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Last active June 24, 2020 18:22
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-- Disco.Interactive.Eval (no changes here)
handleCMD :: String -> Disco IErr ()
handleCMD "" = return ()
handleCMD s = do
exts <- use enabledExts
case (parseLine exts s) of
Left msg -> io $ putStrLn msg
Right l -> handleLine l `catchError` (io . print {- XXX pretty-print error -})
handleLine :: REPLExpr -> Disco IErr ()
handleLine (Using e) = enabledExts %= addExtension e
handleLine (Let x t) = handleLet x t
handleLine (TypeCheck t) = handleTypeCheck t >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Eval t) = evalTerm t
handleLine (ShowDefn x) = handleShowDefn x >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Parse t) = iprint $ t
handleLine (Pretty t) = renderDoc (prettyTerm t) >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Ann t) = handleAnn t >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Desugar t) = handleDesugar t >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Compile t) = handleCompile t >>= iputStrLn
handleLine (Import m) = handleImport m
handleLine (Load file) = handleLoad file >> lastFile .= Just file >>return ()
handleLine (Reload) = do
file <- use lastFile
case file of
Nothing -> iputStrLn "No file to reload."
Just f -> handleLoad f >> return()
handleLine (Doc x) = handleDocs x
handleLine Nop = return ()
handleLine Help = handleHelp
handleLine Names = handleNames
-- Disco.Interactive.Parser
data ReplCommandType =
| Dev
| Advanced -- unusued, just a thought
deriving Show
data ReplCommand = ReplCommand
{ name :: String
, shortHelp :: String
, longHelp :: String
, cmdType :: ReplCommandType
, cmdAction :: String -- I think what I want here is a `REPLExpr -> Disco IErr ()`
, cmdParser :: Parser REPLExpr
discoCommands :: [ReplCommand]
discoCommands =
ReplCommand {
name = "help",
shortHelp = "Show help",
longHelp = "Show help",
cmdType = User,
cmdAction = "foo",
cmdParser = return Help
ReplCommand {
name = "type",
shortHelp = "Typecheck a term",
longHelp = "Typecheck a term",
cmdType = User,
cmdAction = "foo", -- REPLExpr -> Disco IErr ()
cmdParser = TypeCheck <$> parseTypeTarget
ReplCommand {
name = "names",
shortHelp = "Show all names in current scope",
longHelp = "Show all names in current scope",
cmdType = User,
cmdAction = "foo",
cmdParser = return Names
ReplCommand {
name = "defn",
shortHelp = "",
longHelp = "",
cmdType = User,
cmdAction = "foo",
cmdParser = ShowDefn <$> (sc *> ident)
parseCommandArgs :: String -> Parser REPLExpr
parseCommandArgs cmd = maybe badCmd snd $ find ((cmd `isPrefixOf`) . fst) parsers
badCmd = fail $ "Command \":" ++ cmd ++ "\" is unrecognized."
parsers = map (\rc -> (name rc, cmdParser rc)) discoCommands
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