID; %inform E2 of the next position of E1
readE1_E2: RackID; %E2 receive the next position of E1
sycE1_E2: RackID;%synchronisation action between sendE1_E2 & readE1_E2
%inform the other elevator whether a conflict exits
send_E2OK: Bool;
read_E2OK: Bool;
sycE2OK: Bool;%synchronisation action between send_E2OK & read_E2OK
%receive request from Rack
read_OrderToE1: PacketID # RackID # JobType;
read_OrderToE2: PacketID # RackID # JobType;
%accept request
send_E1Accept: Bool;
send_E2Accept: Bool;
%elevator movement
%receive and deliver packet at conveyor
send_AskPacket, AskPacket: PacketID;
receive_TakePacket: PacketID;
send_DeliverPacket: PacketID;
%store and take packet from Rack
send_StorePacket: PacketID # RackID;
receive_GiveDelivery: PacketID;
%move to default level
map maxId : PacketID ;
eqn maxId = 2;
map initPool : PacketID -> Set ( PacketID );
var n: PacketID ;
eqn (n == 0) -> initPool (n) = {0};
(n > 0) -> initPool ( n) = {n } + initPool ( Int2Nat (n -1));
act Want2Store, send_Want2Store, Want2Request, send_Want2Request, Want2Deliver, read_Want2Deliver: PacketID;
PacketFound, read_PacketFound: PacketID # Bool;
StorageAvailable, read_StorageAvailable: Bool;
emptyPoolError ;
proc PackagePool ( available , used : Set ( PacketID )) =
sum pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId ) && (pid in available )) -> send_Want2Store (pid ) . PackagePool ( available - {pid} , used + { pid })
+ sum pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId ) && (pid in used )) -> send_Want2Request (pid ) . sum b: Bool . read_PacketFound(pid, b) . (b == false)-> PackagePool () <> (read_Want2Deliver(pid). PackagePool (available + {pid} , used - { pid }))
+ ( available == {}) -> emptyPoolError . PackagePool ();
proc C1 =
sum pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId )) -> read_Want2Store(pid) . StoringPacket(pid);
proc StoringPacket (pid: PacketID) =
send_ToStore(pid) . sum b: Bool . read_StorageAvailable(b) . (b == false)-> StoringPacket(pid) <>
read_AskPacket(pid) . send_TakePacket(pid) . C1;
proc C2 =
sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId )) -> read_Want2Request(pid) . send_ToRequest (pid) . sum b: Bool . read_PacketFound(pid, b) . (b == false)-> C2 <>
read_DeliverPacket (pid). send_Want2Deliver(pid). C2;
%% First the code will check the packet, it will not process non-existant packet.
%% After it receives ToStore from C1, it will try to find available rack using FindRack
proc Rack(r: RackRecord) =
sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId )) -> read_ToStore(pid) . FindRack(r, pid)
+ sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId )) -> read_ToRequest(pid) . FindPacket(r, pid)
+ sum pid:PacketID, eid:RackID . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId ) && (eid < 5) && (eid !=2)) -> read_StorePacket(pid, eid) . Rack(r[eid->pid])
+ sum pid:PacketID, eid:RackID , b:Bool . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId ) && (eid < 5) && (eid !=2)) -> read_E1Accept(b) . (b==true) -> send_GiveDelivery(pid) . Rack(r[eid->0])
+ sum pid:PacketID, eid:RackID , b:Bool . ((pid != 0) && ( pid < maxId ) && (eid < 5) && (eid !=2)) -> read_E2Accept(b) . (b==true) -> send_GiveDelivery(pid) . Rack(r[eid->0]);
%% First the code will check the rack rid1. If its 0 (0), it will send_OrderToStore to e2 (bottom elevator).
%% If its full, it will move to check next rack.
%% Then the code will check the rack rid2. If its 0 (0), it will send_OrderToStore to e1 (top elevator).
%% If its full, means all storage is full and it send_StorageNotAvailable
proc FindRack(r: RackRecord, pid: PacketID) =
( r(1) == 0 ) -> ( send_StorageAvailable(true) . send_OrderToE2(pid, 1, store) . Rack(r) ) <>
(( r(3) == 0 ) -> ( send_StorageAvailable(true) . send_OrderToE1(pid, 3, store) . Rack(r) ) <>
(( r(4) == 0 ) -> ( send_StorageAvailable(true) . send_OrderToE1(pid, 4, store) . Rack(r) ) <>
(send_StorageAvailable(false) . Rack(r))));
%% First the code will check the rack rid1. If it contains correct pid, it will send_OrderToDeliver to e2 (bottom elevator).
%% If its 0/wrong pid, it will move to check next rack.
%% Then the code will check the rack rid2. If it contains correct pid, it will send_OrderToDeliver to e2 (bottom elevator).
%% If its 0/wrong pid, means all rack has been checked and it send_PacketNotFound
proc FindPacket(r: RackRecord, pid: PacketID) =
( r(1) == pid ) -> ( send_PacketFound(pid, true). send_OrderToE2(pid, 1, deliver) . Rack(r)) <>
(( r(3) == pid ) -> ( send_PacketFound(pid, true) . send_OrderToE2(pid, 3, deliver) . Rack(r)) <>
(( r(4) == pid ) -> ( send_PacketFound(pid, true) . send_OrderToE1(pid, 4, deliver) . Rack(r)) <>
(send_PacketFound(pid, false) . Rack(r))));
%% E1 will deliver and store packet to highest level
%% E1 will deliver packet to middle level
E1(E1State:EleState, CurPos: RackID, JobPos: RackID)=
((E1State == free && CurPos == 4) -> sum pid: PacketID, rid:RackID, job:JobType. ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId) && (rid < 5) && (rid !=2))
-> read_OrderToE1(pid, rid, job) . ((rid == 3 && job == store) -> send_E1Accept(true) . E1(E1State = storing, JobPos = 3)
+ (rid == 4 && job == store) -> send_E1Accept(true) . E1(E1State = storing, JobPos = 4)
+ (rid == 4 && job == deliver) -> send_E1Accept(true) . E1(E1State = delivering, JobPos = 4)))
((E1State == free && CurPos == 4) -> sendE1_E2(4) . E1(E1State = free))
((E1State == free && CurPos == 4) -> sendE1_E2(4) . E1(E1State = free))
((E1State == free && CurPos == 4) -> sum ConflictState:Bool .read_E2OK(ConflictState) . E1(E1State = free))
(E1State == free && CurPos != 4) -> sum eid:RackID . ((eid < 5) && (eid !=2)) -> sendE1_E2(4) . sum ConflictState:Bool . read_E2OK(ConflictState) .
(ConflictState == true) -> Move2Default . E1(E1State = free, CurPos = 4)
(E1State == storing && JobPos == 3 && CurPos == 4) -> sendE1_E2(2). sum ConflictState:Bool . read_E2OK(ConflictState) . (ConflictState == true)
-> Move2Plat.E1(E1State = storing, CurPos = 2) <> (E1(E1State = storing, CurPos = 4))
((E1State == storing && JobPos == 3 && CurPos == 2) -> sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> send_AskPacket(pid) . receive_TakePacket(pid) . Move2Rack . send_StorePacket(pid, 3) . E1(E1State = free, CurPos = 3))
((E1State == storing && JobPos == 4 && CurPos == 4) -> sendE1_E2(2). sum ConflictState:Bool . read_E2OK(ConflictState) . (ConflictState == true) -> Move2Plat.E1(E1State = storing, CurPos = 2) <> (E1(E1State = storing, CurPos = 4)))
((E1State == storing && JobPos == 4 && CurPos == 2) -> sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> send_AskPacket(pid) . receive_TakePacket(pid) . Move2Rack . send_StorePacket(pid, 4) . E1(E1State = free, CurPos = 4))
((E1State == delivering && JobPos == 4 && CurPos == 4) -> sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> (receive_GiveDelivery(pid) . sendE1_E2(2) . sum ConflictState:Bool . read_E2OK(ConflictState) . (ConflictState == true) -> Move2Plat.E1(E1State = delivering, CurPos = 2) <> (E1(E1State = delivering, CurPos = 4))))
((E1State == delivering && JobPos == 4 && CurPos == 2) -> sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> send_DeliverPacket(pid) . Move2Default . E1(E1State = free, CurPos = 4)) ;
E2(E2State:EleState, CurPos: RackID, JobPos: RackID)=
((E2State == free && CurPos == 1) -> sum pid: PacketID, rid:RackID, job:JobType . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId) && (rid < 5) && (rid !=2) )
-> read_OrderToE2(pid, rid, job) .
((rid == 3 && job == deliver) -> send_E2Accept(true) . E2(E2State = delivering, JobPos = 3)
+ (rid == 1 && job == store) -> send_E2Accept(true) . E2(E2State = storing, JobPos = 1)
+ (rid == 1 && job == deliver) -> send_E2Accept(true) . E2(E2State = delivering, JobPos = 1)))
((E2State == free && CurPos == 1) -> send_E2OK(true) . E2(E2State = free))
((E2State == free && CurPos == 1) -> sum eid:RackID . ((eid < 5)) -> readE1_E2(eid) . E2(E2State = free))
((E2State == free && CurPos != 1) -> send_E2OK(true) . Move2Default . E2(E2State = free, CurPos = 1))
(E2State == delivering && JobPos == 3 && CurPos == 1) -> sum eid:RackID . ((eid < 5)) -> readE1_E2(eid) . (eid == 2) -> (send_E2OK(false) . E2(E2State = delivering, CurPos = 3))
<> (send_E2OK(true) . E2(E2State = delivering, CurPos = 3))
(E2State == delivering && JobPos == 3 && CurPos == 3) -> sum eid:RackID, pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId) && (eid < 5) ) -> receive_GiveDelivery(pid) . readE1_E2(eid) . (eid == 2) -> (send_E2OK(false) . Move2Plat . send_DeliverPacket(pid) . E2(E2State = free, CurPos = 2)) <> (send_E2OK(true) . Move2Plat . send_DeliverPacket(pid) . E2(E2State = free, CurPos = 2))
(E2State == delivering && JobPos == 1 && CurPos == 1) -> sum eid:RackID, pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId) && (eid < 5) ) -> receive_GiveDelivery(pid) . readE1_E2(eid) . (eid == 2) -> (send_E2OK(false) . Move2Plat . E2(E2State = delivering, CurPos = 2)) <> (send_E2OK(true) . Move2Plat . E2(E2State = delivering, CurPos = 2))
((E2State == delivering && JobPos == 1 && CurPos == 2) -> sum pid: PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> send_DeliverPacket(pid) . Move2Default . E2(E2State = free, CurPos = 1))
(E2State == storing && JobPos == 1 && CurPos == 1) -> sum eid:RackID . readE1_E2(eid) . (eid == 2) -> (send_E2OK(false) . Move2Plat . E2(E2State = storing, CurPos = 2)) <> (send_E2OK(true) . Move2Plat . E2(E2State = storing, CurPos = 2))
((E2State == storing && JobPos == 1 && CurPos == 2) -> sum pid:PacketID . ((pid != 0) && (pid < maxId)) -> send_AskPacket(pid) . receive_TakePacket(pid) . send_E2OK(true) . Move2Rack . send_StorePacket(pid, 1) . E2(E2State = free, CurPos = 1)) ;
Want2Store, Want2Request, Want2Deliver, PacketFound, StorageAvailable, ToStore, ToRequest, TakePacket, DeliverPacket,
OrderToE1, OrderToE2, StorePacket, GiveDelivery, E1Accept, E2Accept,
sycE1_E2, sycE2OK, AskPacket, Move2Plat, Move2Rack, Move2Default
send_Want2Store | read_Want2Store -> Want2Store,
send_Want2Request | read_Want2Request -> Want2Request,
send_Want2Deliver | read_Want2Deliver -> Want2Deliver,
send_PacketFound | read_PacketFound -> PacketFound,
send_StorageAvailable | read_StorageAvailable -> StorageAvailable,
send_ToStore | read_ToStore -> ToStore,
send_ToRequest | read_ToRequest -> ToRequest,
send_TakePacket | receive_TakePacket -> TakePacket,
send_DeliverPacket | read_DeliverPacket -> DeliverPacket,
send_OrderToE1 | read_OrderToE1 -> OrderToE1,
send_OrderToE2 | read_OrderToE2 -> OrderToE2,
send_StorePacket | read_StorePacket -> StorePacket,
send_GiveDelivery | receive_GiveDelivery -> GiveDelivery,
send_E1Accept | read_E1Accept -> E1Accept,
send_E2Accept | read_E2Accept -> E2Accept,
sendE1_E2|readE1_E2 -> sycE1_E2,
send_E2OK|read_E2OK -> sycE2OK,
send_AskPacket|read_AskPacket -> AskPacket
PackagePool ( initPool ( maxId ), {}) || C1 || C2 || Rack(emptyRack) || E1(free, 4, 4)|| E2(free, 1, 1)
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