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Last active August 15, 2017 14:12
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OpenVPN Dynamic DNS with Amazon Route53


This script is used to automatically update an AWS Route 53 zone as soon as a client connects to VPN. I needed this for a large number of IoT microcontroller boards (think Beagle board or Raspberry Pi). The devices would VPN into the network and I needed to access them based on their hostname.

This assumes you have a working OpenVPN server running. This script is called by OpenVPN's 'learn-address'. OpenVPN will pass 3 arguments like so:

[operation] [ip address] [common name]
update vpn_client_hostname


Install Ruby and Files

I know that your package provider is probably giving an old version of Ruby (ex: 1.9), but it's fine. The script will still work. Using something like RVM is problematic.

apt-get install ruby
gem install aws-sdk

# Place your aws_config.yml and learn_address_route_53.rb in /etc/openvpn/
chmod +x /etc/openvpn/learn_address_route_53.rb

Edit learn script

Edit learn_address_route_53.rb with your:

  • Hosted Zone ID (@zone_id). You can get this info from the Route 53 web console.
  • Your domain name (@domain).

Edit OpenVPN conf

Add these 2 lines to the bottom of your OpenVPN server.conf:

script-security 3 system
learn-address /etc/openvpn/learn_address_route_53.rb

Make sure your openvpn server.conf is not set to user 'nobody:nobody'. It will have issues reading the learn_address script and aws_config file.


You can manually test the ruby script by running the following:

/etc/openvpn/learn_address_route_53.rb update test-hostname

You can see that OpenVPN is successfully passing info to the learn script by checking the logs:

tail -f /var/log/syslog

Example of a successful 'learn-address'

Feb  9 20:01:15 vpn ovpn-server[15866]: jacob/73.x.x.x:7708 MULTI_sva: pool returned IPv4=, IPv6=(Not enabled)
Feb  9 20:01:15 vpn ovpn-server[15866]: jacob/73.x.x.x:7708 MULTI: Learn: -> jacob/73.x.x.x:7708
Feb  9 20:01:15 vpn ovpn-server[15866]: jacob/73.x.x.x:7708 MULTI: primary virtual IP for jacob/73.x.x.x:7708:

Further Reading

Special thanks goes to the following resources:

access_key_id: XXXXXXX
secret_access_key: XXXXXXX
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'yaml'
require 'aws-sdk'
def load_configuration
# load AWS credentials from disk
creds = YAML.load('/etc/openvpn/aws_config.yml'))
@route53 =
region: "us-east-1",
access_key_id: creds['access_key_id'],
secret_access_key: creds['secret_access_key']
# Hosted Zone ID for You can get this info from the web console
@zone_id = "ZXXXXXXXXXX"
@domain = ""
def learn_address
if ARGV.size < 3
abort "USAGE: #{$0} (add|update|delete) ADDRESS CN"
operation, @ip_address, @common_name = ARGV
case operation
when "add", "update"
abort "Unknown or uneeded operation #{operation}"
def create_or_update_dns_record
resp = @route53.change_resource_record_sets({
:hosted_zone_id => @zone_id,
:change_batch => {
:comment => "update VPN client",
:changes => [{
:action => "UPSERT", # UPSERT will update a record or create it if it doesn't exist
:resource_record_set => {
:name => "#{@common_name}.#{@domain}",
:type => "A",
:ttl => 300,
:resource_records => [{
:value => @ip_address
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