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Created August 30, 2016 11:23
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Transform babel-minify tests
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require("fs");
const minimist = require("minimist");
const transform = require("./index");
module.exports = run;
if (require.main === module) {
function run(rawArgv) {
const argv = minimist(rawArgv);
for (let i = 0; i < argv._.length; i++) {
const file = argv._[i];
console.log("transforming", file);
const contents = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
const output = transform(contents).code;
fs.writeFileSync(file, output);
const recast = require("recast");
const t = recast.types.namedTypes;
const b =;
module.exports = transform;
function transform(input) {
const ast = recast.parse(input);
const removeIds = [];
recast.visit(ast, {
visitVariableDeclaration(path) {
const node = path.value;
if (
node.declarations.length === 1
&& t.Identifier.check(node.declarations[0].id)
) {
const decl = node.declarations[0];
if ( === "expected") {
return null;
if ( === "source") {
if (
&& t.Identifier.check(decl.init.callee)
&& === "unpad"
) {
decl.init = decl.init.arguments[0];
return false;
visitCallExpression(path) {
const node = path.value;
if (isExpect(node)) { = "toMatchSnapshot";
node.arguments = [];
return node;
return recast.print(ast);
function isExpect(node) {
return t.MemberExpression.check(node.callee) // expect().toBe
&& t.CallExpression.check(node.callee.object) // expect()
&& t.Identifier.check(node.callee.object.callee) // expect
&& === "expect" // expect
&& t.Identifier.check( // toBe
&&"to") === 0; // toBe
"dependencies": {
"minimist": "^1.2.0",
"recast": "^0.11.11"
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