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Improved version of "egypt", with bugfixes and callgraph pruning
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
egypt - create call graph from gcc RTL dump
egypt [--omit function,function,...] [--only function,function,...] [--include-external] [--files] <rtl-file>... | dotty -
egypt [--omit function,function,...] [--only function,function,...] [--include-external] [--files] <rtl-file>... | dot <dot-options>
Egypt is a simple tool for creating call graphs of C programs.
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item -B<-omit FUNC>
Omit the given functions from the call graph. Multiple function names
may be given separated by commas.
=item B<--only FUNC>
Include only the given functions from the call graph. Multiple function names
may be given separated by commas.
=item B<--callees FUNC>, B<--callers FUNC>
Include only the callers or callees of the given functions from the call graph.
Multiple function names may be given separated by commas. If both callees and
callers is specified, the union of the requested callees and callers is included.
=item B<--include-external>
Include calls to external functions in the call graph. A function is
considered external if it is not defined in any of the input files.
For example, functions in the standard C library are external. Only
direct function calls will be displayed; there is no way to display
the action of taking the address of an external function.
=item B<--files>
Create box containers for source files.
The two major tasks in creating a call graph are analyzing the syntax
of the source code to find the function calls and laying out the
graph, but Egypt actually does neither. Instead, it delegates the
source code analysis to GCC and the graph layout to Graphviz, both of
which are better at their respective jobs than egypt could ever hope
to be itself. Egypt itself is just a small Perl script that acts as
glue between these existing tools.
Egypt takes advantage of GCC's capability to dump an intermediate
representation of the program being compiled into a file (a I<RTL
file>); this file is much easier to extract information from than a C
source file. Egypt extracts information about function calls from the
RTL file and massages it into the format used by Graphviz.
Compile the program or source file you want to create a call graph for
with gcc, adding the option "-fdump-rtl-expand" to CFLAGS. This
option causes gcc to dump its intermediate code representation of each
file it compiles into a a file. In old versions of GCC this option
was called accepted "-dr", but GCC 4.4.0 and newer accept only the
"-fdump-rtl-expand" form.
For example, the following works for many programs:
make clean
make CFLAGS=-fdump-rtl-expand
Depending on the GCC version, the RTL file for a source file F<foo.c>
may be called something like F<foo.c.rtl>, F<foo.c.00.rtl>, or
To view the call graph in an X11 window, run egypt with one or
more RTL files as command line arguments and pipe its output to the
B<dotty> program from the Graphviz package. For example, if you
compiled F<foo.c> with C<gcc -fdump-rtl-expand> to
generate F<foo.c.00.expand>, use
egypt foo.c.00.expand | dotty -
To generate a PostScript version of the call graph for printing, use
the B<dot> program from the Graphviz package. For example, to generate
a callgraph in the file F<> fitting everything on a US
letter size page in landscape mode, try
egypt foo.c.00.rtl | dot -Grotate=90 -Gsize=11,8.5 -Tps -o
Sometimes, the graph will fit better if function calls go from left to
right instead of top to bottom. The B<dot> option B<-Grankdir=LR>
will do that:
egypt foo.c.00.rtl | dot -Gsize=8.5,11 -Grankdir=LR -Tps -o
For nontrivial programs, the graph may end up too small
to comfortably read. If that happens, try N-up printing:
egypt foo.c.00.rtl | dot -Gpage=8.5,11 -Tps -o
You can also try playing with other B<dot> options such as B<-Gratio>,
or for a different style of graph, try using B<neato> instead of
B<dot>. See the Graphwiz documentation for more information about the
various options available for customizing the style of the graph.
Function calls are displayed as solid arrows. A dotted arrow means
that the function the arrow points from takes the address of the
function the arrow points to.
Egypt does not display indirect function calls. Doing that is
impossible in the general case: determining which functions will call
each other indirectly at runtime would require solving the halting
The dotted arrows generated by egypt are sometimes misunderstood to
represent indirect calls, but that's not the case; they represent
taking the address of a function, resulting in a function pointer.
That function pointer will typically be used to make an indirect
function call at some later time, but the call is not necessarily made
from the same function where there address was taken, and it is
generally not possible to determine where or even whether that call
will take place.
The dotted arrows may or may not be useful for understanding the
program structure depending on the particular style of programming
used. One case where they are often useful is with event-driven
programs where a sequence of events is handled by a chain of callback
functions, each one registering the address of the next with the event
handling framework before returning to the event loop. In such a
program, the dotted arrows will indicate which callbacks cause which
other callbacks to be invoked; such a graph may to be more useful than
a graph of the actual indirect calls, which would just show the event
loop calling every callback.
=head1 C++ SUPPORT
Egypt provides limited support for C++. When used with GCC version
4 or newer, egypt will automatically demangle C++ member function
names and display them in in the native C++ syntax, e.g., C<C::f()>.
Egypt will not display virtual function calls, because there is no
easy way to determine which virtual function is being called
based on the RTL.
Egypt was going to be called B<rtlcg>, short for I<RTL Call Graph>,
but it turned out to be one of those rare cases where ROT13'ing the
name made it easier to remember and pronounce.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<gcc>, L<dotty>, L<dot>, L<neato>
Copyright 1994-2011 Andreas Gustafsson
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andreas Gustafsson
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = "1.10";
# A data structure containing information about potential function
# calls. This is a reference to a hash table where the key is a
# the name of a function (the caller) and the value is a reference
# to another hash table indexed by the name of a symbol referenced
# by the caller (the potential callee) and a value of "call"
# (if the reference is a direct function call) or "ref"
# (if the reference is a non-function-call symbol reference;
# if the referenced symbol itself turns out to be a function,
# this will be considered an indirect function call).
my $calls = { };
my $files;
# A map from mangled C++ names to the corresponding demangled ones
my $demangle = { };
# The current function
my $curfunc;
# Functions to omit
my @omit = ();
# Limit to given functions only
my @only = ();
my @callers = ();
my @callees = ();
my $include_external = 0;
my $include_ref = 0;
# Mapping from symbol reference types to dot styles
my $styles = {
'call' => 'solid',
'ref' => 'dotted'
sub demangle {
my ($name) = @_;
$name = $demangle->{$name} || $name;
# Escape embedded quotes
$name =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
return $name;
GetOptions('omit=s' => \@omit,
'only=s' => \@only,
'callers=s' => \@callers,
'callees=s' => \@callees,
'include-external' => \$include_external,
'include-ref' => \$include_ref,
'files' => sub { $files = {} });
@omit = split(/,/, join(',', @omit));
@only = split(/,/, join(',', @only));
@callers = split(/,/, join(',', @callers));
@callees = split(/,/, join(',', @callees));
my $filter_only = @callers || @callees || @only;
sub enter_func {
my ($funcname) = @_;
$curfunc = $funcname;
$calls->{$curfunc} = { } if ! exists($calls->{$curfunc});
while (<>) {
$ARGV =~ /([^\/]+\.[^\d]+)\.[^\.]+$/ or $ARGV =~ /([^\/]+)\.\d+r?\.[^\.]+$/;
my $file = $1 || '(unknown)';
if (/^;; Function (\S+)\s*$/) {
# pre-gcc4 style
} elsif (/^;; Function (.*)\s+\((\S+)(,.*)?\).*$/) {
# gcc4 style
# Compiling for ARM, it can look like ";; Function foo (foo)[0:3]"
$demangle->{$curfunc} = $1;
$calls->{$curfunc} = { } if ! exists($calls->{$curfunc});
if (/\(symbol_ref [^(]* \("([^"]*)"/x) {
my $target = $1;
if (/\(call\b/) {
$calls->{$curfunc}->{$target} = 'call';
} elsif (! defined $calls->{$curfunc}->{$target}) {
$calls->{$curfunc}->{$target} = 'ref' if $include_ref;
if ($files and $curfunc) {
$files->{$file} ||= {};
$files->{$file}{$curfunc} = $calls->{$curfunc};
# compute subgraph for callers or callees #
my %selected;
my %visited;
sub walk {
my ($graph, $func) = @_;
foreach my $target (keys %{$graph->{$func}}) {
walk($graph, $target) if exists $graph->{$target} and not exists $visited{$target};
if (@callees) {
# --callees CALLER: visit the callgraph to find the callees
%visited = ();
foreach my $caller (@callees) {
walk($calls, $caller);
if (@callers) {
# --callers CALLEE: visit the reverse callgraph to find the callers
my $reverse = { };
foreach my $caller (keys %{$calls}) {
foreach my $callee (keys %{$calls->{$caller}}) {
$reverse->{$callee} = { } if ! exists($reverse->{$callee});
$reverse->{$callee}->{$caller} = $calls->{$caller}->{$callee};
%visited = ();
foreach my $callee (@callers) {
walk($reverse, $callee);
if (@callers || @callees) {
if (@only) {
# merge --only and the selected subgraph
@only = grep { exists $selected{$_} } @only;
} else {
# no --only, only include the functions in the selected subgraph
@only = keys %selected;
# compute list of nodes that will appear in the graph #
my %omit_map;
@omit_map{@omit} = ();
my %only_map;
@only_map{@only} = ();
sub filter {
my ($func, $external_ok) = @_;
# If the referenced symbol is not a defined function
# or a direct call to an external function, ignore it.
return 0 unless exists($calls->{$func}) or $external_ok;
return 0 if exists $omit_map{$func};
return 0 if $filter_only and not exists $only_map{$func};
return 1;
my %filtered = ();
foreach my $caller (keys %{$calls}) {
$filtered{$caller} = 1 if filter($caller, 1);
foreach my $callee (keys %{$calls->{$caller}}) {
my $reftype = $calls->{$caller}->{$callee};
$filtered{$callee} = 1 if filter($callee, ($include_external and $reftype eq 'call'));
# emit output #
print "digraph callgraph {\n";
my $sc = 0;
foreach my $file (keys %$files) {
print "subgraph cluster_$sc {\n";
print "label = \"$file\";\n";
foreach my $func (keys %{$files->{$file}}) {
next unless exists $filtered{$func};
my $func_d = demangle($func);
print "\"$func_d\";\n";
print "}\n";
my %unconnected = map { ($_, undef) } keys %{$calls};
foreach my $caller (keys %{$calls}) {
my $caller_d = demangle($caller);
next unless exists $filtered{$caller};
foreach my $callee (keys %{$calls->{$caller}}) {
my $reftype = $calls->{$caller}->{$callee};
# ARM short calls are flagged with a caret prefix; ignore it
$callee =~ s/^\^+//;
# If the referenced symbol is not a defined function
# or a direct call to an external function, ignore it.
next unless filter($callee, ($include_external and $reftype eq 'call'));
my $style = $styles->{$reftype};
my $callee_d = demangle($callee);
print "\"$caller_d\" -> \"$callee_d\" [style=$style];\n";
delete $unconnected{$caller};
delete $unconnected{$callee};
foreach my $f (keys %unconnected) {
next unless exists $filtered{$f};
my $f_d = demangle($f);
print "\"$f_d\";\n";
print "}\n";
#! /usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
from collections import defaultdict
import dataclasses
import glob
import io
import json
import os
import re
import readline
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
import typing
class Node:
name: str
callers: set[str]
callees: dict[str, str]
username: typing.Optional[str] = None
external: bool = True
def __init__(self, name):
super().__init__() = name
self.callers = set()
self.callees = dict()
def __getitem__(self, callee: str) -> str:
return self.callees[callee]
def __setitem__(self, callee: str, type: str):
# A "ref" edge does not override a "call" edge
if type == "call" or callee not in self.callees:
self.callees[callee] = type
class Graph:
nodes: dict[str, Node]
nodes_by_username: dict[str, Node]
nodes_by_file: dict[str, list[str]]
keep: typing.Optional[set[str]]
omit: set[str]
filter_default: bool
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = {}
self.nodes_by_username = {}
self.nodes_by_file = defaultdict(lambda: list())
def parse(self, fn: str, lines: typing.Iterator[str], verbose_print) -> None:
RE_FUNC1 = re.compile(r"^;; Function (\S+)\s*$")
RE_FUNC2 = re.compile(r"^;; Function (.*)\s+\((\S+)(,.*)?\).*$")
RE_SYMBOL_REF = re.compile(r'\(symbol_ref [^(]* \( "([^"]*)"', flags=re.X)
curfunc = None
for line in lines:
if line.startswith(";; Function "):
m =
if m:
curfunc =
self.add_node(, file=fn)
verbose_print(f"{fn}: found function {}")
m =
if m:
curfunc =
self.add_node(,, file=fn)
verbose_print(f"{fn}: found function {} ({})")
elif curfunc:
m =
if m:
type = "call" if "(call" in line else "ref"
verbose_print(f"{fn}: found {type} edge {curfunc} -> {}")
self.add_edge(curfunc,, type)
def add_external_node(self, name: str) -> None:
if name not in self.nodes:
self.nodes[name] = Node(name=name)
def add_node(self, name: str, username: typing.Optional[str] = None,
file: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if self.nodes[name].external:
# This is now a defined node. It might have a username and a file
self.nodes[name].external = False
if username:
self.nodes[name].username = username
self.nodes_by_username[username] = self.nodes[name]
if file:
def add_edge(self, caller: str, callee: str, type: str) -> None:
# The caller must exist, but the callee could be external.
self.nodes[caller][callee] = type
def _get_node(self, name: str) -> typing.Optional[Node]:
if name in self.nodes_by_username:
return self.nodes_by_username[name]
elif name in self.nodes:
return self.nodes[name]
return None
def has_node(self, name: str) -> bool:
return bool(self._get_node(name))
def _visit(self, start: str, targets: typing.Callable[[Node], typing.Iterable[str]]) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
visited = set()
def visit(n: Node) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
if in visited:
yield n.username or
for caller in targets(n):
target = self._get_node(caller)
if target:
yield from visit(target)
n = self._get_node(start)
if not n:
return iter({})
yield from visit(n)
def all_callers(self, callee: str) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
return self._visit(callee, lambda n: n.callers)
def all_callees(self, caller: str) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
return self._visit(caller, lambda n: n.callees.keys())
def callers(self, callee: str, ref_ok: bool) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
n = self._get_node(callee)
if not n:
return iter([])
return (
for caller in n.callers
if self.filter_edge(caller, callee, True, ref_ok))
def callees(self, caller: str, external_ok: bool, ref_ok: bool) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
n = self._get_node(caller)
if not n:
return iter([])
return (
for callee in n.callees.keys()
if self.filter_edge(caller, callee, external_ok, ref_ok))
def all_nodes(self) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
return (
for x in self.nodes.keys()
if self.filter_node(x, False))
def all_nodes_for_file(self, file: str) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
return (
for x in self.nodes_by_file[file]
if self.filter_node(x, False))
def name(self, x: str) -> str:
n = self.nodes[x]
return n.username or x
def _filter_node(self, n: Node, external_ok: bool) -> bool:
if not external_ok and n.external:
return False
if self.keep is not None and in self.keep:
return True
if in self.omit:
return False
return self.filter_default
def filter_node(self, x: str, external_ok: bool) -> bool:
n = self._get_node(x)
if not n:
return False
return self._filter_node(n, external_ok)
def filter_edge(self, caller: str, callee: str, external_ok: bool, ref_ok: bool) -> bool:
caller_node = self._get_node(caller)
if not caller_node or not self._filter_node(caller_node, True):
return False
callee_node = self._get_node(callee)
if not callee_node or not self._filter_node(callee_node, external_ok):
return False
return caller_node[] == "call" or (ref_ok and not callee_node.external)
def omit_node(self, name: str) -> None:
n = self._get_node(name)
name = if n else name
if self.keep is not None and name in self.keep:
def keep_node(self, name: str) -> None:
if self.keep is None:
self.keep = set()
n = self._get_node(name)
name = if n else name
if name in self.omit:
def reset_filter(self) -> None:
self.omit = set()
self.keep = None
self.filter_default = True
GRAPH = Graph()
class NoUsageFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
def add_usage(self, usage: typing.Optional[str], actions: typing.Iterable[argparse.Action],
groups: typing.Iterable[argparse._ArgumentGroup], prefix: typing.Optional[str] = ...) -> None:
class MyArgumentParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(exit_on_error=False, add_help=False, formatter_class=NoUsageFormatter)
def format_usage(self):
return ""
def error(self, message: str):
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, f"{self.prog}: error: {message}" "")
PARSER = MyArgumentParser()
class VRCCommand:
NAME: typing.Optional[tuple[str, ...]] = None
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
"""Setup argument parser"""
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
class ChdirCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Change current directory."""
NAME = ("cd",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("dir", metavar="DIR",
help="New current directory")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
class PwdCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Print current directory."""
NAME = ("pwd",)
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
class HistoryCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Print command history."""
NAME = ("history",)
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
# TODO: limit history to N entries
for i in range(1, readline.get_current_history_length() + 1):
print('{:7} {}'.format(i, readline.get_history_item(i)))
class CompdbCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Loads a compile_commands.json file."""
NAME = ("compdb",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE",
help="JSON file to be loaded")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
with open(args.file, 'r') as f:
for entry in json.load(f):
key = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(entry["directory"], entry["output"]))
COMPDB[key] = entry["command"]
COMPDB: dict[str, str] = dict()
class LoadCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Loads a GCC RTL output (.expand, generated by -fdump-rtl-expand)."""
NAME = ("load",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
def eat(*args: list[typing.Any]) -> None:
def print_stderr(*args: list[typing.Any]) -> None:
print(*args, file=sys.stderr)
parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_const",
const=print_stderr, default=eat,
help="Report progress while parsing")
parser.add_argument("files", metavar="FILE", nargs="+",
help="Dump or object file to be loaded")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
def build_gcc_S_command_line(cmd, outfile):
args = shlex.split(cmd)
out = []
was_o = False
for i in args:
if was_o:
i = '/dev/null'
was_o = False
elif i == '-c':
i = '-S'
elif i == '-o':
was_o = True
return out + ['-fdump-rtl-expand', '-dumpbase', outfile]
def expand_glob(s: str) -> list[str]:
return glob.glob(s) or [s]
def resolve(files: typing.Iterator[str]) -> typing.Iterator[str]:
cwd = os.getcwd()
for pattern in files:
for fn in expand_glob(os.path.join(cwd, os.path.expanduser(pattern))):
if fn.endswith(".o"):
if fn not in COMPDB:
print(f"Could not find '{fn}' in compile_commands.json", file=sys.stderr)
dumps = glob.glob(fn + ".*r.expand")
if not dumps:
cmdline = build_gcc_S_command_line(COMPDB[fn], fn)
args.verbose(f"Launching {shlex.join(cmdline)}")
result =,
except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
print("Interrupt", file=sys.stderr)
if result.returncode != 0:
print(f"Compiler exited with return code {result.returncode}", file=sys.stderr)
dumps = glob.glob(fn + ".*r.expand")
if not dumps:
print(f"Compiler did not produce dump file", file=sys.stderr)
if len(dumps) > 1:
print(f"Found more than one dump file: {', '.join(dumps)}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"Reading {os.path.relpath(dumps[0])}", file=sys.stderr)
yield dumps[0]
args.verbose(f"Reading {os.path.relpath(fn)}")
yield fn
for fn in resolve(args.files):
with open(fn, "r") as f:
GRAPH.parse(fn, f, verbose_print=args.verbose)
class NodeCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Creates a new node for a non-external symbol."""
NAME = ("node",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("name", metavar="NAME",
help="Name for the new node")
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE", nargs="?",
help="File in which the new node is defined")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
GRAPH.add_node(, file=args.file)
class EdgeCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Creates a new edge. The caller must exist already."""
NAME = ("edge",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("caller", metavar="CALLER",
help="Source node for the new edge")
parser.add_argument("callee", metavar="CALLEE",
help="Target node for the new edge")
parser.add_argument("type", metavar="TYPE", nargs="?",
help="Type of the new edge (call or ref)",
choices=["call", "ref"], default="call")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
if not GRAPH.has_node(args.caller):
raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "caller not found in graph")
GRAPH.add_edge(args.caller, args.callee, args.type)
class OmitCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Removes a node, and optionally its callers and/or callees, from
the graph that is generated by "output" or "dotty"."""
NAME = ("omit",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--callers", action="store_true",
help="Omit all callers, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("--callees", action="store_true",
help="Omit all callees, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("funcs", metavar="FUNC", nargs="+",
help="The functions to be filtered")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
for f in args.funcs:
if args.callers:
for caller in GRAPH.all_callers(f):
if args.callees:
for callee in GRAPH.all_callees(f):
class KeepCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Undoes the effect of "omit" on a node, and optionally
its callers and/or callees."""
NAME = ("keep",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--callers", action="store_true",
help="Keep all callers, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("--callees", action="store_true",
help="Keep all callees, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("funcs", metavar="FUNC", nargs="+",
help="The functions to be filtered")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
for f in args.funcs:
if args.callers:
for caller in GRAPH.all_callers(f):
if args.callees:
for callee in GRAPH.all_callees(f):
class OnlyCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Limits the graph that is generated by "output" or "dotty"
to a node, and optionally its callers and/or callees.
If invoked multiple times, the filters are ORed. Nodes
added by "keep" are included too."""
NAME = ("only",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--callers", action="store_true",
help="Keep all callers, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("--callees", action="store_true",
help="Keep all callees, recursively.")
parser.add_argument("funcs", metavar="FUNC", nargs="+",
help="The functions to be filtered")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
GRAPH.filter_default = False
for f in args.funcs:
if args.callers:
for caller in GRAPH.all_callers(f):
if args.callees:
for callee in GRAPH.all_callees(f):
class ResetCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Undoes any filtering done by the "keep" or "omit" commands."""
NAME = ("reset",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
class CallersCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Prints the caller of all the specified functions."""
NAME = ("callers",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--include-ref", action="store_true",
help="Include references to functions.")
parser.add_argument("funcs", metavar="FUNC", nargs="+",
help="The functions to be filtered")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
result = defaultdict(lambda: list())
for f in args.funcs:
for i in GRAPH.callers(f, ref_ok=args.include_ref):
for caller, callees in result.items():
print(f"{caller} -> {', '.join(callees)}")
class CalleesCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Prints the callees of all the specified functions."""
NAME = ("callees",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--include-external", action="store_true",
help="Include external functions.")
parser.add_argument("--include-ref", action="store_true",
help="Include references to functions.")
parser.add_argument("funcs", metavar="FUNC", nargs="+",
help="The functions to be filtered")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
result = defaultdict(lambda: list())
for f in args.funcs:
for i in GRAPH.callees(f, external_ok=args.include_external, ref_ok=args.include_ref):
for callee, callers in result.items():
print(f"{', '.join(callers)} -> {callee}")
class OutputCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Creates a DOT file with the callgraph. If invoked as "dotty" and
with no arguments, the graph is laid out and showed in a graphical
NAME = ("output", "dotty")
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("--files", action="store_true",
help="Create box containers for source files.")
parser.add_argument("--include-external", action="store_true",
help="Include external functions.")
parser.add_argument("--include-ref", action="store_true",
help="Include references to functions.")
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE", nargs="?")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
def emit(f):
print("digraph callgraph {", file=f)
nodes = set()
for func in GRAPH.all_nodes():
if args.files:
i = 0
for file in GRAPH.nodes_by_file.keys():
file_nodes = list(GRAPH.all_nodes_for_file(file))
label = re.match(r'(.*?)\.[0-9]*r\.expand', os.path.relpath(file)).group(1)
if not file_nodes:
print(f"subgraph cluster_{i}", "{", file=f)
print(f'label = "{label}";', file=f)
for func in file_nodes:
print(f'"{func}";', file=f)
print("}", file=f)
i += 1
connected = set()
for func in nodes:
has_edges = False
for i in GRAPH.callees(func, external_ok=args.include_external, ref_ok=args.include_ref):
print(f'"{func}" -> "{i}";', file=f)
has_edges = True
if has_edges:
for func in nodes:
if func not in connected:
print(f'"{func}";', file=f)
print("}", file=f)
if args.file:
fn = os.path.expanduser(args.file)
# do not unlink an existing file until it has been opened
do_unlink = not os.path.exists(args.file)
with open(fn, "w") as f:
# and never unlink a non-regular file anyway
do_unlink = do_unlink or os.path.isfile(args.file)
except Exception as e:
if do_unlink:
raise e
elif args.cmd == "dotty":
graph = io.StringIO()
dotty = subprocess.Popen("dotty -", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True,
errors="backslashreplace", encoding="ascii")
class QuitCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Exits VRC."""
NAME = ("q", "quit")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
class HelpCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Prints the list of commands, or the syntax of a command."""
NAME = ("help",)
PARSERS: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser] = {}
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("command", metavar="COMMAND", nargs="?",
help="Show help for given command.")
def register(self, command: str, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
self.PARSERS[command] = parser
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
if args.command and args.command in self.PARSERS:
class SourceCommand(VRCCommand):
"""Processes the commands in a file."""
NAME = ("source",)
def args(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
parser.add_argument("file", metavar="FILE")
def run(self, args: argparse.Namespace):
with open(args.file, "r") as f:
self.do_source(f, exit_first=True)
def do_source(inf: io.TextIOWrapper, exit_first: bool):
while True:
line = next(inf)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except StopIteration:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'):
argv = line.split()
if not argv:
args = PARSER.parse_args(argv)
except OSError as e:
if exit_first:
except argparse.ArgumentError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
if exit_first:
class ReadlineInput:
def __init__(self, prompt: str):
self.prompt = prompt
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
readline.set_completer_delims(' \t')
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
return input(self.prompt)
except EOFError:
raise StopIteration
def complete(self, text: str, state: int) -> typing.Optional[str]:
if state == 0:
self.matches = self.get_matches(text)
if state >= len(self.matches):
return None
return self.matches[state]
def get_matches(self, text: str):
line = readline.get_line_buffer()
words = line.strip().split()
nwords = len(words) - (0 if not line or line[-1] in " \t" else 1)
# Expand the text that is used for completion
replacement = self.get_forced_replacement(words, nwords, text)
if replacement:
text = replacement
completions = self.get_completions(words, nwords, text)
completions = [x for x in completions if x.startswith(text)]
if len(completions) == 1 \
and (text != "" or not completions[0].startswith("-")) \
and not completions[0].endswith("/"):
return [completions[0] + " "]
if len(completions) > 1 and replacement:
return [replacement]
return completions
def get_forced_replacement(self, words: list[str], nwords: int, text: str) -> typing.Optional[str]:
expanded = text
if words and words[0] in ['load', 'cd', 'compdb', 'output']:
if text.startswith('~'):
expanded = os.path.expanduser(expanded)
if not expanded.endswith("/") and os.path.isdir(expanded):
expanded += "/"
return expanded if expanded != text else None
def get_completions(self, words: list[str], nwords: int, text: str) -> list[str]:
if nwords == 0:
return sorted(HelpCommand.PARSERS.keys())
opts = []
if text.startswith('--') or text == '' or text == '-':
# ugly...
opts = sorted(HelpCommand.PARSERS[words[0]]._option_string_actions.keys())
args = []
if words[0] in ['callers', 'callees', 'keep', 'omit', 'edge']:
# complete by function name
args = sorted(set(GRAPH.nodes_by_username.keys()).union(GRAPH.nodes.keys()))
elif words[0] in ['pwd']:
elif words[0] in ['cd']:
# complete by directory only
args = sorted(glob.glob(text + '*/'))
elif words[0] in ['load']:
# complete by RTL dump, object file or directory
path = os.path.dirname(text)
args = glob.glob(path + '/*r.expand')
args += glob.glob(path + '/*.o')
args += glob.glob(text + '*/')
args = sorted(args)
elif words[0] in ['compdb']:
# complete by json or directory
path = os.path.dirname(text)
args = glob.glob(path + '/*.json')
args += glob.glob(text + '*/')
args = sorted(args)
elif words[0] in ['output', 'source']:
# complete by any file name
args = sorted(glob.glob(text + '*'))
args = [x + "/" if os.path.isdir(x) else x for x in args]
return opts + args
def display_matches(self, substitution: str, matches: typing.Sequence[str], longest_match_length: int):
line_buffer = readline.get_line_buffer()
columns = os.get_terminal_size()[0]
length = longest_match_length * 6 // 5 + 2
buffer = ""
for match in matches:
match += " " * (length - len(match))
if len(buffer + match) > columns:
buffer = ""
buffer += match
if buffer:
print(self.prompt, end="")
print(line_buffer, end="")
def main():
if os.path.exists("compile_commands.json"):
print("Loading compile_commands.json", file=sys.stderr)
args = PARSER.parse_args(["compdb", "compile_commands.json"])
except OSError as e:
print("Could not load compile_commands.json:", e, file=sys.stderr)
if os.isatty(0):
inf = ReadlineInput("(vrc) ")
inf = sys.stdin
SourceCommand.do_source(inf, exit_first=False)
def init_subparsers():
subparsers = PARSER.add_subparsers(title="subcommands", help=None, parser_class=MyArgumentParser)
for cls in VRCCommand.__subclasses__():
for n in cls.NAME: # type: ignore
subp = subparsers.add_parser(n, help=cls.__doc__)
HelpCommand.register(n, subp)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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