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Last active September 7, 2017 22:40
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Proton config
;; Layers you wish to have active
;; To get a list of all available layers, check
;; -----------------------------------
;; core layer. Don't remove.
;; -----------------------------------
;; -----------------------------------
;; tools
;; Get more at
;; -----------------------------------
;; :tools/bookmarks
;; :tools/build
;; :tools/minimap
;; -----------------------------------
;; Languages
;; Get more at
;; -----------------------------------
;; :lang/csharp
;; :lang/python
;; :lang/julia
;; :lang/latex
;; :lang/elixir
;; :lang/markdown
;; :lang/rust
; :lang/javascript
;; -----------------------------------
;; Frameworks
;; Get more at
;; -----------------------------------
;; :frameworks/django
;; -----------------------------------
;; etcJust follow the freaking traffic laws
;; Get more at
;; -----------------------------------
;; :fun/power_mode
;; Packages that are not part of a layer. List them here as keyword
;; All packages will be ensured to be installed. Stuff that is not listed here
;; Will get uninstalled so choose wisely!
:additional-packages [
;; Packages that you want to disable.
;; Note that packages will be removed except bundled packages.
;; Bundled packages will be disabled instead.
;; Use this configuration instead of atom's `core.disabledPackages`
:disabled-packages [
;; Proton takes over your atom configuration. All settings that are not listed here will get wiped
;; Configurations are denoted as 2 element vector consisting of k/v
;; sub-vectors inside v will get treated like javascript arrays
;; appearance
["editor.fontFamily" "Hack"]
;; the current default theme
;; ["core.themes" ["nucleus-dark-ui" "atom-dark-fusion-syntax"]]
;; ["core.themes" ["nucleus-dark-ui" "one-dark-syntax"]]
;; here are some more popular theme ideas for you to pick from:
;; ["core.themes" ["atom-material-ui" "atom-material-syntax"]]
["core.themes" ["one-dark-ui" "one-dark-syntax"]]
["core.autoHideMenuBar" true]
["core.restorePreviousWindowsOnStart" "no"]
["tree-view.squashDirectoryNames" true]
;; proton configuration
["proton.core.showTabBar" true]
["proton.core.relativeLineNumbers" false]
["proton.core.wipeUserConfigs" true]
;; prefer classic vim mode over vim-mode-plus? Change this to :vim-mode
["proton.core.inputProvider" :vim-mode-plus]
;; proto-repl confing
["proto-repl.autoPrittyPrint" true]
["proto-repl.showInlineResults" false]
["proto-repl.refreshOnReplStart" false]
["proton.core.alwaysShowWelcomeScreen" false]
;; rainbow parens
;;["swackets.colorBrackets" true]
;;["swackets.colorSquareBrackets" true]
;;["swackets.colorParens" true]
;;["one-dark-ui.tabSizing" "Maximum"]
:keybindings {:f {:o {:title "fuzzy-finder"
:action "fuzzy-finder:toggle-file-finder"}}
:r {:category "REPL"
:e {:title "Eval Top Block"
:action "proto-repl:execute-top-block"}
:b {:title "Eval Current Block"
:action "proto-repl:execute-block"}
:c {:title "nREPL Connect"
:action "proto-repl:remote-nrepl-connection"}
:d {:title "Print var docs"
:action "proto-repl:print-var-documentation"}
:k {:title "Clear REPL"
:action "proto-repl:clear-repl"}
:I {:title "Interupt"
:action "proto-repl:interrupt"}
:o {:title "Open file containg var"
:action "proto-repl:open-file-containing-var"}}}
;; Want some custom behavior inside a certain window?
:keymaps []
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