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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Auto-email Parser and Replyer
import cStringIO
import json
import re
import sendmail
import subprocess
import string
import sys
from time import sleep
UNDEF_GROUP = "undefined"
def read_group_ids(fname, used_fname):
pattern = "CREATE USER 'group(\d+)' IDENTIFIED BY '(\d+)';"
d = {}
with open(fname) as fp:
for line in fp:
m = re.match(pattern, line)
if m:
d[ int( ] = int(
with open(used_fname) as fp:
used_groups = set([int(line.split(" ")[1].strip()) for line in fp if line.strip()])
for group_id in used_groups:
del d[group_id]
return d
def read_amazon_ids(fname, used_fname):
with open(fname) as fp:
ids = [line.strip() for line in fp]
with open(used_fname) as fp:
used_ids = [line.split(" ")[1].strip() for line in fp if line.strip()]
for id in used_ids:
return ids
def seek_to_group(buf):
text = cStringIO.StringIO(buf)
line = text.readline()
while line:
if line.strip().startswith("group"):
group_num = line.strip()[len("group "):]
if group_num == "" or group_num == "007":
group_num = UNDEF_GROUP
return group_num, text
line = text.readline()
assert False, "Reached end of email without encountering group info"
def extract_num_members(text):
line = text.readline()
while line == "\n":
line = text.readline()
assert line.strip().isdigit(), "Number of group members must be an integer"
return int(line.strip())
def extract_group_info(text, num_members):
group = []
for i in range(num_members):
m = {}
line = text.readline()
while line == "\n":
line = text.readline()
if line == "":
assert False, "Reached end of email without reading all of group info"
m['name'] = line.strip()
assert m['name'] != "", "name for group member %d must not be blank" % (i + 1)
line = text.readline()
while line == "\n":
line = text.readline()
m['student_num'] = line.strip()
if m['student_num'].startswith("#"):
m['student_num'] = m['student_num'][1:]
assert m['student_num'].isdigit(), "student number must be all digits, got %s" % repr(m['student_num'])
line = text.readline()
while line == "\n":
line = text.readline()
m['email'] = line.strip()
if m['email'].endswith("?"):
m['email'] = m['email'][:-1]
assert m['email'] != "", "email for group member %d must not be blank" % (i + 1)
return group
def read_submitted_ids(fname):
with open(fname) as fp:
reg = [line.strip() for line in fp]
return reg
def read_email(email_text):
obj = {}
email_text = string.translate(email_text, None, "[]?*(),!<>&^%%$#+=/\\|{}~`:;'\"_")
print "Message:\n%s\n------------------" % email_text
obj['group_num'], text = seek_to_group(email_text)
obj['num_members'] = extract_num_members(text)
obj['group'] = extract_group_info(text, obj['num_members'])
return obj
def write_student(student_num):
with open("students.txt", "a") as fp:
fp.write("%s\n" % student_num)
def register_group(obj):
group_logins = read_group_ids("groups.txt", "used_groups.txt")
prev_reg = read_submitted_ids("students.txt")
amazon_ids = read_amazon_ids("amazon_ids.txt", "amazon_used.txt")
amazon_mappings = {}
for student in obj['group']:
if student['student_num'] in prev_reg:
assert False, "Student number %s already registered for an Amazon key" % student['student_num']
amazon_mappings[student['student_num']] = amazon_ids.pop()
if obj['group_num'] == UNDEF_GROUP or obj['group_num'] not in group_logins:
obj['group_num'] = max(group_logins.keys())
obj['group_num'] = int(obj['group_num'])
assert obj['group_num'] in group_logins, "Group number is invalid"
database_pwd = group_logins[obj['group_num']]
for student_num, aws_key in amazon_mappings.iteritems():
# write that these are now used
write_used_amazon_key(student_num, aws_key)
return amazon_mappings, database_pwd
def write_used_amazon_key(student_num, aws_key):
with open("amazon_used.txt", "a") as fp:
fp.write("%s %s\n" % (student_num, aws_key))
def write_used_group(obj):
with open("used_groups.txt", "a") as fp:
for student in obj['group']:
fp.write("%s %s\n" % (student['student_num'], obj['group_num']))
def respond_to_email(obj, amazon_mappings, database_pwd):
emails = {}
for student in obj['group']:
email_content = """
Dear %(name)s,
your group number is %(group_num)d.
Your group login for the database is:
username: group%(group_num)d
password: %(database_pwd)s
Your *individual* AWS coupon code is %(amazon_code)s
The database is located at
Good luck!
Daniel Kats's auto-mailing bot
""" % ({
"name": student['name'],
"group_num": obj['group_num'],
"database_pwd": database_pwd,
"amazon_code": amazon_mappings[student['student_num']]
emails[student['email']] = email_content
return emails
def main(content, author):
obj = read_email(content)
amazon_mappings, database_pwd = register_group(obj)
emails = respond_to_email(obj, amazon_mappings, database_pwd)
for addr, email in emails.iteritems():
print addr
print email
confirm = raw_input("ok to send? ")
if confirm == "y":
print "sending"
sendmail.send_mail(addr, "RE: ECE1779 A1 Registration", email)
print "abort"
except AssertionError as e:
print "Error: %s" % e
confirm = raw_input("OK to send error message to %s? " % author)
if confirm == "y":
content = """
Dear student,
There is an error somewhere in your email. When parsing, got the following error:
Error: %(error)s
Please correct this and send another email. See for reference.
Good luck!
Daniel Kats's auto-mailing bot""" % ({"error": str(e)})
sendmail.send_mail(author, "RE: ECE1779 A1 Registration", content)
print "aborting"
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True:
new_mail_content_list = sendmail.get_new_mail()
if new_mail_content_list != []:["say", "you have new mail from students"])
for email in new_mail_content_list:
print "new mail from %s!" % email['from']
main(email['message'], email['from'])
import smtplib
import email
import imaplib
import datetime
fromaddr = ""
username = ""
# app-specific password
password = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
class static:
def read_last_message_id():
with open("last_message_id.txt") as fp:
static.LAST_MESSAGE_ID = int(
def write_last_message_id():
with open("last_message_id.txt", "w") as fp:
fp.write("%d\n" % static.LAST_MESSAGE_ID)
def get_new_mail():
M = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL("")
M.login(username, password)
rv, mailboxes = M.list()"ECE1779 A1 Registration")
rv, data =, "ALL")
if rv != "OK":
print "no messages"
return []
print "fetched messages, checking for new emails from students..."
#now =
msg_list = []
for num in data[0].split():
rv, data = M.fetch(num, "(RFC822)")
msg = email.message_from_string(data[0][1])
date_tuple = email.utils.parsedate_tz(msg['Date'])
timestamp = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
if int(num) > static.LAST_MESSAGE_ID:
#print repr(num)
if msg['Subject'] != "ECE1779 A1 Registration":
print "ignoring email with bad subject: %s" % msg['Subject']
static.LAST_MESSAGE_ID = int(num)
obj = {
"from": email.utils.parseaddr(msg['From'])[1],
"message": msg.get_payload()
if type(obj["message"]) == list:
msg_text = "\n".join([item.get_payload() for item in obj["message"]])
obj["message"] = msg_text
# update last message ID
static.LAST_MESSAGE_ID = int(num)
return msg_list
def send_mail(toaddr, subject, content):
msg = "\r\n".join([
"From: %s" % fromaddr,
"To: %s" % toaddr,
"Subject: %s" % subject,
server = smtplib.SMTP("")
server.login(username, password)
server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, msg)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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