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Created September 8, 2021 01:24
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Bible books with their abbreviations
$bible_books = array(
'Genesis' => array(
'Exodus' => array(
'Leviticus' => array(
'Numbers' => array(
'Deuteronomy' => array(
'Joshua' => array(
'Judges' => array(
'Ruth' => array(
'1 Samuel' => array(
'1 Sam',
'1 Sa',
'1 S',
'1 Sm',
'2 Samuel' => array(
'2 Sam',
'2 Sa',
'2 S',
'2 Sm',
'1 Kings' => array(
'1 Ki',
'1 Kgs',
'2 Kings' => array(
'2 Ki',
'2 Kgs',
'1 Chronicles' => array(
'1 Chr',
'1 Ch',
'1 Chron',
'2 Chronicles' => array(
'2 Chr',
'2 Ch',
'2 Chron',
'Ezra' => array(
'1 Ezr',
'Nehemiah' => array(
'2 Ezr',
'Esther' => array(
'Job' => array(
'Psalms' => array(
'Proverbs' => array(
'Ecclesiastes' => array(
'Song of Solomon' => array(
'Isaiah' => array(
'Jeremiah' => array(
'Lamentations' => array(
'Ezekiel' => array(
'Daniel' => array(
'Hosea' => array(
'Joel' => array(
'Amos' => array(
'Obadiah' => array(
'Jonah' => array(
'Micah' => array(
'Nahum' => array(
'Habakkuk' => array(
'Zephaniah' => array(
'Haggai' => array(
'Zechariah' => array(
'Malachi' => array(
'Matthew' => array(
'Mark' => array(
'Luke' => array(
'John' => array(
'Acts' => array(
'Romans' => array(
'1 Corinthians' => array(
'1 Cor',
'1 Co',
'1 K',
'2 Corinthians' => array(
'2 Cor',
'2 Co',
'2 K',
'Galatians' => array(
'Ephesians' => array(
'Philippians' => array(
'Colossians' => array(
'1 Thessalonians' => array(
'1 Th',
'1 Thess',
'1 Thes',
'2 Thessalonians' => array(
'2 Th',
'2 Thess',
'2 Thes',
'1 Timothy' => array(
'1 Tim',
'1 Ti',
'1 T',
'1 Tm',
'2 Timothy' => array(
'2 Tim',
'2 Ti',
'2 T',
'2 Tm',
'Titus' => array(
'Philemon' => array(
'Hebrews' => array(
'James' => array(
'1 Peter' => array(
'1 Pet',
'1 Pt',
'1 P',
'1 Pe',
'2 Peter' => array(
'2 Pet',
'2 Pt',
'2 P',
'2 Pe',
'1 John' => array(
'1 Jn',
'1 Jo',
'1 J',
'2 John' => array(
'2 Jn',
'2 Jo',
'2 J',
'3 John' => array(
'3 Jn',
'3 Jo',
'3 J',
'Jude' => array(
'Revelation' => array(
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bookchiq commented Sep 8, 2021

The same list arranged differently:


$bible_books = array(
	'Gen'       => 'Genesis',
	'Gn'        => 'Genesis',
	'Ge'        => 'Genesis',
	'Exo'       => 'Exodus',
	'Ex'        => 'Exodus',
	'Exod'      => 'Exodus',
	'Lev'       => 'Leviticus',
	'Lv'        => 'Leviticus',
	'Num'       => 'Numbers',
	'Nm'        => 'Numbers',
	'Nu'        => 'Numbers',
	'Deu'       => 'Deuteronomy',
	'Dt'        => 'Deuteronomy',
	'Deut'      => 'Deuteronomy',
	'Jos'       => 'Joshua',
	'Josh'      => 'Joshua',
	'Jdg'       => 'Judges',
	'Judg'      => 'Judges',
	'Rth'       => 'Ruth',
	'Rt'        => 'Ruth',
	'Rut'       => 'Ruth',
	'Ru'        => 'Ruth',
	'1 Sam'     => '1 Samuel',
	'1Sam'      => '1 Samuel',
	'1 Sa'      => '1 Samuel',
	'1Sa'       => '1 Samuel',
	'1 S'       => '1 Samuel',
	'1S'        => '1 Samuel',
	'1 Sm'      => '1 Samuel',
	'1Sm'       => '1 Samuel',
	'2 Sam'     => '2 Samuel',
	'2Sam'      => '2 Samuel',
	'2 Sa'      => '2 Samuel',
	'2Sa'       => '2 Samuel',
	'2 S'       => '2 Samuel',
	'2S'        => '2 Samuel',
	'2 Sm'      => '2 Samuel',
	'2Sm'       => '2 Samuel',
	'1 Ki'      => '1 Kings',
	'1Ki'       => '1 Kings',
	'1 Kgs'     => '1 Kings',
	'1Kgs'      => '1 Kings',
	'2 Ki'      => '2 Kings',
	'2Ki'       => '2 Kings',
	'2 Kgs'     => '2 Kings',
	'2Kgs'      => '2 Kings',
	'1 Chr'     => '1 Chronicles',
	'1Chr'      => '1 Chronicles',
	'1 Ch'      => '1 Chronicles',
	'1Ch'       => '1 Chronicles',
	'1 Chron'   => '1 Chronicles',
	'1Chron'    => '1 Chronicles',
	'2 Chr'     => '2 Chronicles',
	'2Chr'      => '2 Chronicles',
	'2 Ch'      => '2 Chronicles',
	'2Ch'       => '2 Chronicles',
	'2 Chron'   => '2 Chronicles',
	'2Chron'    => '2 Chronicles',
	'Ezr'       => 'Ezra',
	'Esr'       => 'Ezra',
	'1 Ezr'     => 'Ezra',
	'1Ezr'      => 'Ezra',
	'Neh'       => 'Nehemiah',
	'Ne'        => 'Nehemiah',
	'2 Ezr'     => 'Nehemiah',
	'2Ezr'      => 'Nehemiah',
	'Est'       => 'Esther',
	'Esth'      => 'Esther',
	'Job'       => 'Job',
	'Jb'        => 'Job',
	'Psa'       => 'Psalms',
	'Ps'        => 'Psalms',
	'Psalm'     => 'Psalms',
	'Pro'       => 'Proverbs',
	'Pr'        => 'Proverbs',
	'Prov'      => 'Proverbs',
	'Prv'       => 'Proverbs',
	'Ecc'       => 'Ecclesiastes',
	'Ec'        => 'Ecclesiastes',
	'Eccl'      => 'Ecclesiastes',
	'Sng'       => 'Song of Solomon',
	'Song'      => 'Song of Solomon',
	'Canticles' => 'Song of Solomon',
	'Cant'      => 'Song of Solomon',
	'Isa'       => 'Isaiah',
	'Is'        => 'Isaiah',
	'Jer'       => 'Jeremiah',
	'Jr'        => 'Jeremiah',
	'Lam'       => 'Lamentations',
	'La'        => 'Lamentations',
	'Lm'        => 'Lamentations',
	'Ezk'       => 'Ezekiel',
	'Ez'        => 'Ezekiel',
	'Ezek'      => 'Ezekiel',
	'Eze'       => 'Ezekiel',
	'Dan'       => 'Daniel',
	'Da'        => 'Daniel',
	'Dn'        => 'Daniel',
	'Hos'       => 'Hosea',
	'Ho'        => 'Hosea',
	'Jol'       => 'Joel',
	'Jl'        => 'Joel',
	'Amo'       => 'Amos',
	'Am'        => 'Amos',
	'Oba'       => 'Obadiah',
	'Ob'        => 'Obadiah',
	'Obad'      => 'Obadiah',
	'Obd'       => 'Obadiah',
	'Jon'       => 'Jonah',
	'Jnh'       => 'Jonah',
	'Mic'       => 'Micah',
	'Mi'        => 'Micah',
	'Mch'       => 'Micah',
	'Nah'       => 'Nahum',
	'Na'        => 'Nahum',
	'Nam'       => 'Nahum',
	'Hab'       => 'Habakkuk',
	'Ha'        => 'Habakkuk',
	'Zeph'      => 'Zephaniah',
	'Zep'       => 'Zephaniah',
	'Hag'       => 'Haggai',
	'Hagg'      => 'Haggai',
	'Zech'      => 'Zechariah',
	'Zec'       => 'Zechariah',
	'Zch'       => 'Zechariah',
	'Mal'       => 'Malachi',
	'Ml'        => 'Malachi',
	'Mt'        => 'Matthew',
	'Mat'       => 'Matthew',
	'Matt'      => 'Matthew',
	'Mk'        => 'Mark',
	'Mr'        => 'Mark',
	'Mrk'       => 'Mark',
	'Lk'        => 'Luke',
	'Luk'       => 'Luke',
	'L'         => 'Luke',
	'Lu'        => 'Luke',
	'Jn'        => 'John',
	'Jhn'       => 'John',
	'J'         => 'John',
	'Joh'       => 'John',
	'Act'       => 'Acts',
	'Ac'        => 'Acts',
	'Rom'       => 'Romans',
	'Ro'        => 'Romans',
	'R'         => 'Romans',
	'Rm'        => 'Romans',
	'1 Cor'     => '1 Corinthians',
	'1Cor'      => '1 Corinthians',
	'1 Co'      => '1 Corinthians',
	'1Co'       => '1 Corinthians',
	'1 K'       => '1 Corinthians',
	'1K'        => '1 Corinthians',
	'2 Cor'     => '2 Corinthians',
	'2Cor'      => '2 Corinthians',
	'2 Co'      => '2 Corinthians',
	'2Co'       => '2 Corinthians',
	'2 K'       => '2 Corinthians',
	'2K'        => '2 Corinthians',
	'Gal'       => 'Galatians',
	'Ga'        => 'Galatians',
	'G'         => 'Galatians',
	'Eph'       => 'Ephesians',
	'Ep'        => 'Ephesians',
	'E'         => 'Ephesians',
	'Phil'      => 'Philippians',
	'Php'       => 'Philippians',
	'Ph'        => 'Philippians',
	'Phili'     => 'Philippians',
	'Col'       => 'Colossians',
	'1 Th'      => '1 Thessalonians',
	'1Th'       => '1 Thessalonians',
	'1 Thess'   => '1 Thessalonians',
	'1Thess'    => '1 Thessalonians',
	'1 Thes'    => '1 Thessalonians',
	'1Thes'     => '1 Thessalonians',
	'2 Th'      => '2 Thessalonians',
	'2Th'       => '2 Thessalonians',
	'2 Thess'   => '2 Thessalonians',
	'2Thess'    => '2 Thessalonians',
	'2 Thes'    => '2 Thessalonians',
	'2Thes'     => '2 Thessalonians',
	'1 Tim'     => '1 Timothy',
	'1Tim'      => '1 Timothy',
	'1 Ti'      => '1 Timothy',
	'1Ti'       => '1 Timothy',
	'1 T'       => '1 Timothy',
	'1T'        => '1 Timothy',
	'1 Tm'      => '1 Timothy',
	'1Tm'       => '1 Timothy',
	'2 Tim'     => '2 Timothy',
	'2Tim'      => '2 Timothy',
	'2 Ti'      => '2 Timothy',
	'2Ti'       => '2 Timothy',
	'2 T'       => '2 Timothy',
	'2T'        => '2 Timothy',
	'2 Tm'      => '2 Timothy',
	'2Tm'       => '2 Timothy',
	'Tit'       => 'Titus',
	'Tt'        => 'Titus',
	'Phm'       => 'Philemon',
	'Phlm'      => 'Philemon',
	'Philem'    => 'Philemon',
	'Phile'     => 'Philemon',
	'Heb'       => 'Hebrews',
	'Hebr'      => 'Hebrews',
	'H'         => 'Hebrews',
	'Hbr'       => 'Hebrews',
	'Jas'       => 'James',
	'Jam'       => 'James',
	'Ja'        => 'James',
	'1 Pet'     => '1 Peter',
	'1Pet'      => '1 Peter',
	'1 Pt'      => '1 Peter',
	'1Pt'       => '1 Peter',
	'1 P'       => '1 Peter',
	'1P'        => '1 Peter',
	'1 Pe'      => '1 Peter',
	'1Pe'       => '1 Peter',
	'2 Pet'     => '2 Peter',
	'2Pet'      => '2 Peter',
	'2 Pt'      => '2 Peter',
	'2Pt'       => '2 Peter',
	'2 P'       => '2 Peter',
	'2P'        => '2 Peter',
	'2 Pe'      => '2 Peter',
	'2Pe'       => '2 Peter',
	'1 Jn'      => '1 John',
	'1Jn'       => '1 John',
	'1 Jo'      => '1 John',
	'1Jo'       => '1 John',
	'1 J'       => '1 John',
	'1J'        => '1 John',
	'2 Jn'      => '2 John',
	'2Jn'       => '2 John',
	'2 Jo'      => '2 John',
	'2Jo'       => '2 John',
	'2 J'       => '2 John',
	'2J'        => '2 John',
	'3 Jn'      => '3 John',
	'3Jn'       => '3 John',
	'3 Jo'      => '3 John',
	'3Jo'       => '3 John',
	'3 J'       => '3 John',
	'3J'        => '3 John',
	'Jud'       => 'Jude',
	'Jd'        => 'Jude',
	'Rev'       => 'Revelation',

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bookchiq commented Sep 8, 2021

There are even more over here

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